452 research outputs found

    Czechia – is the Czech Republic’s new name real?

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    An article explaining the context of the decision of the government of the Czech Republic to start using an official "short" name of their countr

    Town and country: Prague stands alone against Czech Republic’s nationalist president

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    The passionate demonstrations by the affluent Prague middle classes against the controversial behaviour of the Czech President Miloš Zeman will only deepen the rift between Prague and the rest of the Czech Republic, between the affluent and the marginalised because those who feel left behind see Zeman as their defender, argues Jan Culik in this article

    James Krapfl, Revolution with a Human Face. Politics, Culture and Community in Czechoslovakia, 1989-1992

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    A review of a publication which examines why "revolutions always fail", using the example of the 1989 "Velvet Revolution" in Czechoslovakia, which was motivated, as the author concludes, not by a desire to introduce "capitalism", but by a desire to create a regime based on humanity, non-violence, pluralism, dialogue and direct democracy. There were to be regular checks on institutional power and free elections at all levels, not just in politics, but also in workplaces. The only place where this type of democracy has survived in the Czech Republic is in the University system, where Vice-Chancellors and Faculty Deans are still elected by the academic body

    “We are poor,” the Czechs have realized with horror

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    An analysis of a debate which took place in the Czech Republic in February-March 2017 after the Czech social democratic Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka proposed to increase taxes for "rich people" (i.e. those who earn more than ÂŁ 20 000 pounds sterling annually) and the public realised that there are only 9 per cent of such people in the country

    Fencing off the east: how the refugee crisis is dividing the European Union

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    An analysis of cultural differences between Eastern and Western Europe in the light of the 2015 refugee crisis

    Islam, Israel and the Czech Republic

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    An analytical article about a rising wave of islamophobia in the Czech Republi

    Czech far right scores big in elections, but struggles to form a government

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    An analysis of the political situation in the Czech Republic after the general election which took place on 20th and 21st October 2017

    The cynical thinking behind Hungary’s bizarre referendum

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    Encouraged by Brexit, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is using xenophobia to whip up support for his questionable anti-refugee referendum to be held on 2nd October, 2016

    Brexit: the view from Eastern Europe

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    An overview of Central and East European reactions to the UK Brexit vote

    Beyond Hungary: how the Czech Republic and Slovakia are responding to refugees

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    An analysis of anti-refugee xenophobia in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
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