834 research outputs found

    Construction of a non-standard quantum field theory through a generalized Heisenberg algebra

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    We construct a Heisenberg-like algebra for the one dimensional quantum free Klein-Gordon equation defined on the interval of the real line of length LL. Using the realization of the ladder operators of this type Heisenberg algebra in terms of physical operators we build a 3+1 dimensional free quantum field theory based on this algebra. We introduce fields written in terms of the ladder operators of this type Heisenberg algebra and a free quantum Hamiltonian in terms of these fields. The mass spectrum of the physical excitations of this quantum field theory are given by n2π2/L2+mq2\sqrt{n^2 \pi^2/L^2+m_q^2}, where n=1,2,...n= 1,2,... denotes the level of the particle with mass mqm_q in an infinite square-well potential of width LL.Comment: Latex, 16 page

    Sensitivity to initial conditions at bifurcations in one-dimensional nonlinear maps: rigorous nonextensive solutions

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    Using the Feigenbaum renormalization group (RG) transformation we work out exactly the dynamics and the sensitivity to initial conditions for unimodal maps of nonlinearity ζ>1\zeta >1 at both their pitchfork and tangent bifurcations. These functions have the form of qq-exponentials as proposed in Tsallis' generalization of statistical mechanics. We determine the qq-indices that characterize these universality classes and perform for the first time the calculation of the qq-generalized Lyapunov coefficient λq\lambda_{q} . The pitchfork and the left-hand side of the tangent bifurcations display weak insensitivity to initial conditions, while the right-hand side of the tangent bifurcations presents a `super-strong' (faster than exponential) sensitivity to initial conditions. We corroborate our analytical results with {\em a priori} numerical calculations.Comment: latex, 4 figures. Updated references and some general presentation improvements. To appear published in Europhysics Letter

    Consequences of the H-Theorem from Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equations

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    A general type of nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation is derived directly from a master equation, by introducing generalized transition rates. The H-theorem is demonstrated for systems that follow those classes of nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations, in the presence of an external potential. For that, a relation involving terms of Fokker-Planck equations and general entropic forms is proposed. It is shown that, at equilibrium, this relation is equivalent to the maximum-entropy principle. Families of Fokker-Planck equations may be related to a single type of entropy, and so, the correspondence between well-known entropic forms and their associated Fokker-Planck equations is explored. It is shown that the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy, apart from its connection with the standard -- linear Fokker-Planck equation -- may be also related to a family of nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    Generalized entropy arising from a distribution of q-indices

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    It is by now well known that the Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) entropy SBG=ki=1WpilnpiS_{BG}=-k\sum_{i=1}^W p_i \ln p_i can be usefully generalized into the entropy Sq=k(1i=1Wpiq)/(q1)S_q=k (1-\sum_{i=1}^Wp_i^{q}) / (q-1) (qR;S1=SBGq\in \mathcal{R}; S_1=S_{BG}). Microscopic dynamics determines, given classes of initial conditions, the occupation of the accessible phase space (or of a symmetry-determined nonzero-measure part of it), which in turn appears to determine the entropic form to be used. This occupation might be a uniform one (the usual {\it equal probability hypothesis} of BG statistical mechanics), which corresponds to q=1q=1; it might be a free-scale occupancy, which appears to correspond to q1q \ne 1. Since occupancies of phase space more complex than these are surely possible in both natural and artificial systems, the task of further generalizing the entropy appears as a desirable one, and has in fact been already undertaken in the literature. To illustrate the approach, we introduce here a quite general entropy based on a distribution of qq-indices thus generalizing SqS_q. We establish some general mathematical properties for the new entropic functional and explore some examples. We also exhibit a procedure for finding, given any entropic functional, the qq-indices distribution that produces it. Finally, on the road to establishing a quite general statistical mechanics, we briefly address possible generalized constraints under which the present entropy could be extremized, in order to produce canonical-ensemble-like stationary-state distributions for Hamiltonian systems.Comment: 14 pages including 3 figure

    Considerações iniciais sobre a agricultura familiar de assentamentos rurais em Corumbá-MS.

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    Considerações sócio-econômicas e ambientais relacionadas ao "arrombados" na planície do rio Taquari, MS.

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    Este documento reúne informações resultantes do subprojeto 1.7 Solução dos problemas relacionados aos "arrombados" da Bacia do rio Taquari inserido nas proposições do Projeto Implementação de Práticas de Gerenciamento Intregrado de Bacias Hidrográficas para o Pantanal e a Bacia do Alto Paraguai (ANA/GEF/PNUMA/OEA) e aborda os elementos de pesquisa de campo desenvolvida inicialmente na periferia das cidades de Corumbá e Ladário (MS) e, em seguida, nas colônias São Domingos e Bracinho, além dos agrupamentos humanos Miquelina, Rio Negro e Cedro, localizados na sub-região de Paiaguás, no Pantanal Sul-Mato-grossense, município de Corumbá, MSbitstream/item/81126/1/DOC67.pd

    Linear instability and statistical laws of physics

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    We show that a meaningful statistical description is possible in conservative and mixing systems with zero Lyapunov exponent in which the dynamical instability is only linear in time. More specifically, (i) the sensitivity to initial conditions is given by ξ=[1+(1q)λqt]1/(1q) \xi =[1+(1-q)\lambda_q t]^{1/(1-q)} with q=0q=0; (ii) the statistical entropy Sq=(1ipiq)/(q1)(S1=ipilnpi)S_q=(1-\sum_i p_i^q)/(q-1) (S_1=-\sum_i p_i \ln p_i) in the infinitely fine graining limit (i.e., WW\equiv {\it number of cells into which the phase space has been partitioned} \to\infty), increases linearly with time only for q=0q=0; (iii) a nontrivial, qq-generalized, Pesin-like identity is satisfied, namely the limtlimWS0(t)/t=max{λ0}\lim_{t \to \infty} \lim_{W \to \infty} S_0(t)/t=\max\{\lambda_0\}. These facts (which are in analogy to the usual behaviour of strongly chaotic systems with q=1q=1), seem to open the door for a statistical description of conservative many-body nonlinear systems whose Lyapunov spectrum vanishes.Comment: 7 pages including 2 figures. The present version is accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter