8,582 research outputs found

    Health Research Participants' Preferences for Receiving Research Results

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    BACKGROUND: Participants in health research studies typically express interest in receiving results from the studies in which they participate. However, participants’ preferences and experiences related to receiving results are not well understood. In general, existing studies have had relatively small sample sizes and typically address specific and often sensitive issues within targeted populations. METHODS: The present study used an online survey to explore attitudes and experiences of registrants in ResearchMatch, a large database of past, present, and potential health research participants. Survey respondents provided information related to whether or not they received research results from studies in which they participated, the methods used to communicate results, their satisfaction with results, and when and how they would like to receive research results from future studies. 70,699 ResearchMatch registrants were notified of the study’s topic. Of the 5,207 registrants who requested full information about the study, 3,381 respondents completed the survey. RESULTS: Approximately 33% of respondents with previous health research participation reported receiving results. Approximately half of respondents with previous research participation reported no opportunity to request results. However, almost all respondents said researchers should always or sometimes offer results to participants. Respondents expressed particular interest in results related to their (or a loved one's) health, as well as information about studies’ purposes and any medical advances based on the results. In general, respondents’ most preferred dissemination methods for results were email and website postings. The least desirable dissemination methods for results included Twitter, conference calls, and text messages. Across all results, we compare the responses of respondents with and without previous research participation experience, and those who have worked in research organizations vs. those who have not. Compared to respondents who have previous participation experience, a greater proportion of respondents with no participation experience indicated that results should always be shared with participants. Likewise, respondents with no participation experience placed higher importance on the receipt of each type of results information included in the survey. CONCLUSIONS: We present findings from a survey assessing attitudes and experiences of a broad sample of respondents that addresses gaps in knowledge related to participants’ preferences for receiving results. The study’s findings highlight the potential for inconsistency between respondents’ expressed preferences to receive specific types of results via specific methods and researchers’ unwillingness or inability to provide them. We present specific recommendations to shift the approach of new studies to investigate participants’ preferences for receiving research results

    Strategic Network Formation with Attack and Immunization

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    Strategic network formation arises where agents receive benefit from connections to other agents, but also incur costs for forming links. We consider a new network formation game that incorporates an adversarial attack, as well as immunization against attack. An agent's benefit is the expected size of her connected component post-attack, and agents may also choose to immunize themselves from attack at some additional cost. Our framework is a stylized model of settings where reachability rather than centrality is the primary concern and vertices vulnerable to attacks may reduce risk via costly measures. In the reachability benefit model without attack or immunization, the set of equilibria is the empty graph and any tree. The introduction of attack and immunization changes the game dramatically; new equilibrium topologies emerge, some more sparse and some more dense than trees. We show that, under a mild assumption on the adversary, every equilibrium network with nn agents contains at most 2n−42n-4 edges for n≄4n\geq 4. So despite permitting topologies denser than trees, the amount of overbuilding is limited. We also show that attack and immunization don't significantly erode social welfare: every non-trivial equilibrium with respect to several adversaries has welfare at least as that of any equilibrium in the attack-free model. We complement our theory with simulations demonstrating fast convergence of a new bounded rationality dynamic which generalizes linkstable best response but is considerably more powerful in our game. The simulations further elucidate the wide variety of asymmetric equilibria and demonstrate topological consequences of the dynamics e.g. heavy-tailed degree distributions. Finally, we report on a behavioral experiment on our game with over 100 participants, where despite the complexity of the game, the resulting network was surprisingly close to equilibrium.Comment: The short version of this paper appears in the proceedings of WINE-1

    Applying black hole perturbation theory to numerically generated spacetimes

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    Nonspherical perturbation theory has been necessary to understand the meaning of radiation in spacetimes generated through fully nonlinear numerical relativity. Recently, perturbation techniques have been found to be successful for the time evolution of initial data found by nonlinear methods. Anticipating that such an approach will prove useful in a variety of problems, we give here both the practical steps, and a discussion of the underlying theory, for taking numerically generated data on an initial hypersurface as initial value data and extracting data that can be considered to be nonspherical perturbations.Comment: 14 pages, revtex3.0, 5 figure

    Head-on collisions of black holes: the particle limit

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    We compute gravitational radiation waveforms, spectra and energies for a point particle of mass m0m_0 falling from rest at radius r0r_0 into a Schwarzschild hole of mass MM. This radiation is found to lowest order in (m0/M)(m_0/M) with the use of a Laplace transform. In contrast with numerical relativity results for head-on collisions of equal-mass holes, the radiated energy is found not to be a monotonically increasing function of initial separation; there is a local radiated-energy maximum at r0≈4.5Mr_0\approx4.5M. The present results, along with results for infall from infinity, provide a complete catalog of waveforms and spectra for particle infall. We give a representative sample from that catalog and an interesting observation: Unlike the simple spectra for other head-on collisions (either of particle and hole, or of equal mass holes) the spectra for ∞>r0>∌5M\infty>r_0>\sim5M show a series of evenly spaced bumps. A simple explanation is given for this. Lastly, our energy vs. r0r_0 results are compared with approximation methods used elsewhere, for small and for large initial separation.Comment: 15 pages, REVTeX, 25 figure

    Radiation recoil from highly distorted black holes

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    We present results from numerical evolutions of single black holes distorted by axisymmetric, but equatorially asymmetric, gravitational (Brill) waves. Net radiated energies, apparent horizon embeddings, and recoil velocities are shown for a range of Brill wave parameters, including both even and odd parity distortions of Schwarzschild black holes. We find that a wave packet initially concentrated on the black hole throat, a likely model also for highly asymmetric stellar collapse and late stage binary mergers, can generate a maximum recoil velocity of about 150 (23) km/sec for even (odd) parity perturbations, significantly less than that required to eject black holes from galactic cores.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    On the Discovery of the GZK Cut-off

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    The recent claim of the '5 sigma' observation of the Greisen and Zatzepin and Kuzmin cut-off by the HiRes group based on their nine years data is a significant step toward the eventual solution of the one of the most intriguing questions which has been present in physics for more than forty years. However the word 'significance' is used in the mentioned paper in the sense which is not quite obvious. In the present paper we persuade that this claim is a little premature.Comment: 10 page

    Head--on Collision of Two Unequal Mass Black Holes

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    We present results from the first fully nonlinear numerical calculations of the head--on collision of two unequal mass black holes. Selected waveforms of the most dominant l=2, 3 and 4 quasinormal modes are shown, as are the total radiated energies and recoil velocities for a range of mass ratios and initial separations. Our results validate the close and distant separation limit perturbation studies, and suggest that the head--on collision scenario is not likely to produce an astrophysically significant recoil effect.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Cryogenic and room temperature strength of sapphire jointed by hydroxide-catalysis bonding

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    Hydroxide-catalysis bonding is a precision technique used for jointing components in opto-mechanical systems and has been implemented in the construction of quasi-monolithic silica suspensions in gravitational wave detectors. Future detectors are likely to operate at cryogenic temperatures which will lead to a change in test mass and suspension material. One candidate material is mono-crystalline sapphire. Here results are presented showing the influence of various bonding solutions on the strength of the hydroxide-catalysis bonds formed between sapphire samples, measured both at room temperature and at 77 K, and it is demonstrated that sodium silicate solution is the most promising in terms of strength, producing bonds with a mean strength of 63 MPa. In addition the results show that the strengths of bonds were undiminished when tested at cryogenic temperatures

    Finding Distant Galactic H Ii Regions

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    The WISE Catalog of Galactic H ii Regions contains ~2000 H ii region candidates lacking ionized gas spectroscopic observations. All candidates have the characteristic H ii region mid-infrared morphology of WISE 12 emission surrounding 22 emission, and additionally have detected radio continuum emission. We here report Green Bank Telescope hydrogen radio recombination line and radio continuum detections in the X-band (9 GHz; 3 cm) of 302 WISE H ii region candidates (out of 324 targets observed) in the zone , Here we extend the sky coverage of our H ii region Discovery Survey, which now contains nearly 800 H ii regions distributed across the entire northern sky. We provide LSR velocities for the 302 detections and kinematic distances for 131 of these. Of the 302 new detections, 5 have coordinates consistent with the Outer Scutum–Centaurus Arm (OSC), the most distant molecular spiral arm of the Milky Way. Due to the Galactic warp, these nebulae are found at Galactic latitudes \u3e1° in the first Galactic quadrant, and therefore were missed in previous surveys of the Galactic plane. One additional region has a longitude and velocity consistent with the OSC but lies at a negative Galactic latitude (G039.183−01.422; −54.9 ). With Heliocentric distances \u3e22 kpc and Galactocentric distances \u3e16 kpc, the OSC H ii regions are the most distant known in the Galaxy. We detect an additional three H ii regions near whose LSR velocities place them at Galactocentric radii \u3e19 kpc. If their distances are correct, these nebulae may represent the limit to Galactic massive star formation
