133 research outputs found

    Detection and molecular characterisation of Giardia duodenalis, Cryptosporidium spp. and Entamoeba spp. among patients with gastrointestinal symptoms in Gambo Hospital, Oromia Region, southern Ethiopia

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    12 p.Objectives: To assess the prevalence and genetic diversity of the enteric protozoa species G. duodenalis, Cryptosporidium spp. and Entamoeba histolytica in individuals with gastrointestinal symptoms compatible with infections by these pathogens seeking medical attention in a rural area in southern Ethiopia. methods A total of 92 stool samples were initially screened by direct microscopy and immunochromatography and further con?rmed by molecular methods. G. duodenalis-positive samples were molecularly characterised by multilocus genotyping of the glutamate dehydrogenase and b-giardin genes of the parasite. PCR and DNA sequence analysis of the gene encoding the 60-kDa glycoprotein was used for the subtyping of Cryptosporidium isolates. Detection and differential diagnosis of E. histolytica/dispar were conducted by real-time PCR. results PCR-based prevalences were 10.9% for G. duodenalis, 1.1% for Cryptosporidium spp. and 3.3% for Entamoeba spp. Seven (four novel and three known) subtypes of G. duodenalis assemblage B were identi?ed at the GDH locus and 5 (one novel and four known) at the BG locus. A novel variant of C. hominis subtype IbA9G3 was also identi?ed. Two Entamoeba isolates were assigned to E. dispar and an additional one to E. histolytica. conclusion Although preliminary, our results strongly suggest that giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis and amoebiasis represent a signi?cant burden in Ethiopian rural population

    Field Evaluation of Malaria Microscopy, Rapid Malaria Tests and Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification in a Rural Hospital in South Western Ethiopia

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    8 p.Background: In up to one third of the hospitals in some rural areas of Africa, laboratory services in malaria diagnosis are limited to microscopy by thin film, as no capability to perform thick film exists (gold standard in terms of sensitivity for malaria diagnosis). A new rapid molecular malaria diagnostic test called Loop-mediated isothermal DNA amplification (LAMP) has been recently validated in clinical trials showing exceptional sensitivity and specificity features. It could be a reliable diagnostic tool to be implemented without special equipment or training. Objective: The objective of this proof of concept study was to confirm the feasibility of using LAMP technique for diagnosis of malaria in a rural Ethiopian hospital with limited resources. Methodology/Principal Findings: This study was carried out in Gambo General Hospital, West Arsi Province (Ethiopia), from November 1st to December 31st 2013. A total of 162 patients with a non-focal febrile syn-drome were investigated. The diagnostic capability (sensitivity, specificity, positive predic-tive and negative predictive values) of rapid malaria tests and microscopy by thin film was evaluated in comparison with LAMP. Eleven (6.79%) out of the 162 patients with fever and suspected malaria, tested positive for LAMP, 3 (1.85%) for rapid malaria tests and none of the eleven cases was detected by thin film microscopy. Conclusions/Significance: LAMP can be performed in basic rural laboratories without the need for specialized infra-structure and it may set a reliable tool for malaria control to detect a low level parasitemia.Master of Tropical diseases of Department of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ; Rural Gambo Hospital, Ethiopi

    Avances en el diagnóstico de la malaria en los programas de eliminación de la enfermedad

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    Uno de los aspectos clave de las estrategias actuales de control, eliminación y erradicación de la malaria es aumentar la capacidad de detección de la enfermedad con métodos cada vez más sencillos y robustos que puedan aplicarse fácilmente en el terreno. Para lograr este objetivo, es necesario mejorar la sensibilidad de la microscopía clásica con métodos de concentración de hematíes infectados, utilizar test rápidos ultrasensibles de última generación o técnicas moleculares como el LAMP, que no requieren termocicladores y pueden utilizarse en las zonas endémicas. Los sistemas diagnósticos basados en la atracción magnética de la hemozoína son una opción atractiva también para el cribado poblacional.One of the key aspects of current malaria control, elimination and eradication strategies is to increase the capacity to detect thedisease with increasingly simple and robust methods that can be easily applied in the field. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to improve the sensitivity of classical microscopy with methods for concentrating infected red blood cells, using the latest generation of ultrasensitive rapid tests or molecular techniques such as LAMP, which do not require thermal cyclers and can be used in endemic areas. Diagnostic systems based on the magnetic attraction of hemozoin are also an attractive option for population screening

    Cooperación Norte-Sur para la Investigación Biomédica en el ámbito sanitario: Un Modelo en Etiopia

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    En este trabajo de Tesis Doctoral se realiza una investigación aplicada a la Cooperación al Desarrollo en el que se ha trabajado durante más de cuatro años en la implementación y mejora de técnicas de diagnóstico costo-eficaces para la detección de Malaria, Tuberculosis y parasitosis intestinales en el Hospital de Gambo (Etiopía). En este trabajo está alineado con las políticas sanitarias del Ministerio de Salud etíope, y en el mismo se han tenido en cuenta las necesidades y limitaciones de la población, las limitaciones del país y del hospital, y se han utilizado los recursos disponibles que han permitido trabajar con los estándares de calidad de un laboratorio europeo. A raíz del trabajo desarrollado el Hospital de Gambo se considera como hospital de referencia del país en este tipo de diagnósticos. El trabajo realizado ha sido apoyado por las Convocatorias de Ayudas de la Universidad de Alcalá para el Fomento de Proyectos de Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo que, en sus tres ediciones hasta la fecha, ha subvencionado el Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales de la UAH, habiéndose destinado el dinero tanto a la compra del material necesario como a la formación mediante becas del personal médico y técnico nativo; personal que finalmente ha sido contratado por el gobierno etíope para trabajar en el hospital, fidelizando así a profesionales sanitarios

    In vitro susceptibility of recent antibiotic-resistant urinary pathogens to ertapenem and 12 other antibiotics

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    7 p.Background: The treatment of complicated urinary tract infections may require the use of a parenteral anti-biotic with potent activity against the most common urinary pathogens. Ertapenem is a broad-spectrum 1?-methyl carbapenem with a long plasma half-life that allows administration of a single daily dose. Methods: The purpose of this work was to test the in vitro susceptibility to ertapenem, ampicillin, cefazolin, cefuroxime, cefotaxime, co-amoxiclav, piperacillin/tazobactam, imipenem, gentamicin, amikacin, fosfo-mycin, ciprofloxacin and co-trimoxazole of 482 strains of urinary pathogens of the family Enterobacteriaceae isolated from patients in the community of Madrid (40% from males). The distribution was as follows: Escherichia coli (n = 315), Proteus mirabilis (n = 42), Klebsiella spp. (n = 14) and AmpC-producing Entero-bacteriaceae (n = 111). The strains studied were selected based on their resistance to quinolones and aminoglycosides, and their production of extended-spectrum ?-lactamases (ESBLs) or AmpC-type ?-lacta-mases. Results: All the strains were susceptible to ertapenem, imipenem and amikacin. The MIC90 of ertapenem ranged from a minimum of 0.03 mg/L for Proteus vulgaris and a maximum of 1 mg/L for Enterobacter spp. Ertapenem was the most active of all drugs tested in all cases. On comparing antibiotic resistance among ESBL-producing strains of E. coli (n = 35) and E. coli strains not producing ESBLs (n = 280), statistically significant differences were obtained for ciprofloxacin (P = 0.002) and gentamicin (P = 0.011). Regarding ertapenem, only a slight increase in MIC50 was seen, the value being 0.015 mg/L for strains not producing ESBLs versus 0.03 mg/L for ESBL-producing strains. Conclusions: In view of its significant antibiotic potency against antibiotic-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, ertapenem may constitute a good therapeutic alternative in urinary infections caused by these pathogens

    Estudio descriptivo sobre la enseñanza en Salud Global desde las Universidades públicas españolas. ¿Por qué surge una necesidad formativa en Salud Global?

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    La justificación del estudio planteado, surge de la percepción de un déficit en el abordaje y formación en temáticas de Salud Global desde las Universidades españolas. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica que ayuda a contextualizar la Salud Global y se completa con la realización de un análisis, mediante búsqueda online de la presencia de temáticas de Salud Global en las ofertas docentes de cada asignatura de los grados de Medicina y posgrados de las 33 facultades públicas españolas a estudio. También se han descrito y cuantificado aquellas materias relacionadas pero no específicas con el tema de estudio como son la medicina tropical, la salud internacional y la antropología de la salud entre otras. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo, concluyen que es necesario reforzar la formación en Salud Global desde nuestras facultades de Medicina. Es fundamental, que se otorgue a los estudiantes la oportunidad de entender lo que implica la Salud Global en un engranaje multidisciplinar, y si lo desean, puedan formarse en profundidad en este ámbito. Si esto sucede, podrán adquirir las herramientas necesarias para poder trabajar desde una perspectiva más global, entendiendo que no podemos desligar las enfermedades de los sistemas sociales, la inequidad, el género, la economía y las relaciones intergubernamentales y de poder entre otras cuestiones.The proposed study arises from the lack found in Global Health training in Spanish universities. Global Health needs to become part of the Spanish medical training offer. In order to understand the importance of Global Health training, a literature review was conducted, that helps to understand the current context of Global Health. And is completed with the online search for the presence of Global Health related themes performed in the 33 public medicine schools and post-doctoral degree programmes. Moreover, other related matters such as tropical medicine, international health and health anthropology among others, were also studied. The results conclude that it is necessary to strengthen our medical schools training in Global Health. It is essential that students are given the opportunity to understand what is involved in multidisciplinary Global Health, and to obtein a more profound education in this area, if desired. If this happens, being able to acquire the skills to work from a more global perspective, understanding that we cannot separate disease from social systems, inequity, gender, economics, intergovernmental relationships of power among other issues

    Plasmodium ovale malaria acquired in central Spain

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    3 p.We describe a case of locally acquired Plasmodium ovale malaria in Spain. The patient was a Spanish woman who had never traveled out of Spain and had no other risk factors for malaria. Because patients with malaria may never have visited endemic areas, occasional transmission of malaria to European hosts is a diagnostic and clinical challenge

    Comparative evaluation of Panbio and SD Biosensor antigen rapid diagnostic tests for COVID-19 diagnosis

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of two antigen rapid diagnostic tests (Ag‐RDTs) to diagnose severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) infection. We evaluated Panbio and SD‐Biosensor Ag‐RDTs. We employed 186 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) negative samples to evaluate the specificity and 170 PCR positive samples to assess the sensitivity. We evaluated their sensitivity according to Cycle threshold (Ct) values and days post onset of symptoms (d.p.o.). Tests were compared using the McNemar's test. Agreement was evaluated using the kappa score. Specificity was 100% for Panbio and 97.3% for SD‐Biosensor. Sensitivity for samples with Ct ≤ 20 was 100% for both assays and for samples with Ct = 20–25 was 93.0% (Panbio) and 95.3% (SD‐Biosensor) (p = 1.000). Sensitivity decreased for samples wit Ct = 25–30 (Panbio: 41.3%, SD‐Biosensor: 52.2%, p = 0.125) and samples with Ct ≥ 30 (Panbio: 5.0%, SD‐Biosensor: 17.5%, p = 0.063). Sensitivity within seven d.p.o. was 87.7% for Panbio and 90.4% for SD‐Biosensor and notably decreased after seven d.p.o. Agreement with PCR was excellent for high viral load samples (Ct ≤ 25): Panbio, 98.9%, kappa = 0.974; SD‐Biosensor, 97.4%, kappa = 0.940. Agreement between Ag‐RDTs was excellent (94.9%, kappa = 0.882). Panbio and SD‐Biosensor Ag‐RDTs showed excellent agreement and diagnostic performance results for samples with high viral loads (Ct ≤ 25) or samples within seven d.p.o

    Fighting organized crime through open source intelligence: regulatory strategies of the CAPER Project

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    OSINT stands for Open Source Intelligence. The CAPER project has built an OSINT solution oriented to the prevention of organised crime. We offer in this paper an overall view of some results, embedding into the system legal and ethical issues raised by the General Data Reform Package (GDRP) in Europe. We briefly describe CAPER architecture, workflow, functionalities, modules and ontologies (European LEAs Interoperability ELIO, and Multi-Lingual Crime Ontology MCO). This paper is focused on the indirect strategy to flesh out Privacy by Design principles (PbD) through the Caper Regulatory Model (CRM)

    Professional of sports organization and management in Andalusia: professional profile and socio-demographic and training characteristics

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    Objetivo: analizar el perfil profesional del gestor deportivo en los municipios mayores de 10.000 habitantes de la Comunidad de Andalucía. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal, descriptivo e interpretativo, a través de un cuestionario auto-administrado. La población estuvo integrada por los gestores deportivos de 118 municipios mayores de 10.000 habitantes. Resultados: el 89,8% de los gestores son hombres, con una edad similar a la de estudios de su campo (M=44.14; DT=8.50). Los gestores tienen una formación inicial formal, lo que ha mejorado significativamente en las últimas dos décadas y la estabilidad laboral está generalizada en más del 85%. Conclusiones: la cultura organizativa de las entidades públicas deportivas está enfocada en términos androcéntricos y su perfil formativo queda definido dentro de la educación superior. En cuanto a las limitaciones del estudio, a pesar de la elevada muestra, el 74,68% de la población investigada no representa al total de la población.Objective: To analyze the professional profile of the sports manager in the municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants of the Community of Andalusia. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive and interpretative study was carried out through a selfadministered questionnaire. The population was integrated by sport managers of 118 municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants. Results: 89.8% of managers are men, with an age similar to that of their field studies (M = 44.14, SD = 8.50). The managers have a formal initial training, which has improved significantly in the last two decades and job stability is widespread by more than 85%. Conclusion: The organizational culture of public sports entities is focused on androcentric terms and their formative profile is defined within higher education. Regarding the limitations of the study, despite the high sample, 74.68% of the population investigated does not represent the total population