88 research outputs found

    The application of modern statistical approaches to identify consistent individual differences in the behaviour of wild postpartum female grey seals (Halichoerus grypus)

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    Consistent individual differences (CIDs) in behaviour have been shown to occur in a large number of species. However, few studies have attempted to quantify CIDs in the behaviour of wild animals in their natural environment. Yet, in order to understand the ecological and evolutionary relevance of CIDs in behaviour, it is fundamentally important that we attempt to quantify them in wild animals, in situ. In order to address this question, a three-step analytical approach was applied to data that were collected on wild postpartum female grey seals, which were part of a ‘hands-off’ observational study. Aspects of behaviour were highly repeatable across breeding seasons. The ‘alert’ behaviour in particular, remained highly repeatable irrespective of which individuals were included in the analyses. Furthermore, these robust repeatability estimates for the ‘alert’ behaviour persisted, despite controlling for social and environmental factors that are known to influence maternal behaviour. Subsequently, the three-step analytical approach was applied to an independent dataset collected on postpartum female grey seals that are part of a long-term longitudinal study on reproductive variation. Similar patterns were observed in the results across the three steps, and once again, the ‘alert’ behaviour was one of the more repeatable behaviours. However, these highly repeatable behaviours did not explain any of the variation in commonly used proxies for short-term fitness. As a result, these preliminary findings add to the debate on whether or not CIDs in behaviour are adaptive or are a product of phenotypic and/or genotypic constraints. Consequently, the potential influence of CIDs in behaviour on fitness trade-offs, population dynamics and conservation and management practices shall be discussed. The application of the three-step analytical approach to the independent dataset did raise some important methodological considerations, which shall be discussed in relation to developing guidelines for applying this approach to other datasets

    RiCORE: risk-based consenting of offshore renewable energy projects.

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    This presentation gives an introduction to the context and purpose of the RiCORE project. Additionally, it provides some further detail on those particular aspects of the project involving the identification of commonalities and transferability of pre-consent surveying between different renewable technologies

    Temporal and spatial trends in stranding records of cetaceans on the Irish coast, 2002–2014

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    Using Irish strandings data collected between 2002 and 2014, seasonal and annual trends in the number of strandings for all strandings identified to species level (N ¼ 1480), and for the five most frequently reported species: common dolphin (25.7% of records), harbour porpoise (22.2%), long-finned pilot whale (8.8%), striped dolphin (6.9%) and bottlenose dolphin (6.9%) were investigated. With the exception of bottlenose dolphins, there was a significant linear increase in the number of strandings across years for all species and for all strandings collectively, that were identified to species-level. Only common dolphins demonstrated a significant increase in the proportion of records relative to all other strandings, which may be indicative of a real rise in the number of strandings of this species. Common dolphins and harbour porpoises showed a similar significant difference in monthly strandings, with more strandings occurring during the earlier months of the year.\ud Significant differences in the gender of stranded animals were found in common, striped, bottlenose and Atlantic white-sided dolphins and sperm and pygmy sperm whales. Live and mass stranding events were primarily comprised of pelagic species. Most strandings occurred on the south and west coasts, with two hotspots for live and mass strandings identified. The patterns and trends identified are discussed in relation to the caveats in interpreting strandings data. Specifically to Ireland, the findings highlight the urgent need to build on the current volunteer reporting network and augment this comprehensive dataset with post-mortem examinations to better understand the cause of the trends identified. The importance of strandings data in informing conservation and management guidelines of these species’ is discussed

    Guidance on effective adaptive management and post-consent monitoring strategies.

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    This report considers policy approaches and scientific methods of relevance to post-consent monitoring. The aim is to help decision makers become better informed by cost-effectively reducing the scientific uncertainties associated with the impacts of offshore renewable energy on biodiversity. This comes as part of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the use of offshore renewable energy projects in the EU by streamlining consenting processes

    Profiling Member State consenting processes and reconciling EU legal requirements.

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    This presentation outlines the findings of the second work package of the RiCORE project, focusing on understanding and comparing existing EU Member State consenting processes for offshore renewable energy projects

    Pre-consent survey guidance.

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    This report provides advice for whether or not (and to what extent in terms of data volume) pre-consent surveys are required during the creation of offshore renewable energy projects. This comes as part of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the use of offshore renewable energy projects in the EU by streamlining consenting processes

    Report on the analysis of commonalities and differences in approaches to pre-consent surveys.

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    This report identifies commonalities and transferability of pre-consent surveying among renewable energy technology types. This comes as part of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the use of offshore renewable energy projects in the EU by streamlining consenting processes
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