740 research outputs found

    Multilayer Extraction of Complex Refractive Index in Broadband Transmission Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy

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    In terahertz spectroscopy, multi-layered samples often need to be measured, for instance in a liquid flow cell, and this complicates the extraction of material parameters. We present a spectroscopic parameter extraction algorithm for multilayer samples that can also be used to extract the thickness of an unknown sample laye

    Estimation of Spectroscopic Uncertainty and Correlation in Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy

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    We present a method of calculating the measurement variance-covariance matrix of a spectroscopic sample’s complex refractive index from time-domain statistics in order to estimate uncertainty of a measurement. We compare this method to a numerical analysis and previously derived methodology, and show that our time-based estimate is both accurate and adaptable to complex extraction models

    Probing temperature- and solvent-dependent protein dynamics using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy

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    The effect of temperature on the terahertz-frequency-range material properties of lyophilized and single-crystal hen egg-white lysozyme has been measured using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, with the results presented and discussed in the context of protein and solvent dynamical and glass transitions. Lyophilized hen egg-white lysozyme was measured over a temperature range from 4 to 290 K, and a change in the dynamical behaviour of the sample at around 100 K was observed through a change in the terahertz absorption spectrum. Additionally, the effect of cryoprotectants on the temperature-dependent absorption coefficient is studied, and it is demonstrated that terahertz time-domain spectroscopy is capable of resolving the true glass transition temperature of single-crystal hen egg-white lysozyme at 150 K, which is in agreement with literature values measured using differential scanning calorimetry

    GMR at THz frequencies in coplanar waveguides

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    Tapered THz coplanar waveguides (CPWs) formed from Co/Cu multilayers with embedded low-temperature-grown gallium arsenide photoconductive switches were designed in order to observe giant magnetoresistance (GMR). Pulsed THz radiation was excited using the switches, and was transmitted through both straight and tapered CPWs. GMR-induced changes in the transmitted THz pulse amplitude were demonstrated

    Accurate Parameter Extraction From Liquids Measured Using On-chip Terahertz Spectroscopy

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    We introduce a method for estimating the permittivity of liquid samples measured using integrated microfluidic/planar Goubau line terahertz waveguides, in which simulation results are incorporated with measurement data to enable accurate frequency-dependent analysis

    Focusing THz radiation in μm-scale waveguides

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    THz coplanar waveguides were fabricated on quartz wafers with integrated epitaxially transferred low temperature grown gallium arsenide photoconductive switches. THz radiation was excited on-chip and transmitted through a tapering of the coplanar waveguide structure where it was focused down to ~ 1.66μm. Theoretical modelling of the device confirms high E-field confinement and concentration

    THz-TDS of liquids in a temperature-controlled transmission flowcell

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    Precise temperature-control is necessary for many spectroscopic measurements. We present the temperature-dependent complex THz refractive index of liquid samples measured in a flowcell, analysed by a numerical method that allows simultaneous extraction of the sample's thickness to verify the temperature-stability of the cell

    Discrete Vernier tuning in terahertz quantum cascade lasers using coupled cavities

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    Terahertz-frequency quantum cascade lasers (THz QCLs) are compact solid-state sources of coherent radiation in the 1–5 THz region of the electromagnetic spectrum . The emission spectra of THz QCLs typically exhibit multiple longitudinal modes characteristic of Fabry–Pérot (FP) cavities. However, widely-tunable (single-mode) THz QCLs would be ideally suited to many THz-sensing applications, such as trace gas detection, atmospheric observations , and security screening . Here we demonstrate discrete Vernier tuning using a simple two-section coupled-cavity geometry. A monolithic THz QCL ridge cavity was etched using focused ion beam milling to create two coupled FP cavities separated by an air gap. In this scheme, one of the two sections (the ‘lasing section’) is electrically driven above the lasing threshold, while the other is driven below threshold and acts as a ‘tuning section’. The lengths of the two sections and the air gap were designed such that the longitudinal FP modes of the respective sections coincide at a selected (‘resonant’) frequency. The dominant lasing mode of the coupled cavity occurs at this frequency owing to the reduction in threshold . A small perturbation to the frequency of the modes in either section of the device will detune the resonance, causing the dominant mode of the coupled-cavity to ‘hop’ to a different frequency, in a manner analogous to the Vernier effect. The longitudinal modes of the tuning section are controlled by perturbing its refractive index through current-induced heating

    The Development of a Semtex-H Simulant for Terahertz Spectroscopy

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    The development and use of terahertz (THz) frequency spectroscopy systems for security screening has shown an increased growth over the past 15 years. In order to test these systems in real-world situations, safe simulants of illicit materials, such as Semtex-H, are required. Ideally, simulants should mimic key features of the material of interest, such that they at least resemble or even appear indistinguishable from the materials of interest to the interrogating technique(s), whilst not having hazardous or illicit properties. An ideal simulant should have similar physical properties (malleability, density, surface energy and volatility to the material of interest); be non-toxic and easy to clean and decontaminate from surfaces; be recyclable or disposable; and be useable in a public environment. Here, we present a method for developing such an explosive simulant (for Semtex-H) based on a database of THz spectra of common organic molecules, and the use of a genetic algorithm to select a mixture of compounds automatically to form such a simulant. Whilst we focus on a security application, this work could be applied to various other contexts, where the material of interest is dangerous, impractical or costly. We propose four mixtures that could then be used to test the spectral response of any instrument, working at terahertz frequencies, without the need for an explosive substance

    Three-well, resonant-phonon depopulation, quantum cascade lasers with thinned active regions and surface-plasmon waveguides

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    We report, for the first time, high performance three-well, resonant-phonon depopulation, terahertz quantum cascade lasers with thinned active regions. Lasers operated at 3.1 THz in a surface plasmon waveguide. The variation of output power, maximum operating temperature, and threshold current density is presented for active regions of 10 µm, 7,5 µm, 6 µm, and 5 µm thickness, and in each case results are presented as a function of duty cycle
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