831 research outputs found

    Industry 4.0 and the future of manufacturing. Theoretical base and empirical analyses

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    A new industrial revolution \u2013 also called \u201cIndustry 4.0\u201d \u2013 is unfolding fueled by the introduction of broadly interconnected digital technologies, including the Internet of Things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and additive manufacturing. Many industries are witnessing the entrance of new players integrating new technologies into disruptive business models; incumbents are also urged to rethink how they operate against trends that are expected to further accelerate in the current pandemic situation. The overarching aim of the research presented in this doctoral dissertation is to investigate to what extent Industry 4.0 represents a fundamental challenge to existing paradigms and requires researchers to modify their theoretical frameworks to approach emerging issues. With this in mind, each chapter can be seen as a step forward in journey whereby some core issues come progressively into focus. The starting point is a conceptual work analyzing the phenomenon \u2013 \u201cIndustry 4.0\u201d and similar labels \u2013 and its underlying technological and non-technological components. As a second step \u2013 under the assumption of Industry 4.0 having paradigmatic properties comparable to previous industrial revolutions \u2013 potential new configurations of manufacturing value chains are investigated. Through a future-oriented expert study, eight scenarios are conceived identifying critical drivers to value chain configurations. Finally, one of these critical drivers \u2013 data sharing in inter-organizational relationships \uac\u2013 is investigated through the development of a multiple case study analysis in the automotive sector. The contribution of this dissertation to the academic debate is at least twofold. On the one hand, the research highlights the cornerstones of the phenomenon to make sense of its overarching features and building elements. This contributes to lay solid theoretical foundations needed to advance the understanding in the field. On the other hand, my empirical investigations suggest that several barriers counterbalance the technological drivers for change, posing significant questions as for when and how the future of manufacturing will materialize. Overall, an approach focused on understanding how technologies influence the assumptions behind the current reasoning might lead at a synthesis between \u201cold\u201d and \u201cnew\u201d elements in the Industry 4.0 phenomenon

    L’Épine – Les Mazains

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 4649 Date de l'opération : 2004 (EX) La parcelle concernée est localisée à l’entrée ouest de la commune, à 500 m au sud de la rivière de la Vesle. Le terrain est délimité à l’est par la route départementale n° 208 et au sud par la rue de Juvigny. Cette opération de diagnostic archéologique intervient en amont de la construction de pavillons, par la S.C.I. « Domaine des Mazains ». La zone d’intervention archéologique s’inscrit dans la champagne crayeu..

    Machault – Rue Notre-Dame

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 4436 Date de l'opération : 2004 (EX) Le secteur sondé se situe dans le département des Ardennes, en bordure de l’axe routier Reims-Vouzier (RD 980). Le terrain sondé est localisé au sud-ouest de la commune, délimité à l’ouest par la rue Rousselet et au sud  par la rue Notre-Dame. Cette opération de diagnostic archéologique intervient avant la construction d’un lotissement, dont le propriétaire est la commune de Machault. La surface de l’emprise du pr..

    Overcoming the challenges of phage therapy for industrial aquaculture: A review

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    Aquaculture is the fastest-growing sector in food industry. Its development is powered by the intensification ofthe production which increased bacterial disease occurrence and spreading. As aquaculture deeply relies on amassive prophylactic and therapeutic use of antibiotics, it is threatened by the emergence of multi drug resistantbacteria. The stalled development of new antibiotics makes finding new therapeutic solutions a burning issue.Thanks to their specific host range, their ability to treat both the farmed species and the environment, theirlimited ecological impact and their abundance in the environment, bacteriophages represent a promising sustainablesolution to control pathogenic aquaculture bacteria.In this review we discuss the interest of phage biocontrol for aquaculture and how can bacterial resistance,ecological, pharmacological and production related issues be solved

    Assessing the ecological soundness of organic and conventional agriculture by means of life cycle assessment (LCA) - a case study of leek production

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    Purpose – Sustainable agriculture implies the ability of agro-ecosystems to remain productive in the long-term. It is not easy to point out unambiguously whether or not current production systems meet this sustainability demand. A priori thinking would suggest that organic crops are environmentally favourable, but may ignore the effect of reduced productivity, which shifts the potential impact to other parts of the food provision system. The purpose of this paper is to assess the ecological sustainability of conventional and organic leek production by means of life cycle assessment (LCA). Design/methodology/approach – A cradle-to-farm gate LCA is applied, based on real farm data from two research centres. For a consistent comparison, two functional units (FU) were defined: 1ha and 1?kg of leek production. Findings – Assessed on an area basis, organic farming shows a more favourable environmental profile. These overall benefits are strongly reduced when the lower yields are taken into account. Related to organic farming it is therefore important that solutions are found to substantially increase the yields without increasing the environmental burden. Related to conventional farming, important potential for environmental improvements are in optimising the farm nutrient flows, reducing pesticide use and increasing its self-supporting capacity. Research limitations/implications – The research is a cradle-to-farm gate LCA, future research can be expanded to comprise all phases from cradle-to-grave to get an idea of the total sustainability of our present food consumption patterns. The research is also limited to the case of leek production. Future research can apply the methodology to other crops. Originality/value – To date, there is still lack of clear evidence of the added value of organic farming compared to conventional farming on environmental basis. Few studies have compared organic and conventional food production by means of LCA. This paper addresses these issues

    Machault – Rue Notre-Dame

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 4436 Date de l'opération : 2004 (EX) Le secteur sondé se situe dans le département des Ardennes, en bordure de l’axe routier Reims-Vouzier (RD 980). Le terrain sondé est localisé au sud-ouest de la commune, délimité à l’ouest par la rue Rousselet et au sud  par la rue Notre-Dame. Cette opération de diagnostic archéologique intervient avant la construction d’un lotissement, dont le propriétaire est la commune de Machault. La surface de l’emprise du pr..

    Barby – La Couture vers Vaux

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 4435 Date de l'opération : 2004 (EX) Un diagnostic archéologique a été réalisé à Barby par l’Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives, sur prescription du Service régional de l’archéologie de Champagne-Ardenne, préalablement à la construction d’une station de lagunage des eaux usées. La parcelle sondée se situe à l’ouest de la commune, elle est délimitée au nord par la route départementale 926 et à l’est par le chemin d’exploitation..

    The ISO/IEC 27001 information security management standard: literature review and theory-based research agenda

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    Purpose \u2013 After 15 years of research, this paper aims to present a review of the academic literature on the ISO/ IEC 27001, the most renowned standard for information security and the third most widespread ISO certification. Emerging issues are reframed through the lenses of social systems thinking, deriving a theorybased research agenda to inspire interdisciplinary studies in the field. Design/methodology/approach \u2013 The study is structured as a systematic literature review. Findings \u2013 Research themes and sub-themes are identified on five broad research foci: relation with other standards, motivations, issues in the implementation, possible outcomes and contextual factors. Originality/value \u2013The study presents a structured overview of the academic body of knowledge on ISO/IEC 27001, providing solid foundations for future research on the topic. A set of research opportunities is outlined, with the aim to inspire future interdisciplinary studies at the crossroad between information security and quality management. Managers interested in the implementation of the standard and policymakers can find an overview of academic knowledge useful to inform their decisions related to implementation and regulatory activities

    The future of manufacturing: A Delphi-based scenario analysis on Industry 4.0

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    Industry 4.0 is expected to impart profound changes to the configuration of manufacturing companies with regards to what their value proposition will be and how their production network, supplier base and customer interfaces will develop. The literature on the topic is still fragmented; the features of the emerging paradigm appear to be a contested territory among different academic disciplines. This study assumes a value chain perspective to analyze the evolutionary trajectories of manufacturing companies. We developed a Delphi-based scenario analysis involving 76 experts from academia and practice. The results highlight the most common expectations as well as controversial issues in terms of emerging business models, size, barriers to entry, vertical integration, rent distribution, and geographical location of activities. Eight scenarios provide a concise outlook on the range of possible futures. These scenarios are based on four main drivers which stem from the experts\u2019 comments: demand characteristics, transparency of data among value chain participants, maturity of additive manufacturing and advanced robotics, and penetration of smart products. Researchers can derive from our study a series of hypotheses and opportunities for future research on Industry 4.0. Managers and policymakers can leverage the scenarios in long-term strategic planning
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