17 research outputs found

    Implementation of Software Process Improvement Through TSPi in Very Small Enterprises

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    This article shows an experience in a very small enterprise related to improving software quality in terms of test and process productivity. A customized process from the current organizational process based on TSPi was defined and the team was trained on it. The pilot project had schedule and budget constraints. The process began by gathering historical data from previous projects in order to get a measurement repository. Then the project was launched and some metrics were collected. Finally, results were analyzed and the improvements verified

    Assessment of the requirement management process using a two-stage questionnaire

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    This research advocates the idea that although requirements management process is not carried out in many organizations there is some people within the organization that perform some requirements management practices. However, these practices are usually not documented and as consequence are not spread across the organization. This paper proposes an assessment methodology based on a two-stage questionnaire to identify which practices of the requirements management process are performed but not documented, which practices require to be prioritized and which are not implemented due to bad management or unawareness. In order to validate the assessment methodology, the questionnaire was applied to an industrial case study

    Determining practices achievement in the requirement management process using a two-stage questionnaire

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    This paper aims to obtain a baseline snapshot of the requirement management process using a two-stage questionnaire to identify both performed and non-performed CMMI practices. The questionnaire proposed in this paper may help with the assessment of the requirement management process, provide useful information related to the current state of the process, and indicate those practices that require immediate attention with the aim of begin a Software Process Improvement program

    Approach to Identify Internal Best Practices in a Software Organization.

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    Current approaches to software process improvements (SPI) in software organizations is based on identifying gaps by comparing the way organizations work with respect to practices contained in the reference models. Later, these gaps will be targeted for establishing software process improvements. This paper presents an approach for identifying best practices within the organization. This is considered a key element in order to compare the way software organizations work with the reference models. After that, these practices will be complemented with practices contained in these models depending on the organization's business goals

    Calidad en el desarrollo de aplicaciones siguiendo la metodolofgia Team Software Process TSPi

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    Este artículo presenta un caso de estudio basado en la aplicación de TSPi. Los datos fueron obtenidos de 34 equipos de estudiantes de cuarto curso de la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Todos los equipos desarrollaron el mismo proyecto a lo largo de dos ciclos de desarrollo. Con los datos obtenidos, se ha realizado un análisis por fase del ciclo de vida de TSPi, con respecto a la desviación en la estimación de defectos, la densidad de defectos y la evolución del rendimiento de defectos. Finalmente, se presenta el análisis de los resultados, comparando ambos ciclos, así como propuestas de mejor

    Process Deployment: A Taxonomy of Critical Success Factors

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    Various methods, models and standards for software process improvement have been adopted by organizations to improve their software processes. However, despite these efforts they still encounter difficulties in their process deployment throughout the organization. This is because the vast majority of these efforts focus more on the technical aspects, bypassing the human aspects. There is a set of factors that influence the successful deployment of new or modified processes. This paper presents a taxonomy of critical success factors in software process deployment to achieve the processes institutionalization. The development of a taxonomy related to these critical success factors is based on a systematic review of existing literature on specialized databases and industrial experiences that have deployed or implemented processes

    Taxonomía de Factores Críticos para el Despliegue de Procesos Software.

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    Diversos métodos, modelos y estándares para la mejora de procesos software han sido desarrollados y adoptados por las organizaciones para mejorar sus procesos software. Sin embargo, a pesar de los esfuerzos realizados, presentan aun dificultades en el despliegue de sus procesos a través de la organización. Esto es debido a que en su gran mayoría, los esfuerzos realizados están más orientados hacia los aspectos técnicos, soslayando los aspectos relacionados con las personas. Existe un conjunto de factores que condicionan el éxito del despliegue de los procesos nuevos o que han sido modificados. En este artículo, se presenta una taxonomía de factores críticos que condicionan el éxito del proceso de despliegue, que se traduce en lograr la institucionalización de los procesos. La elaboración de la taxonomía de factores críticos de éxito se sustenta en una revisión sistemática de la bibliografía existente en las bases de datos especializadas y en experiencias en organizaciones que han desplegado procesos basados en el modelo CMMI

    CONEVTO: Contract Evaluation tool for Software and Services Adquisition Organizations

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    Contracts play an important role during the period of time that the outsourcing relationship is in effect. If an organization decides to acquire software and services products, the contract is a fundamental mechanism to ensure that expectations are realized. This paper describes a contract evaluation tool for Software and Services Acquisition Organizations, to achieve this, a contract model and an evaluation method through the tool have been developed. This tool allows the acquirer to know the coverage level related to the clauses of a contract in order to selector reject it. Besides, a case study is presented

    Evaluacion de contratos de adquisicion de productos y servicios de software en outsourcing

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    El contrato tiene un papel importante mientras existe una relación de outsourcing. Si una compañía decide adquirir productos software o servicios el contrato es un mecanismo fundamental para asegurar que las expectativas del cliente sean llevadas a cabo con éxito. En este artículo, se describe un método de evaluación de contratos para las organizaciones que adquieren software o servicios, que permita minimizar las causas de fallos en la relación entre el cliente y el proveedo

    Outsource the software process improvement consulting service: An alternative solution for small-settings

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    The focus of this paper is to outline the main structure of an alternative solution to implement a Software Process Improvement program in Small-Settings using the outsourcing infrastructure. This solution takes the advantages of the traditional outsourcing models and applies its structure to propose an alternative solution to make available a Software Process Improvement program for Small-Settings. With this outsourcing solution it is possible share the resources between several Small-Settings