36 research outputs found

    Aufkommens- und Verteilungsfolgen des Ersatzes des deutschen einkommensteuerlichen Formeltarifs durch einen Stufentarif

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    A simplification of the German tax law is the major intend when proposing a graduated tax rate to replace the current German formula based tax scale. A plain tax rate structure requires catchy tax brackets (e.g. in 5.000 € or 10.000 € steps) and tax rates (e.g. tax rate differences of 5% or 10%). Our empirical analysis shows that such a graduated tax rate causes significant distributional effects and, depending on the particular form, affects different groups of tax payers in different ways. This holds in particular for the two graduated tax rate proposals from the German Liberal Party which additionally provoke substantial revenue losses. A graduated tax rate with little revenue and distributional effects compared to the current formula based tax scale lacks a plain structure and hence conflicts with the objective of tax simplification. © 2011 Verein für Socialpolitik

    The German Socio-Economic Panel as a Reference Data Set

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    Energiepolitik fuer den Standort Deutschland Leitlinien der CDU/CSU-Fraktion des Deutschen Bundestages beschlossen am 25. Mai 1993

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    The need for change in the current energy policy is indicated by the following: The situation of nuclear energy, the expiration of the Century Contract for hard coal in 1995, the expiration of the EC subsidy scheme for coal subsidies in 1993, the threat of a deficit in the fund for the conversion of coal into electric energy, and the decision to reduce the CO_2 emissions due to energy consumption. The parliamentary party of the Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union pursues the following aims of energy policy: Clarity and reliability of energy policy, security of supply, economic efficiency, ecological benignity, prudent resource management. The realization of these aims forms an important basis for the economic and ecological development of a modern industrial society which stands in the midst of international competition. All energy source should meet the following requirements: International cooperation, more national and international competition, economic and efficient energy utilization. (orig./HP)Fuer den aktuellen Handlungsbedarf in der Energiepolitik sprechen: Die Lage in der Kernenergie, das Auslaufen des Jahrhundertvertrages fuer Steinkohle im Jahre 1995 wie fuer das EG-Beihilferegime fuer Kohlehilfen 1993, das drohende Defizit beim Verstromungsfonds ferner der Beschluss zur Reduzierung der energiebedingten CO_2-Emissionen. Die Ziele der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion in der Energiepolitik sind: Klarheit und Verlaesslichkeit der Energiepolitik, Versorgungssicherheit, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Umweltvertraeglichkeit, Ressourcenschonung. Die Erreichung dieser Ziele ist eine wesentliche Grundlage fuer die oekonomische und oekologische Entwicklung einer modernen Industriegesellschaft, die im internationalen Wettbewerb steht. Forderungen fuer alle Energietraeger sind internationale Zusammenarbeit, mehr Wettbewerb national und international, sparsame und rationelle Energieverwendung. (orig./HP)Available from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Die neue Familie: Familienleitbilder - Familienrealitaeten

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    Inhaltsverzeichnis: Klaus Holetschek, Gerd Mueller, Christian Ruck, Markus Ferber: Einfuehrung - Kinder und Familien sind Leben und Zukunft; Laszlo A. Vaskovics: Struktur- und Funktionswandel der Familie; Johannes Schroeter: Die Lage der Familie in der modernen Gesellschaft - Analyse und Konsequenzen; Marion Keller: Frau und Familie; Gabriele Goderbauer-Marchner: Frauen und Berufswelt; Wolfgang Storim: Sind Kinder ein Armutsrisiko?SIGLEAvailable from http://www.hss.de/wissenschaft/argu13-inhalt.htm / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Patterns of junior partner influence on the foreign policy of coalition governments

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    This article contributes to research on the foreign policy influence of junior partners in coalition governments. In particular, it takes up the call to pay greater attention to different patterns and pathways of such influence. To this purpose, this article distinguishes two types of coalition set-ups for foreign policy making. In the first type, junior partners hold one or more departments in the foreign policy executive, and their foreign policy influence rests on the powers that controlling ministries in the field brings. In the second type, junior partners do not hold any department in foreign affairs, and their influence comes from their ability to constrain the discretion of the senior partner in foreign policy. The article exemplifies its theoretical contentions in comparative case studies on the current coalition governments in Germany and the UK, which represent the first and second type respectively

    Zuwanderung und Integration

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    Inhaltsverzeichnis: Peter Mueller: Von der Einwanderung zum Zuwanderungsmanagement - Plaedoyer fuer ein nationales Programm der Zuwanderungspolitik in Deutschland (5-30); Wolfgang Bosbach: Zuwanderung und Integration (31-51); Dieter Oberndoerfer: Das Grundgesetz ist die Hausordnung der multikulturellen Gesellschaft Deutschlands (52-59)Available from http://www.kas.de/db files/dokumente/zukunftsforum politik/7 dokument dok pdf 190.pdf / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman