5,078 research outputs found

    On the existence of Stone-Cech compactification

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    In [G. Curi, "Exact approximations to Stone-Cech compactification'', Ann. Pure Appl. Logic, 146, 2-3, 2007, pp. 103-123] a characterization is obtained of the locales of which the Stone-Cech compactification can be defined in constructive type theory CTT, and in the formal system CZF+uREA+DC, a natural extension of Aczel's system for constructive set theory CZF by a strengthening of the Regular Extension Axiom REA and the principle of dependent choice. In this paper I show that this characterization continues to hold over the standard system CZF plus REA, thus removing in particular any dependency from a choice principle. This will follow by a result of independent interest, namely the proof that the class of continuous mappings from a compact regular locale X to a regular a set-presented locale Y is a set in CZF, even without REA. It is then shown that the existence of Stone-Cech compactification of a non-degenerate Boolean locale is independent of the axioms of CZF (+REA), so that the obtained characterization characterizes a proper subcollection of the collection of all locales. The same also holds for several, even impredicative, extensions of CZF+REA, as well as for CTT. This is in contrast with what happens in the context of Higher-order Heyting arithmetic HHA - and thus in any topos-theoretic universe: by constructions of Johnstone, Banaschewski and Mulvey, within HHA Stone-Cech compactification can be defined for every locale

    On Tarski's fixed point theorem

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    A concept of abstract inductive definition on a complete lattice is formulated and studied. As an application, a constructive and predicative version of Tarski's fixed point theorem is obtained.Comment: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., to appea

    Is Telecommunications Productivity Characterized by Steady State Conditions? Some Empirical Evidence for 13 OECD Countries

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    This paper studies the convergence process, or lack thereof, of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) for a panel of 13 OECD countries over the period 1979-2007, adding breadth and depth to the convergence debate in the telecommunications industry. TFP growth is examined through the Malmquist Index and decomposed in its main determinates. Absolute and conditional convergences are estimated. Fixed-effects estimates across countries convert the cross-section test of absolute convergence into a pooled test of conditional convergence. Our findings show a growth in TFP, mainly driven by technological process. It is boosted by an increase in production possibilities and lack of bias in input utilization. Inefficiency in scale is found. Convergence tests do not suggest support in favor of absolute convergence but do exhibit evidence of conditional convergenceTotal Factor Productivity (TFP), Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), conditional b-convergence; Fixed Effects Model.

    Repercussões psicológicas relacionadas ao tratamento de braquiterapia em mulheres com câncer ginecológico: análise da produção de 1987 a 2007

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    One of the radiotherapeutic modalities for gynecological cancer treatment is brachytherapy, characterized by the placement of radioactive materials near the tumor. This treatment can bring side effects for patients. Due to the emotional issues involved, the objective of this research was to apprehend studies about psychological repercussions related to brachytherapy treatment in women with gynecological cancer, through a literature review. The results revealed an embryionic production, with only one study produced in Brazil. A higher concentration of studies was found in the Nursing area. Research focused on psychosocial repercussions, attempting to understand the patients' experiences before, during and after treatment, evidencing physical and psychological consequences that affect their quality of life. It is important to consider the expansion of this production through psychological research that furthers the comprehension about the experience of women submitted to brachytherapy.Una de las modalidades de radioterapia para el tratamiento del cáncer ginecológico es la braquiterapia, caracterizada por la colocación de materiales radioactivos junto al tumor. Esta terapéutica puede traer efectos colaterales a los pacientes. Pensando en las cuestiones emocionales, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo, a través de la revisión de la literatura, revisar los estudios que se refiriesen a las repercusiones psicológicas relacionadas al tratamiento de braquiterapia en mujeres con cáncer ginecológico. Los resultados revelaron una producción embrionaria, con apenas un trabajo producido en Brasil. Hubo una mayor concentración de estudios en el área de Enfermería. Los trabajos se centraron en las repercusiones psicosociales, buscando comprender la experiencia de las pacientes antes, durante, y después del término de la aplicación del tratamiento, lo que colocó en evidencia consecuencias físicas y psicológicas que afectan la calidad de vida. Es importante pensar en un incremento de esta producción con investigaciones psicológicas que profundicen la comprensión de la vivencia de mujeres sometidas a la braquiterapia.Uma das modalidades radioterápicas para tratamento do câncer ginecológico é a braquiterapia, caracterizada pela colocação de materiais radioativos junto ao tumor. Essa terapêutica pode trazer efeitos colaterais às pacientes. Pensando nas questões emocionais, este trabalho objetivou, através de revisão de literatura, apreender estudos que se referissem a repercussões psicológicas relacionadas ao tratamento de braquiterapia em mulheres com câncer ginecológico. Os resultados revelaram produção embrionária, com apenas um trabalho produzido no Brasil. Houve maior concentração de estudos na área de enfermagem. Os trabalhos centraram-se nas repercussões psicossociais, buscando compreender a experiência das pacientes antes da aplicação, durante essa, e após o término do tratamento, evidenciando conseqüências físicas e psicológicas afetando a qualidade de vida. É importante pensar no incremento dessa produção com pesquisas psicológicas que aprofundem a compreensão da vivência de mulheres submetidas à braquiterapia

    Formación de profesores que enseñan matemáticas: investigación colaborativa, producción y socialización de saberes

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    Este artículo reflexiona acerca de la formación del profesor que enseña Matemáticas en la educación primaria. Este profesional, con formación multidisciplinaria, se encuentra en un momento en el que documentos oficiales se orientan hacia nuevas perspectivas para la formación de profesores en Brasil y destacan la importancia de profundizar los conocimientos sobre los objetos de enseñanza. Como la nueva legislación brasileña tiende hacia la formación de profesores multidisciplinares en nivel superior, la Secretaría del Estado de Educación de São Paulo realizó una experiencia innovadora, un curso superior destinado a profesores que ejercen su profesión, con el propósito de complementar la calificación profesional y profundizar estudios relacionados a áreas curriculares en una estrecha relación de teoría y práctica, aunque existan problemas en relación con la formación de esos profesores que se evidencian en evaluaciones externas, principalmente con relación a la formación matemática proporcionada por ese curso superior en la práctica profesional de esos profesores. Nuestra investigación se enfoca en el impacto de la formación matemática proporcionada por ese curso superior en la práctica profesional de esos profesores

    Development of bixin formulations. Extraction, microencapsulation, dispersibility and photostability

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    The aril that covers the seeds of the plant species Bixa orellana is composed of the natural colorants bixin and norbixin, phenolic components and native carbohydrates composed of hemicellulose, starch, and a small fraction of proteins. Bixin is a hydrophobic carotenoid that is water insoluble and is mostly used for coloring oil-based formulations. This thesis presents the development of different bixin formulations to be used as coloring agents in aqueous continuous-based products. Any colorant formulation needs the colorant to be available and extraction feasible. The first stage of the thesis consisted of the morphological and photochemical characterization of Bixa orellana fruits that were collected from Los Yungas of La Paz, Bolivia at different altitudes. The water content, seed weight, and the amount of bixin, norbixin and native carbohydrates were quantified. The aril of the seeds was extracted using a mild alkaline extraction method to obtain an aqueous-dispersible extract that was directly analyzed by meas of solvent dissolution and further injection into a HPLC or by means of analysis using spectroscopic techniques.In a second stage, the use of the mild alkaline base was used as a method to obtain aqueous dispersions that were mixed with an encapsulating agent. This mixture was spray dried to obtain colorant microcapsules. Micro encapsulation was applied to obtain bixin aqueous-dispersible formulations and offer protection to the colorant against light degradation. The impact of the native carbohydrates was evaluated as an encapsulating agent and as protection against bixin light degradation. The encapsulation efficiency of bixin by different wall materials was compared. Light stability experiments were performed on Bixin microcapsules (powders) and unprotected colorants. The results show that lower sensitivity towards light was obtained for microencapsulated samples. Moreover, light stability of annatto extracts applied to gummy candies was evaluated. The results show faster color decay for samples containing lower colorant concentrations for the same degradation rates. Sensorial analysis showed good acceptability of the color of the candies presented as pictures to the panelists

    Dramaturgies de l’acteur : tirant les fils d’un réseaux épais

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    Dramaturgia de ator é um termo que tenta dar conta do descentramento do discurso textual/verbal para processos de enunciação que emergem das interações complexas do corpo do ator com os demais elementos constitutivos da cena. O artigo lança um olhar sobre possíveis acepções dessa expressão. O texto dedica-se, ainda, a pensar recursos a serem buscados e princípios que podem orientar as práticas de corpos cênicos.Actor’s Dramaturgy is a term that attempts to account for the decentralisation of textual/verbal discourse enunciation processes emerging from complex interactions between the actor’s body and other scenic elements. The article presents an overview of the possible meanings of the term, and also thinks the practices and principles which may guide the research on scenic bodies.Dramaturgie de l’acteur est un terme qui tente de rendre compte du décentrement du discours textuel / verbal qui émerge, dans l’énonciation, des interactions complexes du corps de l’acteur avec d’autres éléments de la scène. L’article se penche sur les acceptions possibles de cette expression. Le texte propose également une réflexion sur les ressources et les principes qui pourraient guider les pratiques des corps scéniques
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