47 research outputs found

    Arctic bacterial diversity and connectivity in the coastal margin of the Last Ice Area

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    Arctic climate change is leading to sea-ice attrition in the Last Ice Area along the northern coast of Canada and Greenland, but less attention has been given to the associated land-based ecosystems. Here we evaluated bacterial community structure in a hydrologically coupled cryo-ecosystem in the region: Thores Glacier, proglacial Thores Lake, and its outlet to the sea. Deep amplicon sequencing revealed that Polaromonas was ubiquitous, but differed genetically among diverse niches. Surface glacier-ice was dominated by Cyanobacteria, while the perennially ice-capped, well-mixed water column of Thores Lake had a unique assemblage of Chloroflexi, Actinobacteriota, and Planctomycetota. Species richness increased downstream, but glacier microbes were little detected in the lake, suggesting strong taxonomic sorting. Ongoing climate change and the retreat of Thores Glacier would lead to complete drainage and loss of the lake microbial ecosystem, indicating the extreme vulnerability of diverse cryohabitats and unique microbiomes in the Last Ice coastal margin

    Extreme viral partitioning in a marine-derived High Arctic lake

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    ABSTRACT High-latitude, perennially stratified (meromictic) lakes are likely to be especially vulnerable to climate warming because of the importance of ice in maintaining their water column structure and associated distribution of microbial communities. This study aimed to characterize viral abundance, diversity, and distribution in a meromictic lake of marine origin on the far northern coast of Ellesmere Island, in the Canadian High Arctic. We collected triplicate samples for double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) viromics from five depths that encompassed the major features of the lake, as determined by limnological profiling of the water column. Viral abundance and virus-to-prokaryote ratios were highest at greater depths, while bacterial and cyanobacterial counts were greatest in the surface waters. The viral communities from each zone of the lake defined by salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentrations were markedly distinct, suggesting that there was little exchange of viral types among lake strata. Ten viral assembled genomes were obtained from our libraries, and these also segregated with depth. This well-defined structure of viral communities was consistent with that of potential hosts. Viruses from the monimolimnion, a deep layer of ancient Arctic Ocean seawater, were more diverse and relatively abundant, with few similarities to available viral sequences. The Lake A viral communities also differed from published records from the Arctic Ocean and meromictic Ace Lake in Antarctica. This first characterization of viral diversity from this sentinel environment underscores the microbial richness and complexity of an ecosystem type that is increasingly exposed to major perturbations in the fast-changing Arctic. IMPORTANCE The Arctic is warming at an accelerating pace, and the rise in temperature has increasing impacts on the Arctic biome. Lakes are integrators of their surroundings and thus excellent sentinels of environmental change. Despite their importance in the regulation of key microbial processes, viruses remain largely uncharacterized in Arctic lacustrine environments. We sampled a highly stratified meromictic lake near the northern limit of the Canadian High Arctic, a region in rapid transition due to climate change. We found that the different layers of the lake harbored viral communities that were strikingly dissimilar and highly divergent from known viruses. Viruses were more abundant in the deepest part of the lake containing ancient Arctic Ocean seawater that was trapped during glacial retreat and were genomically unlike any viruses previously described. This research demonstrates the complexity and novelty of viral communities in an environment that is vulnerable to ongoing perturbation

    Local habitat filtering shapes microbial community structure in four closely spaced lakes in the High Arctic

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    Arctic lakes are experiencing increasingly shorter periods of ice cover due to accelerated warming at northern high latitudes. Given the control of ice cover thickness and duration over many limnological processes, these changes will have pervasive effects. However, due to their remote and extreme locations even first-order data on lake ecology is lacking for many ecosystems. The aim of this study was to characterize and compare the microbial communities of four closely spaced lakes in Stuckberry Valley (northern Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago), in the coastal margin zone of the Last Ice Area, that differed in their physicochemical, morphological and catchment characteristics. We performed high-throughput amplicon sequencing of the V4 16S rRNA gene to provide inter- and intra-lake comparisons. Two deep (>25 m) and mostly oxygenated lakes showed highly similar community assemblages that were distinct from those of two shallower lakes (<10 m) with anoxic bottom waters. Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, and Planctomycetes were the major phyla present in the four water bodies. One deep lake contained elevated proportions of Cyanobacteria and Thaumarchaeota that distinguished it from the others, while the shallow lakes had abundant communities of predatory bacteria, as well as microbes in their bottom waters that contribute to sulfur and methane cycles. Despite their proximity, our data suggest that local habitat filtering is the primary determinant of microbial diversity in these systems. This study provides the first detailed examination of the microbial assemblages of the Stuckberry lakes system, resulting in new insights into the microbial ecology of the High Arctic

    Slow change since the Little Ice Age at a far northern glacier with the potential for system reorganization: Thores Glacier, northern Ellesmere Island, Canada

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    Relatively little is known about the glaciers of northern Ellesmere Island, Canada. Here we describe the first field and remote sensing observations of Thores Glacier, located 50 km inland from the Arctic Ocean. The glacier is slow-moving, with maximum velocities of 26 m a −1 and a maximum observed thickness of 360 ± 4.3 m. There has been little change in terminus position since at least 1959, with a maximum advance of 170 m at the northwest terminus ending on land and retreat up to 130 m at the southeast terminus ending in Thores Lake. There is little evidence for change since the Little Ice Age as bedrock weathering patterns suggest retreat of no more than 20–30 m around most of the glacier margin. The supraglacial drainage network is generally poorly developed, without moulins and with few crevasses, and therefore no evidence of water reaching the glacier bed. This is supported by one-dimensional modelling, which suggests current basal temperatures of −7.0 °C to −12.0 °C along the centerline. Thores Glacier currently dams Thores Lake, which causes drainage to flow to the southeast. However, if the glacier thins or retreats sufficiently, regional drainage will reverse and flow to the north, and Thores Lake would no longer exist

    c-Type Cytochrome-Dependent Formation of U(IV) Nanoparticles by Shewanella oneidensis

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    Modern approaches for bioremediation of radionuclide contaminated environments are based on the ability of microorganisms to effectively catalyze changes in the oxidation states of metals that in turn influence their solubility. Although microbial metal reduction has been identified as an effective means for immobilizing highly-soluble uranium(VI) complexes in situ, the biomolecular mechanisms of U(VI) reduction are not well understood. Here, we show that c-type cytochromes of a dissimilatory metal-reducing bacterium, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, are essential for the reduction of U(VI) and formation of extracelluar UO (2) nanoparticles. In particular, the outer membrane (OM) decaheme cytochrome MtrC (metal reduction), previously implicated in Mn(IV) and Fe(III) reduction, directly transferred electrons to U(VI). Additionally, deletions of mtrC and/or omcA significantly affected the in vivo U(VI) reduction rate relative to wild-type MR-1. Similar to the wild-type, the mutants accumulated UO (2) nanoparticles extracellularly to high densities in association with an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS). In wild-type cells, this UO (2)-EPS matrix exhibited glycocalyx-like properties and contained multiple elements of the OM, polysaccharide, and heme-containing proteins. Using a novel combination of methods including synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence microscopy and high-resolution immune-electron microscopy, we demonstrate a close association of the extracellular UO (2) nanoparticles with MtrC and OmcA (outer membrane cytochrome). This is the first study to our knowledge to directly localize the OM-associated cytochromes with EPS, which contains biogenic UO (2) nanoparticles. In the environment, such association of UO (2) nanoparticles with biopolymers may exert a strong influence on subsequent behavior including susceptibility to oxidation by O (2) or transport in soils and sediments

    New Genera of RNA Viruses in Subtropical Seawater, Inferred from Polymerase Gene Sequences

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    Viruses are an integral component of the marine food web, contributing to the disease and mortality of essentially every type of marine life, yet the diversity of viruses in the sea, especially those with RNA genomes, remains very poorly characterized. Isolates of RNA-containing viruses that infect marine plankton are still rare, and the only cultivation-independent surveys of RNA viral diversity reported so far were conducted for temperate coastal waters of British Columbia. Here, we report on our improvements to a previously used protocol to investigate the diversity of marine picorna-like viruses and our results from applying this protocol in subtropical waters. The original protocol was simplified by using direct filtration, rather than tangential flow filtration, to harvest viruses from seawater, and new degenerate primers were designed to amplify a fragment of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene by reverse transcription-PCR from RNA extracted from the filters. Whereas the original protocol was unsuccessful in a preliminary test, the new protocol resulted in amplification of picorna-like virus sequences in every sample of subtropical and temperate coastal seawater assayed. These polymerase sequences formed a diverse, but monophyletic cluster along with other sequences amplified previously from seawater and sequences from isolates infecting marine protists. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that our sequences represent at least five new genera and 24 new species of RNA viruses. These results contribute to our understanding of RNA virus diversity and suggest that picorna-like viruses are a source of mortality for a wide variety of marine protists

    New Genera of RNA Viruses in Subtropical Seawater, Inferred from Polymerase Gene Sequences▿ †

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    Viruses are an integral component of the marine food web, contributing to the disease and mortality of essentially every type of marine life, yet the diversity of viruses in the sea, especially those with RNA genomes, remains very poorly characterized. Isolates of RNA-containing viruses that infect marine plankton are still rare, and the only cultivation-independent surveys of RNA viral diversity reported so far were conducted for temperate coastal waters of British Columbia. Here, we report on our improvements to a previously used protocol to investigate the diversity of marine picorna-like viruses and our results from applying this protocol in subtropical waters. The original protocol was simplified by using direct filtration, rather than tangential flow filtration, to harvest viruses from seawater, and new degenerate primers were designed to amplify a fragment of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene by reverse transcription-PCR from RNA extracted from the filters. Whereas the original protocol was unsuccessful in a preliminary test, the new protocol resulted in amplification of picorna-like virus sequences in every sample of subtropical and temperate coastal seawater assayed. These polymerase sequences formed a diverse, but monophyletic cluster along with other sequences amplified previously from seawater and sequences from isolates infecting marine protists. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that our sequences represent at least five new genera and 24 new species of RNA viruses. These results contribute to our understanding of RNA virus diversity and suggest that picorna-like viruses are a source of mortality for a wide variety of marine protists

    The complete genomes of three viruses assembled from shotgun libraries of marine RNA virus communities

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    Background: RNA viruses have been isolated that infect marine organisms ranging from bacteria to whales, but little is known about the composition and population structure of the in situ marine RNA virus community. In a recent study, the majority of three genomes of previously unknown positive-sense single-stranded (ss) RNA viruses were assembled from reverse-transcribed whole-genome shotgun libraries. The present contribution comparatively analyzes these genomes with respect to representative viruses from established viral taxa. Results: Two of the genomes (JP-A and JP-B), appear to be polycistronic viruses in the proposed order Picornavirales that fall into a well-supported clade of marine picorna-like viruses, the characterized members of which all infect marine protists. A temporal and geographic survey indicates that the JP genomes are persistent and widespread in British Columbia waters. The third genome, SOG, encodes a putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) that is related to the RdRp of viruses in the family Tombusviridae, but the remaining SOG sequence has no significant similarity to any sequences in the NCBI database. Conclusion: The complete genomes of these viruses permitted analyses that resulted in a more comprehensive comparison of these pathogens with established taxa. For example, in concordance with phylogenies based on the RdRp, our results support a close homology between JP-A and JP-B and RsRNAV. In contrast, although classification of the SOG genome based on the RdRp places SOG within the Tombusviridae, SOG lacks a capsid and movement protein conserved within this family and SOG is thus likely more distantly related to the Tombusivridae than the RdRp phylogeney indicates.Botany, Department ofEarth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department ofMicrobiology and Immunology, Department ofNon UBCScience, Faculty ofReviewedFacult

    Genome sequence and characterization of a virus (HaRNAV) related to picorna-like viruses that infects the marine toxic bloom-forming alga Heterosigma akashiwo

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    AbstractHeterosigma akashiwo (Rhaphidophyceae) is a unicellular, flagellated, bloom-forming, toxic alga of ecological and economic importance. Here, we report the results of sequencing and analyzing the genome of an 8.6-kb single-stranded RNA virus (HaRNAV-SOG263) that infects H. akashiwo. Our results show that HaRNAV is related to picorna-like viruses, but does not belong within any currently defined virus family. This is based on the genome organization and sequence comparisons of putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), helicase, and capsid protein sequences. The genome sequence predicts a single open reading frame (orf) encoding a polyprotein that contains conserved picorna-like protein domains, with putative nonstructural protein domains present in the N-terminus and the structural proteins in the C-terminus of the polyprotein. We have analyzed and compared the virus structural proteins from infectious and noninfectious particles. In this way, we identified structural protein cleavage sites as well as protein processing events that are presumably important for maturation of virus particles. The combination of genome structure and sequence relationships to other viruses suggests that HaRNAV is the first member of a proposed new virus family (Marnaviridae), related to picorna-like viruses

    Assembly of a marine viral metagenome after physical fractionation.

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    Metagenomic analyses of marine viruses generate an overview of viral genes present in a sample, but the percentage of the resulting sequence fragments that can be reassembled is low and the phenotype of the virus from which a given sequence derives is usually unknown. In this study, we employed physical fractionation to characterize the morphological and genomic traits of a subset of uncultivated viruses from a natural marine assemblage. Viruses from Kāne'ohe Bay, Hawai'i were fractionated by equilibrium buoyant density centrifugation in a cesium chloride (CsCl) gradient, and one fraction from the CsCl gradient was then further fractionated by strong anion-exchange chromatography. One of the fractions resulting from this two-dimensional separation appeared to be dominated by only a few virus types based on genome sizes and morphology. Sequences generated from a shotgun clone library of the viruses in this fraction were assembled into significantly more numerous contigs than have been generated with previous metagenomic investigations of whole DNA viral assemblages with comparable sequencing effort. Analysis of the longer contigs (up to 6.5 kb) assembled from our metagenome allowed us to assess gene arrangement in this subset of marine viruses. Our results demonstrate the potential for physical fractionation to facilitate sequence assembly from viral metagenomes and permit linking of morphological and genomic data for uncultivated viruses