916 research outputs found

    High Performance Spacecraft Computing (HPSC) Middleware Update

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    High Performance Spacecraft Computing (HPSC) is a joint project between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) to develop a high-performance multi-core radiation hardened flight processor. HPSC offers a new flight computing architecture to meet the needs of NASA missions through 2030 and beyond. Providing on the order of 100X the computational capacity of current flight processors for the same amount of power, the multicore architecture of the HPSC processor, or "Chiplet" provides unprecedented flexibility in a flight computing system by enabling the operating point to be set dynamically, trading among needs for computational performance, energy management and fault tolerance. The HPSC Chiplet is being developed by Boeing under contract to NASA, and is expected to provide prototypes, an evaluation board, system emulators, comprehensive system software, and a software development kit. In addition to the vendor deliverables, the AFRL is funding the development of a flexible Middleware to be developed by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The HPSC Middleware provides a suite of thirteen high level services to manage the compute, memory and I/O resources of this complex device.This presentation will provide an HPSC project update, an overview of the latest HPSC System Software release, an overview of HPSC Middleware Release 2, and a preview of the third HPSC Middleware release. The presentation will begin with a project update that will provide a look at the high-level changes since the project was introduced at the Flight Software Workshop last year. Next, the presentation will provide an overview of the current suite of HPSC System Software which includes the vendor provided bootloaders, operating systems, emulator, and development tools. Next, the HPSC Middleware progress will be presented, which includes an overview of the features and capabilities of HPSC Middleware Release 2, followed by a look at the reference flight software applications which utilize the Middleware. Finally, the presentation will give a preview of the HPSC Middleware Release 3

    Regeneration, Labour Supply and the Welfare Costs of Taxes

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    This paper sets out alternatives to the traditional model of labour supply used to analyse the welfare costs of income and/or sales taxes when preferences are defined over goods and leisure and the market wage yields the slope of the budget constraint. The innovation in our work is to assume that some or all of non market time is used to regenerate the productivity of labour through rest and relaxation. This model has no closed form solution, but we can work with the first order conditions numerically for specific functional forms using non linear solution software. We generate a number of alternative parameterizations of this model through a series of calibrations to the same synthetic base case data set. Across the resulting parameterizations the welfare costs of taxes vary substantially (by a factor of twenty fold in some counterfactual analyses), even though they all involve calibration to the same base case data and labour supply elasticity. These results thus suggest that a small and seemingly plausible departure from a standard model (even if not in closed form) that has dominated the economic literature for many years can yield substantial change for perspectives on policy interventions.

    Border Delays and Trade Liberalization

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    Delays at the border for customs clearance are seemingly a central feature of the trade regime in the CIS states. Here, we argue that with queuing costs being endogenously determined in such circumstances tariff liberalization (even in the small economy case) can be welfare worsening since tariff revenues are replaced by resource using queuing costs. On the other hand, corruption can be welfare improving if queuing costs are replaced by resource transferring bribes. We also show how added distortions between perishable and non-perishable, or between light and heavy goods can also arise. We show these outcomes using a simple general equilibrium model, and explore the numerical implications using Russian data. The orders of magnitude are both significant and opposite in sign to conventional analyses.

    Income Tax Design and the Desirability of Subsidies to Secondary Workers in a Household Model with Joint and Non-Joint Time

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    In this paper we analyze income tax design in a two member household labor supply model where time spent on consumption together by the two household members is valued differently from time spent apart. We treat consumption as a non excludable public good to members of the household; one example would be where all household members or one alone can watch TV. When jointly consumed, however, TV services are valued more highly than the same consumption undertaken separately. We use this model to numerically investigate the welfare implications of different tax structures. In sharp contrast to existing literature, our results suggest the desirability of subsidizing secondary worker's labor supply. We also relate our discussion to existing individual-household tax unit literature.

    New Products and Services

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    Globalization, Internationalization, and the Recruitment of International Students in Higher Education, and in the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology

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    This paper explores general issues relating to globalization and higher education; the internationalization of higher education, and particularly the recruitment of international students. This subject is examined through a range of topics around the global development of the market approach to the recruitment of international students and a focus on the current situation regarding the recruitment of international students in the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology in Ontario (CAATs). As the number of international students seeking educational opportunities grows to 7 million over the next 20 years, the ability of the CAATs, the Canadian educational system, and the governments of Ontario and Canada to market the welcoming and safe multicultural Canadian experience, and the excellence of the educational offerings and opportunities in CAATs to potential international students will, in great measure, determine their success and their survival in an increasingly globalized world.Cet article traite des questions d'ordre général que soulèvent la mondialisation et l'enseignement supérieur; l'internationalisation de l'enseignement supérieur et, en particulier, le recrutement d'étudiants étrangers. On y examine divers sujets liés à l'élaboration, à l'échelle mondiale, d'une stratégie efficace à adopter pour attirer ceux-ci en s'attardant principalement sur le recrutement des étudiants étrangers tel qu'il se pratique actuellement dans les Collèges des arts appliqués et de technologie de l'Ontario (CAAT). Étant donné que le nombre des étudiants étrangers qui veulent poursuivre leurs études au Canada devrait atteindre sept millions d'ici vingt ans, la capacité des CAAT, du système canadien d'enseignement et des gouvernements de l'Ontario et du Canada de faire valoir leur expérience multiculturelle ouverte et sûre, ainsi que l'excellence de l'enseignement et des possibilités qu'offrent les CAAT à d'éventuels étudiants étrangers, déterminera en grande partie leur succès et leur survie dans un monde de plus en plus globalisé. &nbsp


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    This paper describes a Scout-launched chemical release satellite that the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) will design, fabricate, integrate, test, and qualify. This will be done using off-the-shelf components assembled to a NASA/GSFC-supplied spacecraft structure as follows: Four chemical release modules from the CRRES satellite (BASD), and Communications, data handling, and power systems from GLOMR (DSI). This satellite will also include flight electronic instrumentation that will measure electric and magnetic fields and particles, and will be furnished by TBD

    Wishful Thinking

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