68 research outputs found

    Analysis of harmonic current interaction in an industial plant

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    An analysis of current transients caused by the operation of a nearby device in an industrial plant is presented in the paper. The source of current transients in the factory lighting system was traced to the operation of the nearby six-pulse AC/DC converter. To determine the nature of the interaction, a measurement was done with a storage oscilloscope. Also, laboratory experiments on one lamp were conducted. It was possible to exclude the presence of a parallel resonance on this site. It was concluded that transients are caused by voltage notches in certain working regimes of the six-pulse converter. Possible solutions to the problem are separating the supplies of the converter and the lighting installation, filtering, or adding additional line reactance

    Fifth European Dirofilaria and Angiostrongylus Days (FiEDAD) 2016

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    Measuring the efficiency in Spanish municipal refuse collection services

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    The objective of this study is to analyse the technical or productive efficiency of the refuse collection services in 75 municipalities located in the Spanish region of Catalonia. The analysis has been carried out using various techniques. Firstly we have calculated a deterministic parametric frontier, then a stochastic parametric frontier, and finally, various non-parametric approaches (DEA and FDH). Concerning the results, these naturally differ according to the technique used to approach the frontier. Nevertheless, they have an appearance of solidity, at least with regard to the ordinal concordance among the indices of efficiency obtained by the different approaches, as is demonstrated by the statistical tests used. Finally, we have attempted to search for any relation existing between efficiency and the method (public or private) of managing the services. No significant relation was found between the type of management and efficiency indices- L'objectiu d'aquest estudi Ă©s analitzar l'eficiĂšncia tĂšcnica o productiva dels serveis de recollida d'escombraries a 75 municipis de Catalunya. L'anĂ lisi s'ha portat a terme utilitzant varies tĂšcniques. En primer lloc, hem calculat una frontera paramĂštrica determinĂ­stica, desprĂ©s una frontera paramĂštrica estocĂ stica, i finalment, varies aproximacions no-paramĂštriques (DEA i FDH). Pel que fa als resultats, aquests naturalment difereixen en funciĂł de la tĂšcnica utilitzada per aproximar la frontera. No obstant aixĂČ, guarden una aparença de solidesa, al menys pel que fa referĂšncia a la concordança ordinal entre els Ă­ndexs d'eficiĂšncia obtinguts per les diferents aproximacions, com mostren els tests estadĂ­stics utilitzats. Finalment, hem intentat buscar si existeix alguna relaciĂł entre l'eficiĂšncia i el mĂštode (pĂșblic o privat) de gestionar els serveis, no trobant-se cap relaciĂł significativa entre el tipus de gestiĂł i els Ă­ndexs d'eficiĂšncia

    Low-frequency distortion in distribution networks

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    Leave No One Behind: Inclusion of Persons With Disabilities In the United Nations Development Agenda

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    Historically, persons with disabilities were excluded from the official and internationally agreed development programs and agendas, including those implemented by the United Nations (UN). This exclusion had severe consequences on the rights of persons with disabilities across the world and thus positioned persons with disabilities amongst those that are the poorest of the poor and those that are left behind. The goal of this study is to explore a connection between the UN development agenda and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and thus contribute to providing guidance for implementing development inclusive of persons with disabilities. The research questions are: 1. What is the connection between the articles of CRPD and internationally agreed goals from the UN development agenda? 2. What is the historical development of global and universal commitments of the UN with its member states towards sustainable development inclusive of persons with disabilities and their rights? 3. How has the inclusion of people with disabilities in the UN development agenda changed over time? 4. What guidelines can be provided to policymakers in implementing the development goals inclusive of persons with disabilities, and particularly in the areas of education, employment, inclusive cities and data? To respond to these questions, the researcher uses the research method of Critical Discourse Analysis by exploring how the references to persons with disabilities in the UN development documents can be correlated with the CRPD. Through application of the critical discourse analysis, the study attempts to provide recommendations for policymakers at the national level. The study use model developed by Diane Kingston in a review of 17 UN development documents, which revealed an increase in number of references to persons with disabilities in these documents. The study further, provides a presentation of historical events that potentially influence this increase in number. The key events recognized by the study that could potentially influence the increasing number of references are the adoption of the CRPD and systematic and organized advocacy work of the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC). The study concludes that there is a connection between UN development documents and the CRPD, through the application of the model. This builds a solid argument for recommendations to policymakers to focus on implementation of the CRPD in order to implement a development agenda inclusive of persons with disabilities

    Application of Wavelets for Study of Harmonic Propagation in Distribution Networks

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    This paper demonstrates the applicability of wavelet transforms in the analysis of harmonic distortion propagation in distribution networks. A laboratory experiment involving actual low-voltage feeder and several non-linear loads is proposed for this study. The method is based on the processing of synchronized current and voltage waveforms captured at multiple points of the power network by distributed measurement system with high accuracy. The harmonic propagation phenomena is studied with different types of wavelet transforms, namely decimated discrete wavelet transforms, wavelet packet transforms and continuous wavelet transforms. Advantages of each of the transforms are explained. Together, they form a coherent analysis algorithm culminating in localization of dominant harmonic source in the distribution grid

    Summation of supraharmonic currents (2–150 kHz) from EV fast charging stations

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    This paper presents the outcomes of a study of the summation of supraharmonic (SH) currents from electric vehicle fast-charging stations (FCS), based on a field measurement in an installation with four 350 kW FCSs. FCSs can contribute to SH emission, between 2 and 150 kHz, in the network and their impact on the grid is quantified by the summation of SH components. Little is known about the summation of SHs in an installation with a power of hundreds of kW, therefore this article aims to contribute to the understanding of the SH current emission and their summation in practice. The results show that the total SH current from the installation increases with the number of active chargers, but not monotonous and that the emission is not constant over time. A diversity factor is proposed and the relation between total and summed current is analyzed to provide further insight into the role of absorption by other chargers. The findings are a step towards modeling the SH summation for FCSs and other installations with large power-electronic devices

    A Life Cycle Cost study on the impact of the energy transition on the choice of voltage levels in the distribution grid

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    This paper describes a methodology and results of a case study comparing the Life Cycle Costs (LCC) of four different operation voltage scenarios of a DSO, where large load increases are to be expected due to the Energy Transition in a period of 40 years. The methodology includes quantifying the conversion costs to another network structure, which makes the comparison much less straight-forward than a greenfield approach. Next to these costs, the investments for capacity extensions, maintenance of network components and costs related to Customer Minutes Lost are quantified. The result is a model for estimating the development costs as a function of load growth
