14 research outputs found

    Temporal differences in blood meal detection from the midguts of Triatoma infestans

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    We used genus/species specific PCRs to determine the temporal persistence of host DNA in Triatoma infestans experimentally fed on blood from six common vertebrate species: humans, domestic dogs, guinea pigs, chickens, mice, and pigs. Twenty third or fourth instar nymphs per animal group were allowed to feed to engorgement, followed by fasting-maintenance in the insectary. At 7, 14, 21, or 28 days post-feeding, the midgut contents from five triatomines per group were tested with the respective PCR assay. DNA from all vertebrate species was detected in at least four of five study nymphs at seven and 14 days post-feeding. DNA of humans, domestic dogs, guinea pigs, pigs, and chickens were more successfully detected (80-100%) through day 21, and less successfully (20-100%) at day 28. Findings demonstrate that species-specific PCRs can consistently identify feeding sources of T. infestans within two weeks, a biologically relevant time interval

    Leishmaniose tegumentar americana: casuística hospitalar no Rio de Janeiro American tegumentary Leishmaniasis: hospitalized cases in Rio de Janeiro

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    FUNDAMENTOS: A leishmaniose tegumentar americana distribui-se amplamente no Brasil, e o Estado do Rio de Janeiro (capital e interior) constitui área endêmica onde o vetor é encontrado dentro e ao redor das habitações. OBJETIVOS: Análise prospectiva de 48 casos de leishmaniose tegumentar americana atendidos no Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho/UFRJ, no período de 1990 a 2002. MÉTODOS: Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à biópsia de pele ou mucosa, teste de Montenegro e exame otorrinolaringológico; SbV (10 a 20mg/kg), no total de 10, 30 e 90 doses. foi empregado em 44 pacientes; em quatro casos, anfotericina B (0,5mg/kg/dose) até dose cumulativa de 30mg/kg. RESULTADOS: 28 homens e 20 mulheres na faixa etária de 10 a 89 anos, dos quais 38 (79,1%) infectados no Rio de Janeiro, apresentaram úlcera de membro inferior e comprometimento de mucosa nasal como manifestações mais freqüentes; 41 casos (85,4%) foram reatores à intradermorreação de Montenegro (5mm); 17 casos (35,4%) foram positivos para o achado de amastigotas em macrófagos no infiltrado inflamatório dérmico; predominou o processo inflamatório crônico granulomatoso; cura clínica foi observada em 47 casos; um caso evoluiu para óbito no décimo dia de tratamento. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo da leishmaniose tegumentar (HUCFF/UFRJ) no período 1990/2002 evidenciou padrão conhecido nos aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e de resposta terapêutica ao antimonial (SbV) e anfotericina B.<br>BACKGROUND: American tegumentary Leishmaniasis is widely found in Brazil; the state of Rio de Janeiro (capital and hinterland) is an endemic area where the vector is found inside and outside houses. OBJECTIVES: prospective study of 48 cases attended at the Teaching Hospital Clementino Fraga Filho - UFRJ, between 1990 - 2002. METHODS: All patients were submitted to skin or mucosa biopsy, Montenegro skin test and otorhinolaryngologic examination; SbV (10 - 20 mg/kg) with 10, 30 and 90 doses was used in 44 patients; in 4 cases, Amphotericin B (0.5 mg/kg/dose) until cumulative dosage of 30 - 50 mg/kg. RESULTS: 28 males and 20 females aged 10 - 89 years mostly infected in Rio de Janeiro (38 cases/79.1%) mainly presented ulcers in the extremities and involvement of nasal mucosa; 41 cases (85.4%) were reactive to the Montenegro skin test (5 mm); 17 cases (35.4%) were positive for amastigotes in tissue sections; an inflammatory chronic granulomatous process was mostly seen. Clinical cure was observed in 47 cases; one patient died on day 10 of treatment. CONCLUSION: The study of American tegumentary Leishmaniasis (HUCFF - UFRJ) from 1990-2002 showed a well-known "status" considering epidemiological and clinical perspectives as well as therapeutic response to antimony (SbV) and amphotericin B