526 research outputs found

    C*-algebras associated with endomorphisms and polymorphisms of compact abelian groups

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    A surjective endomorphism or, more generally, a polymorphism in the sense of \cite{SV}, of a compact abelian group HH induces a transformation of L2(H)L^2(H). We study the C*-algebra generated by this operator together with the algebra of continuous functions C(H)C(H) which acts as multiplication operators on L2(H)L^2(H). Under a natural condition on the endo- or polymorphism, this algebra is simple and can be described by generators and relations. In the case of an endomorphism it is always purely infinite, while for a polymorphism in the class we consider, it is either purely infinite or has a unique trace. We prove a formula allowing to determine the KK-theory of these algebras and use it to compute the KK-groups in a number of interesting examples.Comment: 25 page

    Combinatorics of 1-particle irreducible n-point functions via coalgebra in quantum field theory

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    We give a coalgebra structure on 1-vertex irreducible graphs which is that of a cocommutative coassociative graded connected coalgebra. We generalize the coproduct to the algebraic representation of graphs so as to express a bare 1-particle irreducible n-point function in terms of its loop order contributions. The algebraic representation is so that graphs can be evaluated as Feynman graphs

    Case Studies of Habitable Trojan Planets in the System of HD 23079

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    We investigate the possibility of habitable Trojan planets in the HD 23079 star-planet system. This system consists of a solar-type star and a Jupiter-type planet, which orbits the star near the outer edge of the stellar habitable zone in an orbit of low eccentricity. We find that in agreement with previous studies Earth-mass habitable Trojan planets are possible in this system, although the success of staying within the zone of habitability is significantly affected by the orbital parameters of the giant planet and by the initial condition of the theoretical Earth-mass planet. In one of our simulations, the Earth-mass planet is captured by the giant planet and thus becomes a habitable moon.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables; International Journal of Astrobiology (in press

    On C*-algebras related to constrained representations of a free group

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    We consider representations of the free group F2F_2 on two generators such that the norm of the sum of the generators and their inverses is bounded by μ∈[0,4]\mu\in[0,4]. These μ\mu-constrained representations determine a C*-algebra AμA_{\mu} for each μ∈[0,4]\mu\in[0,4]. We prove that these C*-algebras form a continuous bundle of C*-algebras over [0,4][0,4] and calculate their K-groups.Comment: 9 page

    Orbital Stability of Planets in Binary Systems: A New Look at Old Results

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    About half of all known stellar systems with Sun-like stars consist of two or more stars, significantly affecting the orbital stability of any planet in these systems. This observational evidence has prompted a large array of theoretical research, including the derivation of mathematically stringent criteria for the orbital stability of planets in stellar binary systems, valid for the "coplanar circular restricted three-body problem". In the following, we use these criteria to explore the validity of results from previous theoretical studies.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure; submitted to: Exoplanets: Detection, Formation and Dynamics, IAU Symposium 249, eds. Y.-S. Sun, S. Ferraz-Mello, and J.-L. Zhou (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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