472 research outputs found

    On the Heterotic World-sheet Instanton Superpotential and its individual Contributions

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    For supersymmetric heterotic string compactifications on a Calabi-Yau threefold XX endowed with a vector bundle VV the world-sheet superpotential WW is a sum of contributions from isolated rational curves \C in XX; the individual contribution is given by an exponential in the K\"ahler class of the curve times a prefactor given essentially by the Pfaffian which depends on the moduli of VV and the complex structure moduli of XX. Solutions of DW=0DW=0 (or even of DW=W=0DW=W=0) can arise either by nontrivial cancellations between the individual terms in the summation over all contributing curves or because each of these terms is zero already individually. Concerning the latter case conditions on the moduli making a single Pfaffian vanish (for special moduli values) have been investigated. However, even if corresponding moduli - fulfilling these constraints - for the individual contribution of one curve are known it is not at all clear whether {\em one} choice of moduli exists which fulfills the corresponding constraints {\em for all contributing curves simultaneously}. Clearly this will in general happen only if the conditions on the 'individual zeroes' had already a conceptual origin which allows them to fit together consistently. We show that this happens for a class of cases. In the special case of spectral cover bundles we show that a relevant solution set has an interesting location in moduli space and is related to transitions which change the generation number.Comment: 47 page

    Perspectives on Pfaffians of Heterotic World-sheet Instantons

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    To fix the bundle moduli of a heterotic compactification one has to understand the Pfaffian one-loop prefactor of the classical instanton contribution. For compactifications on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau spaces X this can be made explicit for spectral bundles and world-sheet instantons supported on rational base curves b: one can express the Pfaffian in a closed algebraic form as a polynomial, or it may be understood as a theta-function expression. We elucidate the connection between these two points of view via the respective perception of the relevant spectral curve, related to its extrinsic geometry in the ambient space (the elliptic surface in X over b) or to its intrinsic geometry as abstract Riemann surface. We identify, within a conceptual description, general vanishing loci of the Pfaffian, and derive bounds on the vanishing order, relevant to solutions of W=dW=0.Comment: 40 pages; minor changes, discussion section 1.1 adde

    A Class of N=1 Dual String Pairs and its Modular Superpotential

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    We compare the N=1 F-theory compactification of Donagi, Grassi and Witten with modular superpotential - and some closely related models - to dual heterotic models. We read of the F-theory spectrum from the cohomology of the fourfold and discuss on the heterotic side the gauge bundle moduli sector (including the spectral surface) and the necessary fivebranes. Then we consider the N=1 superpotential and show how a heterotic superpotential matching the F-theory computation is built up by worldsheet instantons. Finally we discuss how the original modular superpotential should be corrected by an additional modular correction factor, which on the F-theory side matches nicely with a `curve counting function' for the del Pezzo surface. On the heterotic side we derive the same factor demanding correct T-duality transformation properties of the superpotential.Comment: 18 pages, Late

    Redundancy reduction in 3D facial motion capture data for animation

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    Research on the perception of dynamic faces often requires real-time animations with low latency. With an adaptation of principal feature analysis [Cohen et al. 2002], we can reduce the number of facial motion capture markers by 50, while retaining the overall animation quality

    Superpotentials for M-theory on a G_2 holonomy manifold and Triality symmetry

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    For MM-theory on the G2G_2 holonomy manifold given by the cone on {\bf S^3}\x {\bf S^3} we consider the superpotential generated by membrane instantons and study its transformations properties, especially under monodromy transformations and triality symmetry. We find that the latter symmetry is, essentially, even a symmetry of the superpotential. As in Seiberg/Witten theory, where a flat bundle given by the periods of an universal elliptic curve over the uu-plane occurs, here a flat bundle related to the Heisenberg group appears and the relevant universal object over the moduli space is related to hyperbolic geometry.Comment: 58 pages, latex; references adde

    Constraining the Kahler Moduli in the Heterotic Standard Model

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    Phenomenological implications of the volume of the Calabi-Yau threefolds on the hidden and observable M-theory boundaries, together with slope stability of their corresponding vector bundles, constrain the set of Kaehler moduli which give rise to realistic compactifications of the strongly coupled heterotic string. When vector bundles are constructed using extensions, we provide simple rules to determine lower and upper bounds to the region of the Kaehler moduli space where such compactifications can exist. We show how small these regions can be, working out in full detail the case of the recently proposed Heterotic Standard Model. More explicitely, we exhibit Kaehler classes in these regions for which the visible vector bundle is stable. On the other hand, there is no polarization for which the hidden bundle is stable.Comment: 28 pages, harvmac. Exposition improved, references and one figure added, minor correction

    Medial Features for Superpixel Segmentation

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    Image segmentation plays an important role in computer vision and human scene perception. Image oversegmentation is a common technique to overcome the problem of managing the high number of pixels and the reasoning among them. Specifically, a local and coherent cluster that contains a statistically homogeneous region is denoted as a superpixel. In this paper we propose a novel algorithm that segments an image into superpixels employing a new kind of shape centered feature which serve as a seed points for image segmentation, based on Gradient Vector Flow fields (GVF) [14]. The features are located at image locations with salient symmetry. We compare our algorithm to state-of-the-art superpixel algorithms and demonstrate a performance increase on the standard Berkeley Segmentation Dataset

    Fluxes in M-theory on 7-manifolds and G structures

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    We consider warp compactifications of M-theory on 7-manifolds in the presence of 4-form fluxes and investigate the constraints imposed by supersymmetry. As long as the 7-manifold supports only one Killing spinor we infer from the Killing spinor equations that non-trivial 4-form fluxes will necessarily curve the external 4-dimensional space. On the other hand, if the 7-manifold has at least two Killing spinors, there is a non-trivial Killing vector yielding a reduction of the 7-manifold to a 6-manifold and we confirm that 4-form fluxes can be incorporated if one includes non-trivial SU(3) structures.Comment: 13 pages, Latex; minor changes & add reference

    G_2 Domain Walls in M-theory

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    M-theory is considered in its low-energy limit on a G_2 manifold with non-vanishing flux. Using the Killing spinor equations for linear flux, an explicit set of first-order bosonic equations for supersymmetric solutions is found. These solutions describe a warped product of a domain wall in four-dimensional space-time and a deformed G_2 manifold. It is shown how these domain walls arise from the perspective of the associated four-dimensional N=1 effective supergravity theories. We also discuss the inclusion of membrane and M5-brane sources.Comment: 30 pages, Late

    Type IIB Theory on Half-flat Manifolds

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    In this note we derive the low-energy effective action of type IIB theory compactified on half-flat manifolds and we show that this precisely coincides with the low-energy effective action of type IIA theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau manifold in the presence of NS three-form fluxes. We provide in this way a further check of the recently formulated conjecture that half-flat manifolds appear as mirror partners of Calabi-Yau manifolds when NS fluxes are turned on.Comment: 15 pages, no figure
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