414 research outputs found

    Trace operators on Wiener amalgam spaces

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    The paper deals with trace operators of Wiener amalgam spaces using frequency-uniform decomposition operators and maximal inequalities, obtaining sharp results. Additionally, we provide the embeddings between standard and anisotropic Wiener amalgam spaces

    Developing a Recurrent Neural Network with High Accuracy for Binary Sentiment Analysis

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    Sentiment analysis has taken on various machine learning approaches in order to optimize accuracy, precision, and recall. However, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) account for the context of a sentence by using previous predictions as additional input for future sentence predictions. Our approach focused on developing an LSTM RNN that could perform binary sentiment analysis for positively and negatively labeled sentences. In collaboration with Mariam Salloum, I developed a collection of programs to classify individual sentences as either positive or negative. This paper additionally looks into machine learning, neural networks, data preprocessing, implementation, and resulting comparisons

    Book Review: Politics is for Power: How to Move Beyond Political Hobbyism, Take Action, and Make Real Change by Eitan Hersh

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    What does politics mean to you? Is it spending hours consuming news and arguing with people on the internet about social issues? Or is it about gaining power, multiplying your vote, and making a real change in your community? To Eitan Hersh (2020:3), “participating in politics by obsessive news-following and online ‘slacktivism’” is not politics, but what he considers as political hobbyism. In his book Politics is for Power: How to Move Beyond Political Hobbyism, Take Action, and Make Real Change, Hersh argues that politics should be about seeking power and influence to make meaningful change, rather than for expressing one’s values and for one’s self-gratification. Hersh shows an alternative way to do politics

    “Now What?”: Drowning in the American Dream Mural

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    “Drowning in the American Dream” is a mural produced at Cal State LA, painted by Claudio Talavera-Ballón, a Peruvian artist based in the Bay Area, depicting the challenges of migrant border crossings.The project originated in a collaboration between faculty and students of the Latin American Studies Student association (LASS) and the artist, with the Dreamer Center and the Cross-Cultural Center, and co-sponsored by the Sociology Department, the College of Natural and Social Sciences (NSS), the College of Ethnic Studies, the Ethnic Studies Student Group (ESSG) and the University Library, hosted by the Special Collections and Archives Division. The mural project culminated in an inauguration event at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library at Cal State LA in the Fall of 2022

    Access Instruction to Digital Edge (AIDE): Technology Resources and Keying its Adoption to Teaching

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    Institution of learning encompassing pool of individuals, who are considered as spring of knowledge-the teachers; and knowledge catching vessel-the students, were the main respondents of the study. Frequencies, percentages, ranks and weighted means were used for the descriptive data, while the Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to determine the significant relationship between the level of technology adoption of faculty and their profile variables and attitudes towards technology use in teaching. A total of two hundred sixty-six (266) faculty and three hundred ninety-five (395) students were involved. Findings revealed that the university invested huge amount for educational technology use, but there’s little of evidence in ICT adoption and use in instruction. ICT characteristics of faculty presented that there’s a need for them to be aware of their attitude toward ICT integration in their teaching because it is fundamental for it can make education logical, efficient, effective and interesting. Also, training on designing instructional material should be extended to them specifically workshops on word processing for their syllabi, assessment paper, reports, spreadsheet application, presentation design which is necessary during their research presentation, desktop publishing, internet technology, adobe photoshop and trouble shooting. For an avenue to effectively use technology in instruction daily activity of faculty, the university extension department in collaboration with the knowledge technology management should design then, a program that would assess the technology training needs of faculty to give way for the development of a regular training activity to non-IT faculty