764 research outputs found

    Applications of the overlap formalism to super Yang-Mills theories

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    We show that the idea to use the overlap formalism to formulate 4D N=1 super Yang-Mills theory on the lattice without fine-tuning can be applied to 3D N=1 case as well. Another application we propose is a regularization of the IIB matrix model, which is large N reduced model of 10D N=1 super Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX with espcrc2.sty. Talk presented at Lattice97, Edinburgh, 22-26 July 1997, to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc.Suppl.

    Superfield Approach To Nilpotent Symmetries For QED From A Single Restriction: An Alternative To The Horizontality Condition

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    We derive together the exact local, covariant, continuous and off-shell nilpotent Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) and anti-BRST symmetry transformations for the U(1) gauge field (A_\mu), the (anti-)ghost fields ((\bar C)C) and the Dirac fields (\psi, \bar\psi) of the Lagrangian density of a four (3 + 1)-dimensional QED by exploiting a single restriction on the six (4, 2)-dimensional supermanifold. A set of four even spacetime coordinates x^\mu (\mu = 0, 1, 2, 3) and two odd Grassmannian variables \theta and \bar\theta parametrize this six dimensional supermanifold. The new gauge invariant restriction on the above supermanifold owes its origin to the (super) covariant derivatives and their intimate relations with the (super) 2-form curvatures (\tilde F^{(2)})F^{(2)} constructed with the help of (super) 1-form gauge connections (\tilde A^{(1)})A^{(1)} and (super) exterior derivatives (\tilde d)d. The results obtained separately by exploiting (i) the horizontality condition, and (ii) one of its consistent extensions, are shown to be a simple consequence of this new single restriction on the above supermanifold. Thus, our present endeavour provides an alternative to (and, in some sense, generalization of) the horizontality condition of the usual superfield formalism applied to the derivation of BRST symmetries.Comment: LaTeX file, 15 pages, journal-versio

    Minimal subtraction and the Callan-Symanzik equation

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    The usual proof of renormalizability using the Callan-Symanzik equation makes explicit use of normalization conditions. It is shown that demanding that the renormalization group functions take the form required for minimal subtraction allows one to prove renormalizability using the Callan-Symanzik equation, without imposing normalization conditions. Scalar field theory and quantum electrodynamics are treated.Comment: 6 pages, plain Te

    Interacting Vector-Spinor and Nilpotent Supersymmetry

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    We formulate an interacting theory of a vector-spinor field that gauges anticommuting spinor charges \{Q_\alpha{}^I, Q_\beta{}^J \} = 0 in arbitrary space-time dimensions. The field content of the system is (\psi_\mu{}^{\alpha I}, \chi^{\alpha I J}, A_\mu{}^I), where \psi_\mu{}^{\alpha I} is a vector-spinor in the adjoint representation of an arbitrary gauge group, and A_\mu{}^I is its gauge field, while \chi^{\alpha I J} is an extra spinor with antisymmetric adjoint indices I J. Amazingly, the consistency of the vector-spinor field equation is maintained, despite its non-trivial interactions.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Limits on Lorentz Violation from the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

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    We place several new limits on Lorentz violating effects, which can modify particles' dispersion relations, by considering the highest energy cosmic rays observed. Since these are hadrons, this involves considering the partonic content of such cosmic rays. We get a number of bounds on differences in maximum propagation speeds, which are typically bounded at the 10^{-21} level, and on momentum dependent dispersion corrections of the form v = 1 +- p^2/Lambda^2, which typically bound Lambda > 10^{21} GeV, well above the Planck scale. For (CPT violating) dispersion correction of the form v = 1 + p/Lambda, the bounds are up to 15 orders of magnitude beyond the Planck scale.Comment: 24 pages, no figures. Added references, very slight changes. Version published in Physical Review

    Numerical study of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with gluinos

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    We report on a numerical investigation of the SU(2) gauge theory with gluinos. The low-lying spectrum in bosonic and fermionic channels is determined. Improvements of the multi-bosonic algorithm are discussed.Comment: latex, 3 pages, 4 figures; Poster presented by K. Spanderen at LATTICE9

    Scaling, asymptotic scaling and Symanzik improvement. Deconfinement temperature in SU(2) pure gauge theory

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    We report on a high statistics simulation of SU(2) pure gauge field theory at finite temperature, using Symanzik action. We determine the critical coupling for the deconfinement phase transition on lattices up to 8 x 24, using Finite Size Scaling techniques. We find that the pattern of asymptotic scaling violation is essentially the same as the one observed with conventional, not improved action. On the other hand, the use of effective couplings defined in terms of plaquette expectation values shows a precocious scaling, with respect to an analogous analysis of data obtained by the use of Wilson action, which we interpret as an effect of improvement.Comment: 43 pages ( REVTeX 3.0, self-extracting shell archive, 13 PostScript figs.), report IFUP-TH 21/93 (2 TYPOS IN FORMULAS CORRECTED,1 CITATION UPDATED,CITATIONS IN TEXT ADDED

    Abelian 3-form gauge theory: superfield approach

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    We discuss a D-dimensional Abelian 3-form gauge theory within the framework of Bonora-Tonin's superfield formalism and derive the off-shell nilpotent and absolutely anticommuting Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) and anti-BRST symmetry transformations for this theory. To pay our homage to Victor I. Ogievetsky (1928-1996), who was one of the inventors of Abelian 2-form (antisymmetric tensor) gauge field, we go a step further and discuss the above D-dimensional Abelian 3-form gauge theory within the framework of BRST formalism and establish that the existence of the (anti-)BRST invariant Curci-Ferrari (CF) type of restrictions is the hallmark of any arbitrary p-form gauge theory (discussed within the framework of BRST formalism).Comment: LaTeX file, 8 pages, Talk delivered at BLTP, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russi

    Pré-compostagem de cadáveres de bovinos acometidos pelo botulismo.

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    Foram pré-compostados, em células individuais e isoladas, cinco cadáveres de bovinos acometidos pelo botulismo com a finalidade de monitorar a presença de esporos de Clostridium botulinum e de toxina botulínica antes e após o processo de decomposição em leira estática com fonte de carbono. O diagnóstico da intoxicação nos animais foi baseado nas características clínico-patológicas, epidemiológicas ou laboratoriais. Dos cinco bovinos com evolução clínica crônica de botulismo, cujos cadáveres foram pré-compostados, três foram acometidos pela toxina tipo D, um pelo complexo CD e um dos animais foi negativo na tentativa de detecção da toxina e de esporos da bactéria nas vísceras pelo bioensaio e neutralização em camundongo. O processo de pré-compostagem foi realizado em leira estática, com o uso de material carbonáceo umidificado como substrato e esquartejamento do animal, vedado individualmente com lona plástica e sem aeração por um período de 50 dias. A temperatura das leiras foi monitorada durante o período e oscilou de 40,5-52,4ºC. Após a abertura das leiras, pôde-se constatar a completa decomposição de todo material mole, com redução significativa do seu peso (de 26,5-44,5%), restando apenas os ossos. Não foi detectado esporo ou toxina botulínica no interior dos ossos (n=5 para cada cadáver). Nas 200 amostras examinadas do homogeneizado restante (n=40 para cada cadáver), em apenas duas amostras de uma leira foram detectados esporos de C. botulinum tipo C, enquanto que todas foram negativas para a tentativa de detecção da toxina botulínica pelo bioensaio em camundongo. Da forma como foi avaliado o processo de pré-compostagem de bovinos mortos pela intoxicação botulínica não contribuiu para a proliferação de C. botulinum. Five carcasses of cattle that died from botulism were composted in individual isolated beds with the purpose of monitoring the effect on spores of Clostridium botulinum and of botulinum toxin. The diagnosis of botulinum poisoning was based on clinical and pathological, epidemic and/or laboratorial characteristics. Of the five bovines with clinical signs of chronic botulism, three were affected by the type D toxin, one by the CD complex, and one was negative for toxin and spores of C. botulinum in the viscera using a mouse bioassay. The composting process was carried out in beds with carcasses cut up and mixed with sawdust as a carbon source. They were kept anaerobic under a plastic sheet for 50 days. The temperature of the beds was monitored during the period and oscillated from 40.5 to 52.4ºC. After this time, soft tissue had complete decomposed with a significant loss of weight (26.5-44.5%). The remaining bones no longer contained spores or botulinum toxin in the 5 samples taken from each carcass. Only 2 of the 200 samples of homogenized remaining (40 for each carcass) contained spores of C. botulinum type C. All samples were negative for botulinum toxin using the mouse bioassay. Composting carcasses of cattle that died from botulism eliminated botulinum spores and toxin from the remains

    Numerical simulation of dynamical gluinos: experience with a multi-bosonic algorithm and first results

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    We report on our experience with the two-step multi-bosonic algorithm in a large scale Monte Carlo simulation of the SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with dynamical gluinos. First results are described on the low lying spectrum of bound states, the string tension and the gluino condensate.Comment: LATTICE98(algorithms), latex using espcrc2.sty, 6 pages, 7 figure