330 research outputs found

    Is There a Numbers vs. Rights Trade-off in Immigration Policy? What the Data Say

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    This paper explores the empirical support behind the idea that there is a trade-off between the size of the migrant population and the rights and entitlements enjoyed by immigrants. We first look at the empirical correlation between measures of migrants’ rights and the size of the stock of immigrants in a number of existing databases. Using data on migrants’ rights from three recent studies—the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Migrant Accessibility Index, the Migration Policy Group and British Council’s Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) and the Human Development Report Office’s Migrant Entitlements and Services Index—we fail to find a systematic correlation of any sign. We then turn to regression analysis using OLS and instrumental variable techniques and again fail to find evidence in favor of the existence of a correlation. The numerical magnitudes of the correlations suggest a quantitatively small relationship which in several cases is positive rather than negative.migration rights and entitlements, measurement, migration data

    Is There a Numbers versus Rights Trade-off in Immigration Policy? What the Data Say

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    This paper explores the empirical support behind the idea that there is a trade-off between the size of the migrant population and the rights and entitlements enjoyed by immigrants. We first look at the empirical correlation between measures of migrants’ rights and the size of the stock of immigrants in a number of existing databases. Using data on migrants’ rights from three recent studies—the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Migrant Accessibility Index, the Migration Policy Group and British Council’s Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) and the Human Development Report Office’s Migrant Entitlements and Services Index—we fail to find a systematic correlation of any sign. We then turn to regression analysis using OLS and instrumental variable techniques and again fail to find evidence in favor of the existence of a correlation. The numerical magnitudes of the correlations suggest a quantitatively small relationship which in several cases is positive rather than negative.migration rights and entitlements, measurement, migration data

    Population Dynamics and the Demographic Dividend Potential of Eastern and Southern Africa: A Primer

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    This working paper provides an overview of demographic trends that are upending the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region and the potential to capitalize on the demographic dividend. The demographic dividend is the time-bound opportunity to catalyze economic growth and poverty reduction as the working age population expands due to falling birth and death rates. Using a variety of demographic variables, the paper describes the ongoing population boom in ESA alongside the move toward higher levels of savings and investment that can propel the production of more goods and services and hence greater income and opportunities. It then assesses the recent and likely trajectory of human capital in the region – a key determinant of the dividend – while also modelling an alternative policy path whereby governments immediately ensure that each newborn reaches their full physical and cognitive development while also completing secondary school. The paper concludes by highlighting the importance of greater and better investment in human capital sectors, which will determine how much of the remaining dividend can be salvaged, while also discussing how UNICEF and development partners can help

    Investigating hydrophilic channels in polymer composites using atomic force microscopy.

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    Nanoscience is not about products becoming smaller and smaller, but about new material properties being exploited for new and enhanced product applications. Liquid crystalline materials are one branch of nanomaterials that has promise of highly useful products. Liquid crystalline materials are soft materials that can respond to external stimuli and form ordered structures. Liquid crystals have applications as templates for more complex nanostructures as well as sensing devices. The purpose of this study was to investigate, using atomic force microscopy, the characteristics of a liquid crystalline, nanoparticle, composite material to determine whether or not it was indeed forming ordered, hydrophilic channels lined with gold nanoparticles. Atomic force microscopy showed that these channels were indeed forming, but further investigation will be necessary before the structures could be controlled and exploited

    Revisiting the Migration-Development Nexus: A Gravity Model Approach

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    This paper presents empirical estimates of a gravity model of bilateral migration that properly accounts for non-linearities and tackles causality issues through an instrumental variables approach. In contrast to the existing literature, which is limited to OECD data, we have estimated our model using a matrix of bilateral migration stocks for 127 countries. We find that the inverted-U relationship between income at origin and migration found by other authors survives the more demanding bilateral specification but does not survive both instrumentation and introduction of controls for the geographical and cultural proximity between country pairs. We also evaluate the effect of migration on origin and destination country income using the geographically determined component of migration as a source of exogenous variation and fail to find a significant effect of migration on origin or destination income.Gravity models, international migration, economic growth

    An Adaptation To Life In Acid Through A Novel Mevalonate Pathway.

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    Extreme acidophiles are capable of growth at pH values near zero. Sustaining life in acidic environments requires extensive adaptations of membranes, proton pumps, and DNA repair mechanisms. Here we describe an adaptation of a core biochemical pathway, the mevalonate pathway, in extreme acidophiles. Two previously known mevalonate pathways involve ATP dependent decarboxylation of either mevalonate 5-phosphate or mevalonate 5-pyrophosphate, in which a single enzyme carries out two essential steps: (1) phosphorylation of the mevalonate moiety at the 3-OH position and (2) subsequent decarboxylation. We now demonstrate that in extreme acidophiles, decarboxylation is carried out by two separate steps: previously identified enzymes generate mevalonate 3,5-bisphosphate and a new decarboxylase we describe here, mevalonate 3,5-bisphosphate decarboxylase, produces isopentenyl phosphate. Why use two enzymes in acidophiles when one enzyme provides both functionalities in all other organisms examined to date? We find that at low pH, the dual function enzyme, mevalonate 5-phosphate decarboxylase is unable to carry out the first phosphorylation step, yet retains its ability to perform decarboxylation. We therefore propose that extreme acidophiles had to replace the dual-purpose enzyme with two specialized enzymes to efficiently produce isoprenoids in extremely acidic environments

    Real Time Monitoring for the Most Vulnerable: UNICEF's Experience in Uganda

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    This article reviews two Real Time Monitoring (RTM) initiatives in Uganda that utilise RapidSMS technology. mTrac uses mobile phones to transmit local health information, including disease surveillance, malaria treatment and drug stocks. This electronic?based reporting system replaced a paper?based one, enabling actionable information to be delivered more quickly. Its early success in Uganda suggests that similar systems could be introduced elsewhere to achieve cost?savings and more efficient monitoring of key supply and demand health indicators in vulnerable areas. U?report offers young Ugandans a chance to voice their opinions on pertinent issues by giving them access to a free SMS service through which they can send in text messages, respond to polls, and receive factual information and results. Although the objective is to empower all youth, U?reporters often tackle issues that address the needs of vulnerable children and communities. The ability to target polls by regions is an exciting feature, and further research is warranted to better understand U?report's sampling potential

    Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Tomball Tollway Project, Montgomery County, Texas

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    On behalf of Halff Associates, Inc., and the Montgomery County Toll Road Authority (MCTRA), SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted an investigation of the proposed Tomball Tollway project located in Montgomery County, Texas. The proposed project area follows the existing Tomball Tollway (State Highway [SH] 249) northward approximately 3.3 miles from Spring Creek to the FM 1774 junction in Pinehurst. The proposed project involves the widening of SH 249 between existing feeders, as well as the construction of on-ramps. The project also involves the construction of three detention basins totaling approximately 22 acres utilizing a combination of floodplain fill mitigation and detention. The investigations included an archaeological background literature and records review and an intensive pedestrian survey augmented by subsurface shovel and auger testing to systematically identify, record, delineate, and, if possible, determine the significance of any cultural resources located within the project area. All work was conducted under Texas Antiquities Code permit number 7505 in compliance with the Antiquities Code of Texas. Archaeological investigations were conducted as part of the sponsor’s compliance with application requirements for a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Galveston District, Section 404 permit in accordance with 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 325, Appendix C (Processing Department of Army Permits: Procedures for the Protection of Historic Properties; Final Rule 1990; with current Interim Guidance Documents dated April 25, 2005 and January 31, 2007), and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) (16 United States Code [USC] 470) and its implementing regulations (36 CFR 800). All investigations were conducted in accordance with the standards and guidelines of the NHPA, the Texas Historical Commission’s (THC) standards for such projects, and the Council of Texas Archeologists Guidelines for Performance, Curation, and Reports. The goal of the work was to locate all prehistoric and historic archaeological sites in the project area, establish vertical and horizontal site boundaries as appropriate, and evaluate the significance and eligibility of any site recorded for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Overall, investigations in the proposed project corridor encountered ground disturbances resulting from prior road and transmission line construction and maintenance activities. As a result of the current investigation, one multicomponent site (41MQ326) was discovered and delineated using THC standards. Due to the paucity of artifacts, SWCA believes it is unlikely that significant archaeological materials exist within the investigated portions of 41MQ326; however, due to the depth of deposits and possibility of deeply buried features not visible through augering, NRHP eligibility for 41MQ326 is UNDETERMINED for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) (36 CFR 60.4 [a-d]) or as a State Archaeological Landmark (SAL), and further research is needed to fully assess the site. As such, SWCA advises that archaeological monitoring take place during construction of the southern detention basin in areas within 30 m of the site in order to further evaluate this portion of the site and to ensure that no significant archaeological deposits are disturbed. In accordance with 33 CFR Part 325, Appendix C and Section 106 of the NHPA (36 CFR 800.4), SWCA has made a reasonable and good faith effort to identify historic properties within the proposed Tomball Tollway project area. Based on the results of the current effort and proposed monitoring, SWCA recommends a determination of NO ADVERSE EFFECT to historic properties within the investigated project area

    Twins support the absence of parity-dependent fertility control in pretransition populations

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    A conclusion of the European Fertility Project in 1986 was that pretransition populations mostly displayed natural fertility, where parity-dependent birth control was absent. This conclusion has recently been challenged for England by new empirical results and has also been widely rejected by theorists of long-run economic growth, where pre-industrial fertility control is integral to most models. In this study, we use the accident of twin births to show that for three Western European–derived pre-industrial populations—namely, England (1730–1879), France (1670–1788), and Québec (1621–1835)—we find no evidence for parity-dependent control of marital fertility. If a twin was born in any of these populations, family size increased by 1 compared with families with a singleton birth at the same parity and mother age, with no reduction of subsequent fertility. Numbers of children surviving to age 14 also increased. Twin births also show no differential effect on fertility when they occurred at high parities; this finding is in contrast to populations where fertility is known to have been controlled by at least some families, such as in England, 1900–1949, where a twin birth increased average births per family by significantly less than 1

    Fiscal Space for Children and Human Capital in Eastern and Southern Africa: Options and Strategic Entry Points to Address Investment Gaps in 16 Countries

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    UNICEF initiated a multi-country initiative to better understand the dynamics of investing in human capital in the Eastern and Southern Africa region (ESAR). The project sought to identify potential opportunities for governments to increase expenditure on the sectors that matter most for children and to close critical investment gaps while maintaining fiscal sustainability (through fiscal space analyses), as well as to pinpoint entry points for UNICEF to more effectively influence government spending decisions (through political economy analyses). In total, fiscal space and political economy analyses were carried out in 16 countries in ESAR between 2016 and 2018. Drawing on information from the country studies as well as from global databases, four key findings emerge: 1. Investment in core human capital sectors is expected to slightly decrease in ESAR in the near term, although there are significant variations across countries. 2. All countries have at least one very strong option to boost related investments – reprioritizing the budget, increasing domestic revenue and improving the efficiency of spending are the most promising avenues, while attracting greater foreign aid and cracking down on illicit financial flows are good approaches in sub-groups of countries. 3. Each fiscal space opportunity faces strong headwinds, which range from the challenges of influencing the politics that underlie the budget process to the complexities of strengthening tax administrative capacity and stifling corruption. 4. There are many opportunities for UNICEF to support the scaling up of child-focused investment throughout the budget cycle as well as by supporting improved budget transparency and accountability practices. In addition to presenting fiscal space country profiles that can form the basis of national financing strategies, the report identifies specific entry points for UNICEF and partners to alter investment trajectories and hence transform children’s lives and the economic and social outlooks of their countries
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