35 research outputs found

    A new entropy based on a group-theoretical structure

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    A multi-parametric version of the nonadditive entropy SqS_{q} is introduced. This new entropic form, denoted by Sa,b,rS_{a,b,r}, possesses many interesting statistical properties, and it reduces to the entropy SqS_q for b=0b=0, a=r:=1−qa=r:=1-q (hence Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy SBGS_{BG} for b=0b=0, a=r→0a=r \to 0). The construction of the entropy Sa,b,rS_{a,b,r} is based on a general group-theoretical approach recently proposed by one of us \cite{Tempesta2}. Indeed, essentially all the properties of this new entropy are obtained as a consequence of the existence of a rational group law, which expresses the structure of Sa,b,rS_{a,b,r} with respect to the composition of statistically independent subsystems. Depending on the choice of the parameters, the entropy Sa,b,rS_{a,b,r} can be used to cover a wide range of physical situations, in which the measure of the accessible phase space increases say exponentially with the number of particles NN of the system, or even stabilizes, by increasing NN, to a limiting value. This paves the way to the use of this entropy in contexts where a system "freezes" some or many of its degrees of freedom by increasing the number of its constituting particles or subsystems.Comment: 12 pages including 1 figur

    Thermodynamics’ Microscopic Connotations

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    Computation of energy exchanges by combining information theory and a key thermodynamic relation: Physical applications

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    Abstract By considering a simple thermodynamic system, in thermal equilibrium at a temperature T and in the presence of an external parameter A , we focus our attention on the particular thermodynamic (macroscopic) relation d U = T d S + δ W . Using standard axioms from information theory and the fact that the microscopic energy levels depend upon the external parameter A , we show that all usual results of statistical mechanics for reversible processes follow straightforwardly, without invoking the Maximum Entropy principle. For the simple system considered herein, two distinct forms of heat contributions appear naturally in the Clausius definition of entropy, T d S = δ Q ( T ) + δ Q ( A ) = C A ( T ) d T + C T ( A ) d A . We give a special attention to the amount of heat δ Q ( A ) = C T ( A ) d A , associated with an infinitesimal variation d A at fixed temperature, for which a "generalized heat capacity", C T ( A ) = T ( ∂ S / ∂ A ) T , may be defined. The usefulness of these results is illustrated by considering some simple thermodynamic cycles

    Consequences of the H-Theorem from Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equations

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    A general type of nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation is derived directly from a master equation, by introducing generalized transition rates. The H-theorem is demonstrated for systems that follow those classes of nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations, in the presence of an external potential. For that, a relation involving terms of Fokker-Planck equations and general entropic forms is proposed. It is shown that, at equilibrium, this relation is equivalent to the maximum-entropy principle. Families of Fokker-Planck equations may be related to a single type of entropy, and so, the correspondence between well-known entropic forms and their associated Fokker-Planck equations is explored. It is shown that the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy, apart from its connection with the standard -- linear Fokker-Planck equation -- may be also related to a family of nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    Associating an Entropy with Power-Law Frequency of Events

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    Events occurring with a frequency described by power laws, within a certain range of validity, are very common in natural systems. In many of them, it is possible to associate an energy spectrum and one can show that these types of phenomena are intimately related to Tsallis entropy Sq. The relevant parameters become: (i) The entropic index q, which is directly related to the power of the corresponding distribution; (ii) The ground-state energy #0, in terms of which all energies are rescaled. One verifies that the corresponding processes take place at a temperature Tq with kTq Âľ #0 (i.e., isothermal processes, for a given q), in analogy with those in the class of self-organized criticality, which are known to occur at fixed temperatures. Typical examples are analyzed, like earthquakes, avalanches, and forest fires, and in some of them, the entropic index q and value of Tq are estimated. The knowledge of the associated entropic form opens the possibility for a deeper understanding of such phenomena, particularly by using information theory and optimization procedures.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de FĂ­sica La Plat