146 research outputs found

    The identification of established modifiable mid-life risk factors for cardiovascular disease which contribute to cognitive decline: Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA)

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    INTRODUCTION: We explored how different chronic diseases, risk factors, and protective factors highly associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are associated with dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) in Korean elders, with a focus on those that manifest in mid-life. METHODS: A CVD-free cohort (n = 4289) from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging was selected to perform Cox mixed-effects proportional hazard regressions. Eighteen control variables with strong associations to CVD were chosen as explanatory variables, and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score cut-off for dementia and MCI were used as outcome variables. RESULTS: The statistically significant (P < 0.05) adverse factors that contribute in developing dementia were age (aHR 1.07, 1.05-1.09), Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CESD-10) (aHR 1.17, 1.12-1.23), diagnosis with cerebrovascular disease (aHR 3.73, 1.81-7.66), living with diabetes (aHR 2.30, 1.22-4.35), and living with high blood pressure (HBP) (aHR 2.05, 1.09-3.87). In contrast, the statistically significant protective factors against developing dementia were current alcohol consumption (aHR 0.67, 0.46-0.99), higher educational attainment (aHR 0.36, 0.26-0.56), and regular exercise (aHR 0.37, 0.26-0.51). The factors with a statistically significant adverse association with progression to MCI were age (aHR 1.02, 1.01-1.03) and CESD-10 (aHR 1.17, 1.14-1.19). In contrast, the statistically significant protective factors against developing MCI were BMI (aHR 0.96, 0.94-0.98), higher educational attainment (aHR 0.33, 0.26-0.43), and regular exercise (aHR 0.83, 0.74-0.92). CONCLUSION: In lieu of the protective factor of MCI and dementia, implementing regular exercise routine well before mid-life and cognitive decline is significant, with adjustments made for those suffering from health conditions, so they can continue exercising despite their morbidity. Further attention in diabetes care and management is needed for patients who already show decline in cognitive ability as it is likely that their MCI impacts their ability to manage their existing chronic conditions, which may adversely affect their cognitive ability furthermore

    Effect of antibiotics in preventing hospitalizations from respiratory tract infections in children with Down syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Children with Down Syndrome (DS) are at high risk of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) due to anatomical variations, comorbidities and immune system immaturity. Evidence on interventions to reduce this risk is incomplete. This study aims to quantify the effect of antibiotics prescribed for RTIs in primary care on the subsequent risk of RTI-related hospitalisation for children with DS versus controls. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 992 children with DS and 4,874 controls managed by UK National Health Service (NHS) General Practitioners (GPs) and hospitals as identified in CALIBER (Clinical disease research using LInked Bespoke studies and Electronic health Records), 1997-2010. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were undertaken. RESULTS: In children with DS, the prescription of antibiotics following an RTI-related GP consultation did not significantly reduce the risk of RTI-related hospitalisation in the subsequent 28 days (Risk with antibiotics 1.8%; without 2.5%; Risk Ratio (RR) 0.699, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.471-1.036). Subgroup analyses showed a risk reduction only in infants with DS, after adjustment for covariates. There was no reduction in risk for controls, overall or across subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, whilst prescription of antibiotics following RTI-related GP consultations were effective for infants with DS in reducing subsequent RTI-related hospitalisation, this was not the case for older children with DS. We would encourage further high-quality cohort and randomised controlled trials to interrogate this finding, and to examine the impact of antibiotics on other endpoints, including symptom duration. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    What are the determinants of childhood infections in India’s peri-urban slums? A case study of eight cities

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    BACKGROUND: Respiratory Tract Infections (RTIs) and Gastro-Intestinal (GI) infections are the leading causes of child mortality and morbidity. This study investigates the associations between the individual, household and slum-level determinants of children’s health and vulnerability to RTIs and GI infections in peri-urban slums in India; an area of research interest at the Childhood Infections and Pollution Consortium. METHODS: The 2015–16 Indian National Family Health Survey was used for data analysis on children aged 0–5 years. NFHS-4 includes data on slums in eight Indian cities, including Delhi, Meerut, Kolkata, Indore, Mumbai, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Chennai. The outcome variables, having fever and cough (FeCo) and diarrhoea in the last two weeks, were used to define the phenotype of infections; for this analysis fever and cough were measures of RTIs and diarrhoea was used to measure GI infections. Exposures considered in this study include variables at the individual, household and slum level and were all informed by existing literature. Multilevel models were used to estimate the association between exposures and outcomes variables; a prior of Cauchy distribution with a scale of 2.5 was selected when building the multilevel logistic models. RESULTS: The total sample size of the number of children included in the analysis was n = 1,424. Data was imputed to account for missingness, and the original and imputed sample showing similar distributions. Results showed that diarrhoea and FeCo were both found to be more present in younger children than older children by a few months. In fixed effects, the odds of developing FeCo were higher if the mother perceives the child was born smaller than average (AOR 4.41, 1.13–17.17, P<0.05) at individual level. On the other hand, the odds of the diarrhoea outcome were lower if the child was older (AOR 0.97, 0.96–0.98, P<0.05) at individual level, and household’s water source was public tap or standpipe (AOR 0.54, 0.31–0.96, P<0.05) at household level. CONCLUSION: The determinants of health, both social and related to health care, at all levels demonstrated linkages to child morbidity in RTIs and GI infections. The empirical evidence highlights the need for contextualised ideas at each level, including one health approach when designing interventions to improve child health

    'Birthing a Better Future': A mixed-methods evaluation of an exhibition on the early years of life

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    BACKGROUND: Our study aimed to evaluate to what extent Zero2 Expo's 'Birthing a Better Future', a co-created multimedia exhibition, was effective in raising awareness on the importance of the first 1001 days of life and explore what refinements would help to optimize the impact of future exhibitions. METHODS: We conducted a mixed-methods evaluation of the exhibition delivered in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Through convenience sampling, 14 participants were selected to participate in 12 structured interviews and 19 participants completed a questionnaire. Interviews were thematically analysed alongside quantitative analysis of questionnaire responses through Likert scales. RESULTS: The majority (78.6%, n = 11/14) of participants who completed the questionnaire either agreed or strongly agreed that the exhibition raised their awareness about the first 1001 days of life. This was supported by the analysis of interviews. The use of art was found to provoke an emotional engagement from participants. Participants felt that the length of the written pieces and location of the exhibition were important factors for designers to consider in future exhibitions. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that multimedia exhibitions, combining science with art, may be an effective way to raise awareness of public health messages. Engaging with key stakeholders will be an essential step in order to improve future public health exhibitions. PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: When designing the study, the public reviewed the study tools, which were refined based on their feedback. At every phase of the study, members of the public who are artists co-created the exhibition content

    Prevalence of Dietary Supplement Use in Healthy Pre-School Chinese Children in Australia and China

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    There is a growing use of dietary supplements in many countries including China. This study aimed to document the prevalence of dietary supplements use and characteristics of Chinese pre-school children using dietary supplements in Australia and China. A survey was carried out in Perth, Western Australia of 237 mothers with children under five years old and 2079 in Chengdu and Wuhan, China. A total of 22.6% and 32.4% of the Chinese children were taking dietary supplements in Australia and China, respectively. In China, the most commonly used dietary supplements were calcium (58.5%) and zinc (40.4%), while in Australia, the most frequently used types were multi-vitamins/minerals (46.2%) and fish oil (42.3%). In Australia, “not working”, “never breastfeed”, “higher education level of the mother” and “older age of the child” were associated with dietary supplement use in children. In China, being unwell and “having higher household income” were significantly related to dietary supplement usage. Because of the unknown effects of many supplements on growth and development and the potential for adverse drug interactions, parents should exercise caution when giving their infants or young children dietary supplements. Wherever possible it is preferable to achieve nutrient intakes from a varied diet rather than from supplements

    NASA Glenn/AADC-Rolls Royce Collaborated to Measure Erosion Resistance on Coated Polymer Matrix Composites

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    Polymer matrix composites (PMCs) are increasingly used in aerospace and automotive applications because of their light weight and high strength-to-weight ratio relative to metals. However, a major drawback of PMCs is poor abrasion resistance, which restricts their use, especially at high temperatures. Simply applying a hard coating on PMCs to improve abrasion and erosion resistance is not effective since coating durability is short lived (ref. 1). Generally, PMCs have higher coefficients of thermal expansion than metallic or ceramic coatings have, and coating adhesion suffers because of poor interfacial adhesion strength. One technique commonly used to improve coating adhesion or durability is the use of bond coats that are interleaved between a coating and a substrate with vastly different coefficients of thermal expansion. An example of this remedy is the use of bondcoats for ceramic thermal barrier coatings on metallic turbine components (ref. 2). Prior collaborative research between the NASA Glenn Research Center and the Allison Advanced Development Company (AADC) demonstrated that bond coats sandwiched between PMCs and high-quality plasma-sprayed, erosion-resistant coatings substantially improved the erosion resistance of PMCs (ref. 3). One unresolved problem in this earlier collaboration was that there was no easy, accurate way to measure the coating erosion wear scar. Coating wear was determined by both profilometry and optical microscopy. Both techniques are time consuming. Wear measurement by optical microscopy requires sample destruction and does not provide a comprehensive measure of the entire wear volume. An even more subtle, yet critical, problem is that these erosion coatings contain two or more materials with different densities. Therefore, simply measuring specimen mass loss before and after erosion will not provide an accurate gauge for coating and/or substrate volume loss. By using a noncontact technique called scanning optical interferometry, which was recently developed at Glenn, researchers can accurately determine the wear performance of erosion-coated PMCs while preserving the sample. An example of this interferometry technique is shown in the preceding figure for an erosion-coated inlet guide vane from a Rolls Royce AE3007 regional gas turbine jet engine. Erosion was conducted with coated and uncoated PMC vanes, with the abrasive material moving at a velocity of 229 m/s at impingement angles of 20 and 90 degrees. The coatings for PMCs remarkably reduced the erosion volume loss by a factor of approximately 10. Currently, several erosion coatings for PMCs are being compared and downselected for engine testing at Rolls Royce

    Oligonucleotide Based Magnetic Bead Capture of Onchocerca volvulus DNA for PCR Pool Screening of Vector Black Flies

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    The absence of infective larvae of Onchocerca volvulus in the black fly vector of this parasite is a major criterion used to certify that transmission has been eliminated in a focus. This process requires screening large numbers of flies. Currently, this is accomplished by screening pools of flies using a PCR-based assay. The number of flies that may be included in each pool is currently limited by the DNA purification process to 50 flies for Latin American vectors and 100 flies for African vectors. Here, we describe a new method for DNA purification that relies upon a specific oligonucleotide to capture and immobilize the parasite DNA on a magnetic bead. This method permits the reliable detection of a single infective larva of O. volvulus in pools containing up to 200 individual flies. The method described here will dramatically improve the efficiency of pool screening of vector black flies, making the process of elimination certification easier and less expensive to implement

    Exploring perceptions of consanguineous unions with women from an East London community: analysis of discussion groups

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    Consanguineous unions are relationships between blood relatives. This study explores the perceptions of consanguineous unions and risk of childhood disability and illness through the reported views and experiences of women in an ethnically diverse London community. This qualitative study utilised group discussions to elicit women's views and experiences. Field notes were recorded by independent note-takers in four group discussions. Field notes were coded manually and independently by two researchers who identified common themes for thematic analysis. Thirty-six women attended, of whom 20 identified as Asian Pakistani. Identified themes included variation in participants' views of consanguineous unions and associated health risks, the value of informed decisions and preferences for information distribution. Although participants had diverse opinions and experiences, they considered risk awareness to be vital for encouraging informed decisions in younger generations. This study highlights the importance of involving the community in efforts to increase awareness around consanguineous unions and genetic risk, emphasising the need for enabling educated choices and the value of co-developing educational efforts with the community

    HPV infection and immunochemical detection of cell-cycle markers in verrucous carcinoma of the penis

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    Penile verrucous carcinoma is a rare disease and little is known of its aetiology or pathogenesis. In this study we examined cell-cycle proteins expression and correlation with human papillomavirus infection in a series of 15 pure penile verrucous carcinomas from a single centre. Of 148 penile tumours, 15 (10%) were diagnosed as pure verrucous carcinomas. The expression of the cell-cycle-associated proteins p53, p21, RB, p16INK4A and Ki67 were examined by immunohistochemistry. Human papillomavirus infection was determined by polymerase chain reaction to identify a wide range of virus types. The expression of p16INK4A and Ki67 was significantly lower in verrucous carcinoma than in usual type squamous cell carcinoma, whereas the expression of p53, p21 and RB was not significantly different. p53 showed basal expression in contrast to usual type squamous cell carcinoma. Human papillomavirus infection was present in only 3 out of 13 verrucous carcinomas. Unique low-risk, high-risk and mixed viral infections were observed in each of the three cases. In conclusion, lower levels of p16INK4A and Ki67 expressions differentiate penile verrucous carcinoma from usual type squamous cell carcinoma. The low Ki67 index reflects the slow-growing nature of verrucous tumours. The low level of p16INK4A expression and human papillomavirus detection suggests that penile verrucous carcinoma pathogenesis is unrelated to human papillomavirus infection and the oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes classically altered by virus infection.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Elimination of onchocerciasis in Ecuador: findings of post-treatment surveillance.

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    BACKGROUND: The Esmeraldas focus of onchocerciasis in Ecuador expanded geographically during the 1980s and was associated with severe ocular and skin disease. Mass drug administration (MDA) with ivermectin started in 1991, initially once but later twice a year, in the principle endemic focus followed by all satellite foci. Treatment was stopped in 2009 when entomological assessments determined that transmission of Onchocerca volvulus had been interrupted. METHODS: Three years after the cessation of ivermectin treatment in 2012, as defined by the WHO guidelines for onchocerciasis elimination, blackfly collections were done in four sentinel sites in former hyperendemic areas. The presence of infective larvae in local vectors, Simulium exiguum and Simulum quadrivittatum, was assessed by detection of O. volvulus DNA by PCR. Additional flies captured in four extra-sentinel sites located in former hyper- and mesoendemic dispersed isolated areas were also assessed. RESULTS: The results from 68,310 captured blackflies, 40,114 from four sentinel villages in the previously hyperendemic areas (Corriente Grande, El Tigre, San Miguel on Río Cayapas and Naranjal on Río Canandé) and 28,197 from extra-sentinel locations, were all negative for the presence of O. volvulus. These extra-sentinel sites (Hualpí on Río Hoja Blanca, Capulí on Río Onzole, La Ceiba on Río Tululví and Medianía on Río Verde) were included to provide additional evidence of the impact of MDA on the transmission of O. volvulus in isolated endemic areas. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that transmission of O. volvulus has been stopped in all endemic areas in Ecuador, including all satellite foci outside the main focus. These findings indicate that a strategy of ivermectin distribution twice a year to over 85% of the treatment-eligible population was effective in eliminating the infection from Ecuador in a focus with a highly competent primary vector, S. exiguum, and where the infection rates were equal to or greater than observed in many onchocerciasis foci in Africa
