194 research outputs found

    Simple mathematical approach to solar cell/panel behavior based on datasheet information

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    new explicit mathematical expression is used to describe the behavior of a photovoltaic device (solar cell/panel), that is, its I-V curve, based on the characteristic points normally included in the manufacturers’ datasheets. This expression consists of two simple equations, one for voltage levels lower than the voltage at the maximum power point, V Vmp. The first equation is defined with two of the three characteristic points (short circuit and maximum power points), whereas the second one is defined with the current and voltage levels at maximum power point, the open circuit voltage, and a constant that can be adjusted based on: 1) the best fitting to the data within the bracket [Vmp, Voc], or 2) one point within this bracket, or 3) the slope of the I-V curve at the open circuit point, or 4) an estimation of that slope. Results of the solar cell/panel behavior analysis obtained with the proposed methodology, are similar to the ones obtained with the well-known 1-diode/2-resistor equivalent circuit model, in terms of accuracy

    Some developments on cup anemometer aerodynamics

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    In the present study the geometry of cups is experimentally studied through anemometer performance. This performance is analyzed in two different ways. On the one hand the anemometer transfer function between cases is compared. On the other hand the stationary rotation speed is decomposed into constant and harmonic terms, the comparison being established between the last ones. Results indicate that some cup shapes can improve the uniformity of anemometer rotation, this fact being important to reduce degradation due to ageing

    Aerodynamic Analysis of Cup Anemometers Performance: The Stationary Harmonic Response

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    The effect of cup anemometer shape parameters, such as the cups’ shape, their size, and their center rotation radius, was experimentally analyzed. This analysis was based on both the calibration constants of the transfer function and the most important harmonic term of the rotor’s movement, which due to the cup anemometer design is the third one. This harmonic analysis represents a new approach to study cup anemometer performances. The results clearly showed a good correlation between the average rotational speed of the anemometer’s rotor and the mentioned third harmonic term of its movement

    Magnetic Attitude Control for Satellites in Polar or Sun-Synchronous Orbits

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    In this work, a new law for magnetic control of satellites in near-polar orbits is presented. This law has been developed for the UMPSat-2 microsatellite, which has been designed and manufactured by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid. The control law is a modification of the B-dot strategy that enables the satellite to control the rotation rate. Besides, the satellite?s equilibrium state is characterized by having the rotation axis perpendicular to the orbit?s plane. The control law described in the present work only needs magnetometers and magnetorquers, as sensors and actuators, respectively, to carry out a successful attitude control on the spacecraft. A description of the analysis is included. Performance and applicability of the proposed method have been demonstrated by control dynamics together with Monte Carlo techniques and by implementing the control law in the UPMSat-2 mission simulator. Results show good performance in terms of acquisition and stability of the satellite rotation rate and orientation with respect to its orbit?s plane

    New method for analytical photovoltaic parameter extraction

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    Correct modeling of the equivalent circuits regarding solar cell and panels is today an essential tool for power optimization. However, the parameter extraction of those circuits is still a quite difficult task that normally requires both experimental data and calculation procedures, generally not available to the normal user. This paper presents a new analytical method that easily calculates the equivalent circuit parameters from the data that manufacturers usually provide. The analytical approximation is based on a new methodology, since methods developed until now to obtain the aforementioned equivalent circuit parameters from manufacturer's data have always been numerical or heuristic. Results from the present method are as accurate as the ones resulting from other more complex (numerical) existing methods in terms of calculation process and resources

    Analytical models for the power subsystem and the attitude control subsystem of a microsatellite

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    El trabajo realizado en la presente tesis doctoral se debe considerar parte del proyecto UPMSat-2, que se enmarca dentro del ámbito de la tecnología aeroespacial. El UPMSat-2 es un microsatélite (de bajo coste y pequeño tamaño) diseñado, construido, probado e integrado por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España), para fines de demostración tecnológica y educación. El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es presentar nuevos modelos analíticos para estudiar la interdependencia energética entre los subsistemas de potencia y de control de actitud de un satélite. En primer lugar, se estudia la simulación del subsistema de potencia de un microsatélite, prestando especial atención a la simulación de la fuente de potencia, esto es, los paneles solares. En la tesis se presentan métodos sencillos pero precisos para simular la producción de energía de los paneles en condiciones ambientales variables a través de su circuito equivalente. Los métodos propuestos para el cálculo de los parámetros del circuito equivalente son explícitos (o al menos, con las variables desacopladas), no iterativos y directos; no se necesitan iteraciones o valores iniciales para calcular los parámetros. La precisión de este método se prueba y se compara con métodos similares de la literatura disponible, demostrando una precisión similar para mayor simplicidad. En segundo lugar, se presenta la simulación del subsistema de control de actitud de un microsatélite, prestando especial atención a la nueva ley de control propuesta. La tesis presenta un nuevo tipo de control magnético es aplicable a la órbita baja terrestre (LEO). La ley de control propuesta es capaz de ajustar la velocidad de rotación del satélite alrededor de su eje principal de inercia máximo o mínimo. Además, en el caso de órbitas de alta inclinación, la ley de control favorece la alineación del eje de rotación con la dirección normal al plano orbital. El algoritmo de control propuesto es simple, sólo se requieren magnetopares como actuadores; sólo se requieren magnetómetros como sensores; no hace falta estimar la velocidad angular; no incluye un modelo de campo magnético de la Tierra; no tiene por qué ser externamente activado con información sobre las características orbitales y permite el rearme automático después de un apagado total del subsistema de control de actitud. La viabilidad teórica de la citada ley de control se demuestra a través de análisis de Monte Carlo. Por último, en términos de producción de energía, se demuestra que la actitud propuesto (en eje principal perpendicular al plano de la órbita, y el satélite que gira alrededor de ella con una velocidad controlada) es muy adecuado para la misión UPMSat-2, ya que permite una área superior de los paneles apuntando hacia el sol cuando se compara con otras actitudes estudiadas. En comparación con el control de actitud anterior propuesto para el UPMSat-2 resulta en un incremento de 25% en la potencia disponible. Además, la actitud propuesto mostró mejoras significativas, en comparación con otros, en términos de control térmico, como la tasa de rotación angular por satélite puede seleccionarse para conseguir una homogeneización de la temperatura más alta que apunta satélite y la antena. ABSTRACT The work carried out in the present doctoral dissertation should be considered part of the UPMSat-2 project, falling within the scope of the aerospace technology. The UPMSat-2 is a microsatellite (low cost and small size) designed, constructed integrated and tested for educational and technology demonstration purposes at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). The aim of the present doctoral dissertation is to present new analytical models to study the energy interdependence between the power and the attitude control subsystems of a satellite. First, the simulation of the power subsystem of a microsatellite is studied, paying particular attention to the simulation of the power supply, i.e. the solar panels. Simple but accurate methods for simulate the power production under variable ambient conditions using its equivalent circuit are presented. The proposed methods for calculate the equivalent circuit parameters are explicit (or at least, with decoupled variables), non-iterative and straight forward; no iterations or initial values for the parameters are needed. The accuracy of this method is tested and compared with similar methods from the available literature demonstrating similar precision but higher simplicity. Second, the simulation of the control subsystem of a microsatellite is presented, paying particular attention to the new control law proposed. A new type of magnetic control applied to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites has been presented. The proposed control law is able to set the satellite rotation speed around its maximum or minimum inertia principal axis. Besides, the proposed control law favors the alignment of this axis with the normal direction to the orbital plane for high inclination orbits. The proposed control algorithm is simples, only magnetorquers are required as actuators; only magnetometers are required as sensors; no estimation of the angular velocity is needed; it does not include an in-orbit Earth magnetic field model; it does not need to be externally activated with information about the orbital characteristics and it allows automatic reset after a total shutdown of attitude control subsystem. The theoretical viability of the control law is demonstrated through Monte Carlo analysis. Finally, in terms of power production, it is demonstrated that the proposed attitude (on principal axis perpendicular to the orbit plane, and the satellite rotating around it with a controlled rate) is quite suitable for the UPMSat-2 mission, as it allows a higher area of the panels pointing towards the sun when compared to other studied attitudes. Compared with the previous attitude control proposed for the UPMSat-2 it results in a 25% increment in available power. Besides, the proposed attitude showed significant improvements, when compared to others, in terms of thermal control, as the satellite angular rotation rate can be selected to achieve a higher temperature homogenization of the satellite and antenna pointing

    Glossary for interpreting in the framework of international trade fairs, fruit and vegetables: Fruit Attraction

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    Este trabajo de fin de máster explora la preparación de un encargo de interpretación en Feria Internacional del Sector de Frutas y Hortalizas Fruit Attraction, celebrada en Madrid. Primero, analizamos los sectores principales de la feria tanto en registro escrito como hablado. Una vez separamos cada sector, desarrollamos paso a paso un glosario bilingüe sobre la feria y la cadena de suministro de frutas y hortalizas en España. Además, ofrecemos un segundo glosario dedicado solamente a las especies y variedades presentes en Fruit Attraction, además de una propuesta de símbolos para la toma de notas de interpretación consecutiva que pueda servir de utilidad para estudiantes o profesionales. Finalmente, se provee una vista amplificada y estadísticas en cuanto a Fruit Attraction, la exportación hortofrutícola en España, y la segmentación de los productos actuales en diferentes categoríasThe main aim of this master’s thesis consists in the preparation of an interpretation purchrase order at the Fruit Attraction International Trade Show, held in Madrid. First we checked the main fields of the trade show in both spoken and written language. After separating each section, we developed step by step a glossary in Spanish and English about the chain of supply of fruits and vegetables in Spain, and aboutthe trade show itself. In addition, we provided a second glossary, exclusively based on species and varieties at Fruit Attraction, and a sample of symbols for note taking in consecutive interpreting that may be useful students or professionals. Finally, amplified views and statistics on fruit and vegetable exports are provided, as well as a classification of the exhibited products into different categories for better understanding.Máster Universitario en Interpretación de Conferencias Orientado a los Negocios (M178

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en relación al VIH SIDA, estudiantes de cuarto año, carrera de medicina, Universidad Nacional de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Julio 2020

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    Estudio CAP descriptivo de corte transversal. Facultad de Medicina UNAH, Tegucigalpa. Muestra conformada por 87 estudiantes de cuarto año que recibieron el cuestionario por e-mail, lo remitieron debidamente contestado en el período establecido. Encuesta digitalizada en google formularios, información procesada en SPSS 22. De los 87 estudiantes que participaron en el estudio, 56% mujeres y 44% Hombres, los grupos etáreos son de 19 a 22 años 45 (52%), 23 a 26 años 40 (46%), solteros en un 91%, religión católicos en un 37% y evangélicos con 40%, con vida sexual activa de 51%. Los conocimientos fueron clasificados en muy bueno 71%, bueno 20%, regular 6% y deficiente 3%, las actitudes ante el VIH Sida con un 86% considerando muy importante, 12% importante. En la práctica de atención a pacientes con VIH SIDA, 55% refieren cumplir siempre con las actividades, 26% lo hacen casi siempre y 18% nunca realizan estas actividades. La población bastante similar en mujeres y hombres, en edades de 19 a 26 años, solteros, con inicio de vida sexual activa temprana. No existe una franca relación entre los conocimientos, las actitudes y las prácticas ya que a pesar de tener buenos conocimientos y referir buenas actitudes hay una brecha importante entre las categorías de cumplir siempre, casi siempre y nunca

    On the analytical approach for modeling photovoltaic systems behavior

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    The 1-diode/2-resistors electric circuit equivalent to a photovoltaic system is analyzed. The equations at particular points of the I–V curve are studied considering the maximum number of terms. The maximum power point as a boundary condition is given special attention. A new analytical method is developed based on a reduced amount of information, consisting in the normal manufacturer data. Results indicate that this new method is faster than numerical methods and has similar (or better) accuracy than other existing methods, numerical or analytical

    Analytical calculation of photovoltaic systems maximum power point (MPP) based on the operation point

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    This work proposes a new analytical model to extract the 1-Diode/2-Resistor solar cell/panel equivalent circuit parameters. The methodology is based on a reduced amount of experimentally measured information: short-circuit current, the slope of the I-V curve at that point, the open-circuit voltage, and the current and voltage levels, together with the slope of the I-V curve at the instantaneous operation point. This procedure is specially designed to analyze the performance of autonomous photovoltaic systems, which are most of the primary sources for spacecraft power. Results show good agreement with experimental data. Furthermore, this methodology allows for fast and accurate I-V curve maximum power point (MPP) identification. solar cell; solar panel; photovoltaic array modeling; parameter extractio