66 research outputs found

    Cost-Efficient and Easy to Perform PCR-Based Assay to Identify Met Exon 14 Skipping in Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Samples

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    MET is a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) that plays important roles in carcinogenesis. Despite being frequently overexpressed in cancer, clinical responses to targeting this receptor have been limited. Recently novel splicing mutations involving the loss of exon 14 (called METex14 skipping) have emerged as potential biomarkers to predict for responsiveness to targeted therapies with Met inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Currently, the diverse genomic alterations responsible for METex14 skipping pose a challenge for routine clinical diagnostic testing. In this report, we examine three different methodologies to detect METex14 and assess their potential utility for use as a diagnostic assay for both the identification of METex14 and intra-tumoural distribution in NSCLC

    An Analysis of JADE2 in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)

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    The JADE family comprises three members encoded by individual genes and roles for these proteins have been identified in chromatin remodeling, cell cycle progression, cell regeneration and the DNA damage response. JADE family members, and in particular JADE2 have not been studied in any great detail in cancer. Using a series of standard biological and bioinformatics approaches we investigated JADE2 expression in surgically resected non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) for both mRNA and protein to examine for correlations between JADE2 expression and overall survival. Additional correlations were identified using bioinformatic analyses on multiple online datasets. Our analysis demonstrates that JADE2 expression is significantly altered in NSCLC. High expression of JADE2 is associated with a better 5-year overall survival. Links between JADE2 mRNA expression and a number of mutated genes were identified, and associations between JADE2 expression and tumor mutational burden and immune cell infiltration were explored. Potential new drugs that can target JADE2 were identified. The results of this biomarker-driven study suggest that JADE2 may have potential clinical utility in the diagnosis, prognosis and stratification of patients into various therapeutically targetable options

    Altered Expression of ACOX2 In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Peroxisomes are organelles that play essential roles in many metabolic processes, but also play roles in innate immunity, signal transduction, aging and cancer. One of the main functions of peroxisomes is the processing of very-long chain fatty acids into metabolites that can be directed to the mitochondria. One key family of enzymes in this process are the peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidases (ACOX1, ACOX2 and ACOX3), the expression of which has been shown to be dysregulated in some cancers. Very little is however known about the expression of this family of oxidases in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). ACOX2 has however been suggested to be elevated at the mRNA level in over 10% of NSCLC, and in the present study using both standard and bioinformatics approaches we show that expression of ACOX2 is significantly altered in NSCLC. ACOX2 mRNA expression is linked to a number of mutated genes, and associations between ACOX2 expression and tumour mutational burden and immune cell infiltration were explored. Links between ACOX2 expression and candidate therapies for oncogenic driver mutations such as KRAS were also identified. Furthermore, levels of acyl-CoA oxidases and other associated peroxisomal genes were explored to identify further links between the peroxisomal pathway and NSCLC. The results of this biomarker driven study suggest that ACOX2 may have potential clinical utility in the diagnosis, prognosis and stratification of patients into various therapeutically targetable options

    Active children through incentive vouchers – evaluation (ACTIVE): a mixed-method feasibility study

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    BackgroundAdolescents face many barriers to physical activity, demonstrated by the decline in physical activity levels in teenage populations. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of overcoming such barriers via the implementation of an activity-promoting voucher scheme to teenagers in deprived areas.MethodsAll Year 9 pupils (n = 115; 13.3 ± 0.48 years; 51 % boys) from one secondary school in Wales (UK) participated. Participants received £25 of activity vouchers every month for six months for physical activity or sporting equipment. Focus groups (n = 7), with 43 pupils, and qualitative interviews with teachers (n = 2) were conducted to assess feasibility, in addition to a process evaluation utilising the RE-AIM framework. Quantitative outcomes at baseline, five months (during intervention) and twelve months (follow-up) included: physical activity (accelerometer), aerobic fitness (12 min Cooper run) and self-reported activity (PAQ-A). Motivation to exercise (BREQ-2) was measured three months post-baseline and at follow-up.ResultsQualitative findings showed that vouchers encouraged friends to socialise through activity, provided opportunities to access local activities that pupils normally could not afford, and engaged both those interested and disinterested in physical education. Improvements in weekend moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and reductions in sedentary behaviour were observed in both sexes. Boys’ fitness significantly improved during the voucher scheme. ‘Non-active’ pupils (those not meeting recommended guidelines of 60 mins∙day−1) and those with higher motivation to exercise had higher voucher use.ConclusionsAdolescents, teachers and activity providers supported the voucher scheme and felt the vouchers enabled deprived adolescents to access more physical activity opportunities. Voucher usage was associated with improved attitudes to physical activity, increased socialisation with friends and improved fitness and physical activity; presenting interesting avenues for further exploration in a larger intervention trial

    Expression of phosphorylated ribosomal protein S6 in mesothelioma patients - correlation with clinico-pathological characteristics and outcome: results from the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP) Mesoscape project

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    Pleural mesothelioma (PM) is an aggressive malignancy with poor prognosis. Although histology and pathologic stage are important prognostic factors, better prognostic biomarkers are needed. The ribosomal protein S6 is a downstream target of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway involved in protein synthesis and cell proliferation. In previous studies, low phosphorylated S6 (pS6) immunoreactivity was significantly correlated with longer progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in PM patients. We aimed to correlate pS6 expression to clinical data in a large multi-centre PM cohort as part of the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP) Mesoscape project. Tissue Micro Arrays (TMAs) of PM were constructed and expression of pS6 was evaluated by a semiquantitatively aggregate H-score. Expression results were correlated to patient characteristics as well as OS/PFS. pS6 IHC results of 364 patients from 9 centres, diagnosed between 1999 and 2017 were available. The primary histology of included tumours was epithelioid (70.3%), followed by biphasic (24.2%) and sarcomatoid (5.5%). TMAs included both treatment-naive and tumour tissue taken after induction chemotherapy. High pS6 expression (181 patients with H-score>1.41) was significantly associated with less complete resection. In the overall cohort, OS/PFS were not significantly different between pS6-low and pS6-high patients. In a subgroup analysis nonepithelioid (biphasic and sarcomatoid) patients with high pS6 expression showed a significantly shorter OS (p< 0.001, 10.7 versus 16.9 months) and PFS (p < 0.001, 6.2 versus 10.8 months). In subgroup analysis, in non-epithelioid PM patients high pS6 expression was associated with significantly shorter OS and PFS. These exploratory findings suggest a clinically relevant PI3K pathway activation in non-epithelioid PM which might lay the foundation for future targeted treatment strategies

    When RON MET TAM in Mesothelioma: All Druggable for One, and One Drug for All?

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive inflammatory cancer with a poor survival rate. Treatment options are limited at best and drug resistance is common. Thus, there is an urgent need to identify novel therapeutic targets in this disease in order to improve patient outcomes and survival times. MST1R (RON) is a trans-membrane receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), which is part of the c-MET proto-oncogene family. The only ligand recognized to bind MST1R (RON) is Macrophage Stimulating 1 (MST1), also known as Macrophage Stimulating Protein (MSP) or Hepatocyte Growth Factor-Like Protein (HGFL). In this study, we demonstrate that the MST1-MST1R (RON) signaling axis is active in MPM. Targeting this pathway with a small molecule inhibitor, LCRF-0004, resulted in decreased proliferation with a concomitant increase in apoptosis. Cell cycle progression was also affected. Recombinant MST1 treatment was unable to overcome the effect of LCRF-0004 in terms of either proliferation or apoptosis. Subsequently, the effect of an additional small molecular inhibitor, BMS-777607 (which targets MST1R (RON), MET, Tyro3, and Axl) also resulted in a decreased proliferative capacity of MPM cells. In a cohort of MPM patient samples, high positivity for total MST1R by IHC was an independent predictor of favorable prognosis. Additionally, elevated expression levels of MST1 also correlated with better survival. This study also determined the efficacy of LCRF-0004 and BMS-777607 in xenograft MPM models. Both LCRF-0004 and BMS-777607 demonstrated significant anti-tumor efficacy in vitro, however BMS-777607 was far superior to LCRF-0004. The in vivo and in vitro data generated by this study indicates that a multi-TKI, targeting the MST1R/MET/TAM signaling pathways, may provide a more effective therapeutic strategy for the treatment of MPM as opposed to targeting MST1R alone

    Long Non-Coding RNAs: Key Regulators of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Tumour Drug Resistance and Cancer Stem Cells

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    Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT), the adoption by epithelial cells of a mesenchymal-like phenotype, is a process co-opted by carcinoma cells in order to initiate invasion and metastasis. In addition, it is becoming clear that is instrumental to both the development of drug resistance by tumour cells and in the generation and maintenance of cancer stem cells. EMT is thus a pivotal process during tumour progression and poses a major barrier to the successful treatment of cancer. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) often utilize epigenetic programs to regulate both gene expression and chromatin structure. One type of ncRNA, called long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), has become increasingly recognized as being both highly dysregulated in cancer and to play a variety of different roles in tumourigenesis. Indeed, over the last few years, lncRNAs have rapidly emerged as key regulators of EMT in cancer. In this review, we discuss the lncRNAs that have been associated with the EMT process in cancer and the variety of molecular mechanisms and signalling pathways through which they regulate EMT, and finally discuss how these EMT-regulating lncRNAs impact on both anti-cancer drug resistance and the cancer stem cell phenotype

    Targeting the fibroblast growth factor receptor family in cancer

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    Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) regulate a plethora of biological functions, in both the embryonic and adult stages of development, binding their cognate receptors and thus activating a variety of downstream signalling pathways. Deregulation of the FGF/FGFR signalling axis, observed in multifarious tumor types including squamous non-small cell lung cancer, occurs through genomic FGFR alterations that drive ligand-independent receptor signalling or alterations that support ligand-dependent activation. Mutations are not restricted to the tyrosine kinase domain and aberrations appear to be tumor type dependent. As well as its complementarity and synergy with VEGF of particular interest is the interplay between FGFR and EGFR and the ability of these pathways to offer a compensatory signalling escape mechanism when either is inhibited. Hence there exists a rationale for a combinatorial approach to inhibition of these dysregulated pathways to reverse drug resistance. To date, several multi-target tyrosine kinase inhibitors as well as FGFR specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), monoclonal antibodies and FGF ligand traps have been developed. Promising preclinical data has resulted in several drugs entering clinical trials. This review explores aberrant FGFR and its potential as a therapeutic target in solid tumors

    The role of DNA repair pathways in cisplatin resistant lung cancer

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    Platinum chemotherapeutic agents such as cisplatin are currently used in the treatment of various malignancies such as lung cancer. However, their efficacy is significantly hindered by the development of resistance during treatment. While a number of factors have been reported that contribute to the onset of this resistance phenotype, alterations in the DNA repair capacity of damaged cells is now recognised as an important factor in mediating this phenomenon. The mode of action of cisplatin has been linked to its ability to crosslink purine bases on the DNA, thereby interfering with DNA repair mechanisms and inducing DNA damage. Following DNA damage, cells respond by activating a DNA-damage response that either leads to repair of the lesion by the cell thereby promoting resistance to the drug, or cell death via activation of the apoptotic response. Therefore, DNA repair is a vital target to improving cancer therapy and reduce the resistance of tumour cells to DNA damaging agents currently used in the treatment of cancer patients. To date, despite the numerous findings that differential expression of components of the various DNA repair pathways correlate with response to cisplatin, translation of such findings in the clinical setting are still warranted. The identification of alterations in specific proteins and pathways that contribute to these unique DNA repair pathways in cisplatin resistant cancer cells may potentially lead to a renewed interest in the development of rational novel therapies for cisplatin resistant cancers, in particular, lung cancer
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