11,348 research outputs found

    e-Sispaf: Sistema de Informação e Promoção de Produtos e Serviços da Agricultura Familiar - guia de instalação e configuração do sistema. Versão 0,1.

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    O e-Sispaf é um sistema de informação que promove a consolidação e a disseminação de conhecimentos relativos ao mapeamento da produção e informações da comercialização e do mercado de produtos convencionais, orgânicos e artesanais para agricultura familiar. O objetivo do sistema é facilitar as transações entre produtores e consumidores, promovendo, assim a execução de ações efetivas para o crescimento da renda do segmento. Através do sistema, produtor e consumidor podem trocar informações e negociar suas produções diretamente, sem nenhum intermediário. O sistema é importante porque auxilia na tomada de decisões de todos os seus possíveis usuários (produtores, comerciantes e governos), que passam a contar com instrumentos decisivos para o planejamento das políticas agrícolas. O e-Sispaf foi Implementado utilizando-se software livre (osCommerce) para o ambiente web, eliminando assim custos para operacionalização. Baseia-se nos pressupostos do comércio eletrônico (e-commerce) e oferece aos usuários - que podem ser produtores rurais, cooperativas, associações ou organizações públicas ou privadas - a oportunidade de expor seus produtos e trocar dados, obtidos junto aos produtores, às cooperativas, às associações, aos órgãos do governo e/ou órgãos privados localizados na região de abrangência do e-Sispaf. Este guia contém um conjunto de informações, distribuídas em sessões, com o objetivo de facilitar a instalação e configuração do e-Sispaf. Algumas das opções de configuração disponibilizadas não foram utilizadas na atual versão do e-Sispaf. Elas fazem parte do software osCommerce e são configuradas para aquisição de produtos de forma on-line, o que não ocorre no e-Sispaf.bitstream/item/17881/1/docmeionorte191.pd

    Topological mass generation to antisymmetric tensor matter field

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    We propose a mechanism to give mass to tensor matter field which preserve the U(1) symmetry. We introduce a complex vector field that couples with the tensor in a topological term. We also analyze the influence of the kinetic terms of the complex vector in our mechanism.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    N=2-Maxwell-Chern-Simons model with anomalous magnetic moment coupling via dimensional reduction

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    An N=1--supersymmetric version of the Cremmer-Scherk-Kalb-Ramond model with non-minimal coupling to matter is built up both in terms of superfields and in a component-field formalism. By adopting a dimensional reduction procedure, the N=2--D=3 counterpart of the model comes out, with two main features: a genuine (diagonal) Chern-Simons term and an anomalous magnetic moment coupling between matter and the gauge potential.Comment: 15 pages, Latex; one reference corrected; To be published in the Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Self-dual vortices in a Maxwell-Chern-Simons model with non-minimal coupling

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    We find self-dual vortex solutions in a Maxwell-Chern-Simons model with anomalous magnetic moment. From a recently developed N=2-supersymmetric extension, we obtain the proper Bogomol'nyi equations together with a Higgs potential allowing both topological and non-topological phases in the theory.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables; some typos corrected, one reference updated. To be published in the Int. J. Mod. Phys. A (1999

    A thorough analysis of the short- and mid-term activity-related variations in the solar acoustic frequencies

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    The frequencies of the solar acoustic oscillations vary over the activity cycle. The variations in other activity proxies are found to be well correlated with the variations in the acoustic frequencies. However, each proxy has a slightly different time behaviour. Our goal is to characterize the differences between the time behaviour of the frequency shifts and of two other activity proxies, namely, the area covered by sunspots and the 10.7cm flux. We define a new observable that is particularly sensitive to the short-term frequency variations. We then compare the observable when computed from model frequency shifts and from observed frequency shifts obtained with the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) for cycle 23. Our analysis shows that on the shortest time-scales the variations in the frequency shifts seen in the GONG observations are strongly correlated with the variations in the area covered by sunspots. However, a significant loss of correlation is still found. We verify that the times when the frequency shifts and the sunspot area do not vary in a similar way tend to coincide with the times of the maxima of the quasi-biennial variations seen in the solar seismic data. A similar analysis of the relation between the 10.7cm flux and the frequency shifts reveals that the short-time variations in the frequency shifts follow even more closely those of the 10.7cm flux than those of the sunspot area. However, a loss of correlation between frequency shifts and 10.7cm flux variations is still found around the same times.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Mathematical modelling of viscosity near the glass transition: the random-walk approach

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    The present work deals with the application of the random-walk model, proposed by Arkhipov and Bässler, to describe the viscosity dependence on temperature. Data obtained for sucrose solutions were used to assess the validity of the random-walk approach and the normality of the Density of Possible Metastable States (DPMS). Good results for the fitting of the proposed models were found for fragile liquids. Strong liquids showed poor results and require more investigation