3,718 research outputs found

    Lorenz-Mie scattering of focused light via complex focus fields: an analytic treatment

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    The Lorenz-Mie scattering of a wide class of focused electromagnetic fields off spherical particles is studied. The focused fields in question are constructed through complex focal displacements, leading to closed-form expressions that can exhibit several interesting physical properties, such as orbital and/or spin angular momentum, spatially-varying polarization, and a controllable degree of focusing. These fields constitute complete bases that can be considered as nonparaxial extensions of the standard Laguerre-Gauss beams and the recently proposed polynomials-of-Gaussians beams. Their analytic form turns out to lead also to closed-form expressions for their multipolar expansion. Such expansion can be used to compute the field scattered by a spherical particle and the resulting forces and torques exerted on it, for any relative position between the field's focus and the particle.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure


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    RESUMENLas enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen la principal causa de morbimortalidad en los pacientes diabéticos y uno de los principales factores de riesgo son las dislipidemias. Estos pacientes presentan un patrón de alteraciones lipídicas caracterizadas por elevación moderada del colesterol LDL, con aumento de las partículas de LDL densas y pequeñas, incremento de triglicéridos y reducción del colesterol HDL (dislipidemia aterogénica).Las diversas guías de manejo de dislipidemias coinciden en que la reducción del colesterol LDL, es el principal objetivo terapéutico en estos pacientes. Así entonces, las intervenciones terapéuticas deben considerar, además de las modificaciones del estilo de vida, el uso de estatinas como droga de primera elección. Diversos estudios han evidenciado la gran efectividad de las estatinas en la reducción de eventos cardiovasculares en pacientes diabéticos. Sin embargo, en muchos casos es necesario el uso de otros fármacos asociados, principalmente ezetimibe y algunos fibratos con el fin de optimizar los niveles de lípidos plasmáticos y reducir el riesgo cardiovascular residual.SUMMARYCardiovascular diseases are the main cause of morbi-mortality in diabetic patients and the dyslipidemias are one of the main risk factors. Diabetic patients exhibit different lipid abnormalities including increase of LDL cholesterol, with predominance of small dense LDL particles, increase of triglycerides and low HDL-cholesterol plasma levels.Different lipid guidelines have established that LDL cholesterol is the primary therapeutic target for diabetic patients. Therefore, in addition to lifestyle modifications, statins are the first line drug in these patients, and several studies have shown the effectiveness of statins in reduction of cardiovascular events in these patients. Nevertheless, in several cases, it is necessary to associate additional drugs, including ezetimibe and/or fibrates in order to optimize the lipid levels and reduce the cardiovascular residual risk

    ¿Prosodia norteña o castellana? Aproximación a la entonación del oriente de Cantabria

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    Son escasos los estudios realizados hasta el momento acerca de la entonación del castellano de Cantabria. Las peculiares características geográficas y lingüísticas de esta región, su temprana incorporación a Castilla, la fuerte influencia del euskera, del asturleonés y de algunos dialectos del español justifican suficientemente su gran variedad lingüística interna. En este estudio analizamos la estructura entonativa de Laredo, con el fin de realizar una primera aproximación a la taxonomía entonativa de la zona oriental y mostrar las diferencias y semejanzas con otras variedades lingüísticas norteñas y castellanas. El análisis de los datos muestra una gran variedad de realizaciones de los acentos tonales en las dos modalidades oracionales y una fuerte influencia de la estructura acentual de las palabras en la configuración entonativa. En términos generales, hemos constatado la coexistencia de dos modelos diferentes: de una parte, el patrón norteño, conservado con regularidad en el área rural. De otra, el patrón castellano, característico del área urbana, si bien presenta interferencias con los rasgos entonativos autóctonos.To this date studies in the intonation of the Cantabrian Castillian are scarce. The peculiar geographical and linguistic characteristics of this region, its early incorporation to Castille, the strong influence of Euskera, Asturleones and of other Spanish dialects sufficiently justify its wide internal variety. In this paper an analysis of the intonational structure of Laredo is performed, with a view to stablishing a first approximation to the intonational taxonomy of the eastern area and showing the differences and similitudes with other northern varieties and Castillians. The analysis of the data shows a great variety of realizations of the tonal accents in the two orational modes and a strong influence of the accentual structure of the words on the entonative configuration. In general terms, we have confirmed the coexistence of two diferent models: on the one hand, the northern pattern, regularly preserved in rural areas and, on the other hand, the Castillian one, characteristic of urban areas, albeit showing interferences with indigenous intonative features.Son escasos los estudios realizados hasta el momento acerca de la entonación del castellano de Cantabria. Las peculiares características geográficas y lingüísticas de esta región, su temprana incorporación a Castilla, la fuerte influencia del euskera, del asturleonés y de algunos dialectos del español justifican suficientemente su gran variedad lingüística interna. En este estudio analizamos la estructura entonativa de Laredo, con el fin de realizar una primera aproximación a la taxonomía entonativa de la zona oriental y mostrar las diferencias y semejanzas con otras variedades lingüísticas norteñas y castellanas. El análisis de los datos muestra una gran variedad de realizaciones de los acentos tonales en las dos modalidades oracionales y una fuerte influencia de la estructura acentual de las palabras en la configuración entonativa. En términos generales, hemos constatado la coexistencia de dos modelos diferentes: de una parte, el patrón norteño, conservado con regularidad en el área rural. De otra, el patrón castellano, característico del área urbana, si bien presenta interferencias con los rasgos entonativos autóctonos

    Metadiscursive markers and text genre: a metareview

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    Given the interest in the study of metadiscourse as the communication of ideas and the way people use language in different communicative situations, this paper attempted to find the degree of confluence between metadiscourse markers from different studies and to show how patterns of metadiscourse analysis based on various written genres can be applied to a wider range. The mean values for the frequency of marker use and their respective deviations were determined by comparing a significant number of studies on metadiscourse elements. To ensure comparability, those following Hyland’s model were chosen. The units of analysis were grouped into two broad categories based on discursive characteristics: Academic genres (research articles, theses, and textbooks) and non-academic genres, which included documents ranging from newspaper editorials or opinion columns to Internet texts and other forms of digital communication. The results of our study highlight that the disparity in interactive markers between academic and non-academic texts is relatively small. This difference has been identified by previous studies, and it is confirmed herein that the difference may be related to the use of academic language, the topic, or the object of study. In contrast, the mean values of the interactive markers in non-academic texts are considerably higher than those in academic texts. At the same time, the texts seem to be organised along two axes (interactional and interactive) in distinct areas. Despite our initial assumptions that the data would be subject to individual variations, that differences would be found between different sections of the same genre within the same academic discipline, and that the results would vary if certain texts were added or excluded, we observed certain trends in the behaviour of the documents, although it prevailed that, within each category, the texts should be studied individually.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/52Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2018/27

    Galaxy Concentration Index in Low X-ray Luminosity Galaxy Clusters

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    Abstracts: Using a sample of 10 low x-ray luminosity galaxy clusters (Nilo Castellón et al. 2013B), we studied the properties of 146 galaxies classified as members in a redshift range of 0.185 4). Contrary to these results, for late-type galaxies we found smaller C values for the lower redshift clusters. These results could be associated to the morphological evolution of galaxies, as proposed by different authors (Poggianti et al. 2009, Dressler et al. 2009) for rich clusters.Fil: Alonso, María Victoria. Conicet. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental; Argentina.publishedVersionOtras Ciencias Naturales y Exacta

    Ray and caustic structure of Ince-Gauss beams

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    The Ince-Gauss beams, separable in elliptic coordinates, are studied through a ray-optical approach. Their ray structure can be represented over a Poincaré sphere by generalized Viviani curves (intersections of a cylinder and a sphere). This representation shows two topologically different regimes, in which the curve is composed of one or two loops. The overall beam shape is described by the ray caustics that delimit the beams’ bright regions. These caustics are inferred from the generalized Viviani curve through a geometric procedure that reveals connections with other physical systems and geometrical constructions. Depending on the regime, the caustics are composed either of two confocal ellipses or of segments of an ellipse and a hyperbola that are confocal. The weighting of the rays is shown to follow the two-mode meanfield Gross–Pitaevskii equations, which can be mapped to the equation of a simple pendulum. Finally, it is shown that the wave field can be accurately estimated from the ray description

    The Relationship between Metacomprehension and Reading Comprehension in Spanish as a Second Language

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    The importance of reading proficiency in a second language (L2) is growing worldwide. Reading in a L2 involves many questions about the abilities of reading comprehension, including metacomprehension, a core reading ability in native speakers (L1) that allows them to be aware of their reading comprehension level and to regulate their learning. However, its link to L2 has not been sufficiently researched. This study examines the relationship between the reading comprehension scores of diverse texts and metacomprehension, assessed by the ECOMPLEC test and PROLEC-R reading task, in Portuguese students studying Spanish as a L2. Similar to the results found in L1 research, we found a significant relationship between reading comprehension and metacomprehension in expository and discontinuous texts: students with low reading comprehension scores overestimated their metacomprehension while metacomprehension abilities of students with high reading comprehension abilities were more accurate. These results provide a frame of reference for future studies on metacomprehension in L2.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nebrija como puente entre la tradición hispánica y las gramáticas misionero-coloniales de Filipinas. Aspectos fónicos

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    This paper looks into the phonic component in sixteen Spanish missionary grammars of Tagalog, Pampangan, Bisayan and Pangasinan (17th and 18th centuries). The study builds on the manner in which that phenomenon was devised in the Graeco-Latin, Peninsular Hispanic and Amerindian grammars. Nebrija becomes the cornerstone of the resources the artigraphy missionaries use to describe the Amerindian and Philippine languages. The study evidences not only the importance of knowledge of Nebrija’s Latin grammar, but also the influence arising from his Castilian grammar. It also explores the difficulties the missionaries had in describing the phonic component, in particular with regard to the application of the Latin alphabet to the languages they were about to describe. They are all aware of the importance this issue has from two different points of view: a) a pedagogical perspective and b) the differentiation of meanings.El presente trabajo analiza el tratamiento del componente fónico en dieciséis gramáticas misioneras de tradición española de las lenguas tagala, pampanga, bisaya y pangasinana (ss. XVII y XVIII). Partimos de la manera en que era concebido este fenómeno en las gramáticas de tradición grecolatina, hispánica peninsular y amerindia. Nebrija se constituye en el eje vertebrador de los recursos que los misioneros artígrafos utilizan en la descripción de las lenguas amerindias y filipinas. En nuestro trabajo concluimos la importancia que tiene el conocimiento de la gramática latina del de Lebrija y la impronta que deja, también, su gramática castellana. Analizamos la dificultad que entrañó la descripción del componente fónico para los misioneros, especialmente en la aplicación del alfabeto latino a las lenguas que se disponían a describir. Todos ellos son conscientes de la importancia de esta cuestión desde dos perspectivas: a) la pedagógica y b) la diferenciación de significados