1,864 research outputs found

    Constructing organization through multiplicity: A microgenetic analysis of self-organization in the dialogical self

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    The self is in a constant process of becoming that demands the construction of “sameness” and identity throughout the irreversibility of time and changing experience (Valsiner, 2002b). Thus, self-organization is the constant and necessary task of a changing self. Occasionally, this dynamic organization may lead to recursive and inflexible patterns implicated in a perpetuating personal problem. The “Identity Positions Interview” (Gonçalves & Cunha, 2006) was designed to elicit dialogical processes while discussing a personal problem. This allows different dialogues to occur: 1) the actual dialogues from the interaction participant- researcher; 2) the imagined dialogues of the participant and others about the problem (e.g. “What would your mother say about the problem?”); 3) the imagined dialogues between Present and Future possible-selves (e.g. “What would the Future say to you?”). These different phases were inspired in therapeutic techniques that call upon the perspectives of social others or temporal movements as semiotic devices used to generate diversity and novelty in the present. Following a dialogical framework, two case-studies are presented to illustrate the emergence of novelty and difference and its regulation into recursive self-dynamics at a microgenetic-level. This idiographic study has two aims: a) to highlight the dynamism of I-positions within the Dialogical Self, and b) to depict the emergence of novelty, self-innovation and re-organization

    A Simple Role for BDNF in Learning and Memory?

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    Since its discovery almost three decades ago, the secreted neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been firmly implicated in the differentiation and survival of neurons of the CNS. More recently, BDNF has also emerged as an important regulator of synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity mechanisms underlying learning and memory in the adult CNS. In this review we will discuss our knowledge about the multiple intracellular signalling pathways activated by BDNF, and the role of this neurotrophin in long-term synaptic plasticity and memory formation as well as in synaptogenesis. We will show that maturation of BDNF, its cellular localization and its ability to regulate both excitatory and inhibitory synapses in the CNS may result in conflicting alterations in synaptic plasticity and memory formation. Lack of a precise knowledge about the mechanisms by which BDNF influences higher cognitive functions and complex behaviours may constitute a severe limitation in the possibility to devise BDNF-based therapeutics for human disorders of the CNS

    Positioning Microanalysis: A method for the study of the dialogical self-dynamics

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    From a dialogical and Bakhtinian theoretical stance, self-identity is seen a process and a product of the tensional relation between multiple perspectives or positions. Even in the midst of different dialogical approaches to self, there is an overarching consensus that the dialogical dynamics established by these different positions are a core element for understanding how identity works. One of the main problems of the field has been the development of empirical methods enabling the study of such dynamics. Positioning Microanalysis is a method based in a dialogical approach, which aims the systematic tracing by trained observers of the dialogical dynamics of self-positions as they unfold over time.N/

    Long-term efficacy of psychotherapy in major depression: protocol of a network meta-analysis

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    Depression is currently considered the epidemic of the century. In recent decades, research has established that psychotherapy is globally effective for the treatment of depression; however, it remains open which psychotherapeutic treatment is most effective and, particularly, if its efficacy is maintained over the long term. Given the difficulty in performing randomized and controlled clinical trials (RCTs) that simultaneously compare several psychotherapeutic models, meta-analyses aim to provide answers by synthesizing the evidence generated through direct comparisons of treatments .info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Oral communication in YL classroom: understanding the use of L1 and maximizing the use of L2

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    The present research project investigates oral communication in the young learner classroom, seeking to understand in which contexts and for what reasons L1 is used and simultaneously to maximise the use of L2 as the main language in class. The research project was developed in a state primary school during the first school term and involved a group of 25 learners attending the third grade. Oral tasks in pairs and groups became part of regular work in the classroom and a number of classroom strategies were implemented to maximise L2. The data was collected from a pre-study questionnaire, a mid-study questionnaire, audio recordings and a teacher’s journal. The audio recordings were analysed quantitatively to check the use of the mother tongue and three excerpts were transcribed and analysed qualitatively to verify progress in speaking the target language. Results concluded that young learners used L1 as a strategy to solve communication problems and overcome difficulties in learning when engaged in peer interaction. Analysis of interactions showed that young learners used L2 in order to help their partners by providing language or reformulating peer’s discourse. Further analysis of these interactions suggested that self-confidence issues in using the target language may be the result of learning gaps. The main conclusion of this study is that it is possible to reduce the use of L1 in the young learners’ classroom, although it is essential to raise learners’ awareness to the use of English in order to maximise L2.O presente estudo é uma investigação no âmbito da comunicação oral no Ensino precoce para compreender em que contextos e por que razões o Português é utilizado e simultaneamente para maximizar o uso do Inglês como língua predominante na sala de aula. O projeto de investigação desenvolveu-se numa escola primária pública durante o primeiro período do ano letivo e envolveu um grupo de 25 alunos que frequentavam o 3º ano de escolaridade. O trabalho oral em pares e grupos tornou-se habitual na sala de aula e implementou-se um conjunto de estratégias para maximizar o Inglês. A informação recolheu-se através de questionários pré-estudo, questionários a meio do estudo, registos áudio e um jornal do professor. Os registos áudio foram analisados quantitativamente para verificar o uso da língua materna e três excertos foram transcritos e analisados qualitativamente para verificar um progresso na oralidade da língua-alvo. Os resultados concluíram que os aprendentes usam o Português como estratégia para resolver problemas de comunicação e superar dificuldades de aprendizagem na interação oral. A análise de interações revelou que os aprendentes utilizam o Inglês para ajudar o colega ao providenciar-lhe conteúdo ou reformular o seu discurso. Uma análise complementar destas interações sugeriu que problemas de autoestima ao utilizar a língua-alvo podem derivar de falhas na aprendizagem. A principal conclusão deste estudo é que é possível reduzir o uso do Português no Ensino precoce, contudo é essencial desenvolver a consciência dos aprendentes quanto ao uso do Inglês de forma a maximizar a língua inglesa

    Emotion-Focused Therapy for Depression

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    “Let’s Dance”: A Dialogical Proposal for Analyzing Interactions and Positions in Couples Therapy

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    The dialogical self theory, based on the metaphor of the self as a dialogue between different voices and I-positions, conceptualizes the structure and functioning of the self as a product of communication and relational processes. The dynamics of the dialogical self imply the articulation between the individual self and the self in relationship with others. Yet, the dialogical self theory has been seldom applied to couples therapy. Therefore, in order to understand changes in relationships from a dialogical perspective, we investigated a case study of a couple – Victoria and Alfonso – evolving through four sessions of couple’s therapy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Moisture management performance of multifunctional yarns based on wool fibers

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    Blends of wool and moisture management fibres such as Coolmax and Finecool have been prepared to produce innovative yarns with specific functionalities. These yarns have been used to produce knitted fabrics and their performance was evaluated, including vertical and horizontal wicking. The influence of wool fibre proportion on the performance of each blend is analyzed. It is observed that the Coolmax based fabrics show the best capillarity performance, and the wool fibre based fabrics show lower water absorption performance