2 research outputs found

    Methods of emergence and causes of fire and explosion in chemical laboratories

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    Do požara dolazi kada se na tvar, koja može goriti, djeluje toplinom uz prisustvo kisika. Na taj se način temperatura zagrijavane tvari povećava, a kada dostigne temperaturu paljenja dolazi do požara. Da bi nastalo zapaljenje, potrebno je gorivoj tvari uz dovoljnu količinu oksidansa (kisika iz zraka) dovesti potrebnu količinu energije, odnosno izvor energije paljenja. Pri zapaljenju stvara se dovoljna količina toplinske energije za nesmetano trajanje procesa gorenja. Rad u laboratoriju je izložen mnogim izazovima i zato je važno pri radu poštovati unaprijed određene protokole i postupke. Mnoge tvari s kojima se susrećemo pri radu u laboratoriju su toksične, zapaljive odnosno eksplozivne. Potrebno je biti dobro educiran i upoznat sa svim navedenim rizicima. Upravo je zaštita na radu u laboratorijima izuzetno važna jer je kao takva sastavni dio radnih procesa i jedan od temeljni uvjeta produktivnosti rada.A fire occurs when the substance, which can burn, acts with heat in the presence of oxygen. In this way, the temperature of the heated substance increases, and when it reaches the ignition temperature, a fire occurs. To generate inflammation, a sufficient amount of oxidant (oxygen from the air) is required to bring the required amount of energy or energy source to the fuel. When inflating, sufficient amount of heat energy is generated for the uninterrupted duration of the burning process. Work in the laboratory is exposed to many challenges and therefore it is important to respect pre-defined protocols and procedures. Many of the substances we encounter in laboratory work are toxic, flammable or explosive. One needs to be well-educated and familiar with all the above-mentioned risks. Labor protection in laboratories is extremely important because it is as such an integral part of work processes and one of the fundamental conditions of labor productivity

    Methods of emergence and causes of fire and explosion in chemical laboratories

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    Do požara dolazi kada se na tvar, koja može goriti, djeluje toplinom uz prisustvo kisika. Na taj se način temperatura zagrijavane tvari povećava, a kada dostigne temperaturu paljenja dolazi do požara. Da bi nastalo zapaljenje, potrebno je gorivoj tvari uz dovoljnu količinu oksidansa (kisika iz zraka) dovesti potrebnu količinu energije, odnosno izvor energije paljenja. Pri zapaljenju stvara se dovoljna količina toplinske energije za nesmetano trajanje procesa gorenja. Rad u laboratoriju je izložen mnogim izazovima i zato je važno pri radu poštovati unaprijed određene protokole i postupke. Mnoge tvari s kojima se susrećemo pri radu u laboratoriju su toksične, zapaljive odnosno eksplozivne. Potrebno je biti dobro educiran i upoznat sa svim navedenim rizicima. Upravo je zaštita na radu u laboratorijima izuzetno važna jer je kao takva sastavni dio radnih procesa i jedan od temeljni uvjeta produktivnosti rada.A fire occurs when the substance, which can burn, acts with heat in the presence of oxygen. In this way, the temperature of the heated substance increases, and when it reaches the ignition temperature, a fire occurs. To generate inflammation, a sufficient amount of oxidant (oxygen from the air) is required to bring the required amount of energy or energy source to the fuel. When inflating, sufficient amount of heat energy is generated for the uninterrupted duration of the burning process. Work in the laboratory is exposed to many challenges and therefore it is important to respect pre-defined protocols and procedures. Many of the substances we encounter in laboratory work are toxic, flammable or explosive. One needs to be well-educated and familiar with all the above-mentioned risks. Labor protection in laboratories is extremely important because it is as such an integral part of work processes and one of the fundamental conditions of labor productivity