7 research outputs found

    Etude du démélange en imagerie hyperspectrale infrarouge

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    Thermal hyperspectral remote sensing provides information about materials from the measured radiance image. It is achieved using temperature and emissivity separation (TES) methods, estimating the emissivity and the temperature of the materials, and using unmixing methods, estimating their abundances. TES methods have been well investigated while too few studies have been working on unmixing in thermal infrared domain : this is the objective of this PhD. Therefore, three strategies have been studied. First, the unmixing is applied on radiance. It achieves good results but depends on the spatial variation of temperature. Applying the unmixing on the emissivities, estimated using the TES methods, gets rid of the spatial variation of temperature but provides a noisy abundance estimation. Eventually, a new method called Thermal Remote sensing Unmixing for Subpixel Temperature (TRUST) is designed to jointly estimate the abundance and the temperature of materials within the pixels. It gives better results than the first strategy and is more robust to spatial variation of temperature.La télédétection en imagerie hyperspectrale infrarouge thermique est l'étude d'images en luminance, acquises depuis un avion ou un satellite dans le domaine spectral de l'infrarouge thermique. Ces images sont liées à l'émissivité et à la température, estimées par les méthodes de découplage température/émissivité (T/E), ainsi qu'à l'abondance, estimée par les méthodes de démélange, des matériaux présents dans la scène. Si les méthodes de découplage T/E ont été largement étudiées, les méthodes de démélange dans ce domaine spectral restent peu explorées : c'est l'objectif de cette thèse. Pour cela, nous avons mis en place trois stratégies de démélange. Dans un premier temps, le démélange est effectué sur les luminances. Cette stratégie donne globalement de bons résultats mais est relativement sensible aux variations spatiales de la température. La deuxième stratégie, démélangeant à partir des estimations d'émissivité des méthodes de découplage T/E, s'affranchit de cette variation spatiale mais donne des résultats plus bruités. Enfin, une méthode de démélange basée sur l'estimation conjointe de la température et des abondances a été élaborée. Cette méthode s'appelle Thermal Remote sensing Unmixing for Subpixel Temperature (TRUST) et donne de meilleurs résultats que la première stratégie tout en étant robuste aux variations spatiales de la température

    A new method to determine multi-angular reflectance factor from lightweight multispectral cameras with sky sensor in a target-less workflow applicable to UAV

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    A new physically based method to estimate hemispheric-directional reflectance factor (HDRF) from lightweight multispectral cameras that have a downwelling irradiance sensor is presented. It combines radiometry with photogrammetric computer vision to derive geometrically and radiometrically accurate data purely from the images, without requiring reflectance targets or any other additional information apart from the imagery. The sky sensor orientation is initially computed using photogrammetric computer vision and revised with a non-linear regression comprising radiometric and photogrammetry-derived information. It works for both clear sky and overcast conditions. A ground-based test acquisition of a Spectralon target observed from different viewing directions and with different sun positions using a typical multispectral sensor configuration for clear sky and overcast showed that both the overall value and the directionality of the reflectance factor as reported in the literature were well retrieved. An RMSE of 3% for clear sky and up to 5% for overcast sky was observed

    Analysis of the performance of the TES algorithm over urban areas

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    International audienceThe temperature and emissivity separation (TES) algorithm is used to retrieve the land surface emissivity (LSE) and land surface temperature (LST) values from multispectral thermal infrared sensors. In this paper, we analyze the performance of this methodology over urban areas, which are characterized by a large number of different surface materials, a variability in the lowest layer of the atmospheric profiles, and a 3-D structure. These specificities induce errors in the LSE and LST retrieval, which should be quantified. With this aim, the efficiency of the TES algorithm over urban materials, the atmospheric correction, and the impact of the 3-D architecture of urban scenes are analyzed. The method is based on the use of a 3-D radiative transfer tool, TITAN, for modeling all of the radiative components of the signal registered by a sensor. From the sensor radiance, an atmosphere compensation process is applied, followed by a TES methodology that considers the observed scene to be a flat surface. Finally, the retrieved LSE and LST are compared with the original parameters. Results show the following: First, the TES algorithm used reproduces the LSE (LST) of urban materials within a root-mean-square error (rmse) of 0.017 (0.9 K). Second, 20% of uncertainty in the water vapor content of the total atmosphere introduces an rmse of 0.005 (0.4 K) for the LSE (LST) product. Third, in a standard case, the 3-D structure of an urban canyon leads to an rmse of 0.005 (0.2 K) for the LSE (LST) retrieval of the asphalt at the bottom of the scene

    Analysis of the unmixing on thermal hyperspectral imaging

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    La télédétection en imagerie hyperspectrale infrarouge thermique est l'étude d'images en luminance, acquises depuis un avion ou un satellite dans le domaine spectral de l'infrarouge thermique. Ces images sont liées à l'émissivité et à la température, estimées par les méthodes de découplage température/émissivité (T/E), ainsi qu'à l'abondance, estimée par les méthodes de démélange, des matériaux présents dans la scène. Si les méthodes de découplage T/E ont été largement étudiées, les méthodes de démélange dans ce domaine spectral restent peu explorées : c'est l'objectif de cette thèse. Pour cela, nous avons mis en place trois stratégies de démélange. Dans un premier temps, le démélange est effectué sur les luminances. Cette stratégie donne globalement de bons résultats mais est relativement sensible aux variations spatiales de la température. La deuxième stratégie, démélangeant à partir des estimations d'émissivité des méthodes de découplage T/E, s'affranchit de cette variation spatiale mais donne des résultats plus bruités. Enfin, une méthode de démélange basée sur l'estimation conjointe de la température et des abondances a été élaborée. Cette méthode s'appelle Thermal Remote sensing Unmixing for Subpixel Temperature (TRUST) et donne de meilleurs résultats que la première stratégie tout en étant robuste aux variations spatiales de la température.Thermal hyperspectral remote sensing provides information about materials from the measured radiance image. It is achieved using temperature and emissivity separation (TES) methods, estimating the emissivity and the temperature of the materials, and using unmixing methods, estimating their abundances. TES methods have been well investigated while too few studies have been working on unmixing in thermal infrared domain : this is the objective of this PhD. Therefore, three strategies have been studied. First, the unmixing is applied on radiance. It achieves good results but depends on the spatial variation of temperature. Applying the unmixing on the emissivities, estimated using the TES methods, gets rid of the spatial variation of temperature but provides a noisy abundance estimation. Eventually, a new method called Thermal Remote sensing Unmixing for Subpixel Temperature (TRUST) is designed to jointly estimate the abundance and the temperature of materials within the pixels. It gives better results than the first strategy and is more robust to spatial variation of temperature

    Télédétection pour l'agriculture de précision par caméra hyperspectrale miniature

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    Un nouveau type de caméra hyperspectrale permet de miniaturiser le système d'acquisition de données, qui peut être installé sur un drone de taille modeste. Dès lors, cette technologie devient accessible au grand public pour de nombreuses applications telles que l'agriculture de précision. Cet article présente la méthodologie de la première campagne de mesure à large échelle sur une exploitation agricole produisant du maïs dans la région centrale du Brésil, ainsi que les premiers résultats

    An unmixing-based method for the analysis of thermal hyperspectral images

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    International audienceThe estimation of surface emissivity and temperature from thermal hyperspectral data is a challenge. Methods that estimate the temperature and emissivity on a pixel composed by one single material exist. However, the estimation of the temperature on a mixed pixel, i.e. a pixel composed by more than one material, is more complex and has scarcely been investigated in the literature. This paper addresses this issue by proposing an estimator which linearizes the Black Body law around the mean temperature of each material. The performance of this estimator is studied using simulated data with different hyperspectral sensor configurations and under various noise conditions. The obtained results are encouraging and show an accuracy on the estimated temperature of 0.5 K while using high spectral resolution sensor

    A Physics-Based Unmixing Method to Estimate Subpixel Temperatures on Mixed Pixels

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new algorithm for the analysis of linear spectral mixtures in the thermal infrared domain, with the goal to jointly estimate the abundance and the subpixel temperature in a mixed pixel, i.e., to estimate the relative proportion and the temperature of each material composing the mixed pixel. This novel approach is a two-step procedure. First, it estimates the emissivity and the temperature over pure pixels using the standard temperature and emissivity separation (TES) algorithm. Second, it estimates the abundance and the subpixel temperature using a new unmixing physics-based model, called Thermal Remote sensing Unmixing for Subpixel Temperature (TRUST). This model is based on an estimator of the subpixel temperature obtained by linearizing the black body law around the mean temperature of each material. The abundance is then retrieved by minimizing the reconstruction error with the estimation of the subpixel temperatures. The TRUST method is benchmarked on simulated scenes against the fully constrained least squares unmixing applied on the radiance and on the estimation of surface emissivity using the TES algorithm. The TRUST method shows better results on pure and mixed pixels composed of two materials. TRUST also shows promising results when applied on thermal hyperspectral data acquired with the Thermal Airborne Spectrographic Imager during the Detection in Urban scenario using Combined Airborne imaging Sensors campaign and estimates coherent localization of mixed-pixel areas