45 research outputs found
Rashba billiards
We study the energy levels of non-interacting electrons confined to move in
two-dimensional billiard regions and having a spin-dependent dynamics due to a
finite Rashba spin splitting. The Green's function for such Rashba billiards is
constructed analytically and used to find the area and perimeter contributions
to the density of states, as well as the smooth counting function. We show
that, in contrast to systems with spin-rotational invariance, Rashba billiards
always possess a negative energy spectrum. A semi-classical analysis is
presented to interpret the singular behavior of the density of states at
certain negative energies. Our detailed analysis of the spin structure of
Rashba billiards reveals a finite out-of-plane spin projection for electron
eigenstates.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, minor changes in the text, submitted to PR
Csapdázott atomgázok = Trapped atomgases
Csapdázott Fermi-gázok egy nyílt héj modelljében algebrai és numerikus módszerrel határoztuk meg az alapállapot szerkezetét. Azt találtuk, hogy az alapállapot s-spinű fermionok esetén (2s+1) részecskéből álló fürtök (klaszterek) együttesével írható le, ha a részecskeszám (2s+1) többszöröse. Zérus hőmérsékletű csapdázott atomokra vizsgáltuk a részecskék kollektív gerjesztéseinek spektrumát a hidrodinamikai közelítésben. Numerikus eljárást adtunk tetszőleges kollektív gerjesztés meghatározására, amennyiben a gáz állapotegyenlete valamilyen mikroszkopikus modellből ismert. A módszerrel a hidrodinamikai közelítés módusai numerikusan egzaktul számolhatók. Meghatároztuk a csapdázott szuperfolyékony gáz kollektív gerjesztéseinek spektrumát a BCS határesettől a BEC határesetig a Feshbach-rezonancia tartományán is keresztülhaladva a lokális sűrűség modell alapján. Csapdázott, feles spinű rendszerek esetén a szuperfolyékony rendszer lokális sűrűség közelítését továbbfejlesztettük a sűrűség deriváltjait tartalmazó tagok kiszámításával és a bővített egyenletek megoldásával. A fellépő teljes elliptikus integrálok kezelésére kidolgozott analitikus és numerikus módszereink segített a Rashba-billiárdok állapotsűrűségének és szintstatisztikájának a vizsgálatában. | In the one open-shell model for fermions we have calculated both analytically and numerically the structure of the ground state. If s denotes the spin of the fermions we have found that the ground state consists of clusters of (2s+1) particles at particles numbers of integer multiples of (2s+1). At zero temperature we have investigated the spectra of collective excitations using hydrodynamical approach to the problem. We gave a numerical method for determining arbitrary excitations, provided the equation of state of the atom-gas in question is known from some microscopic model. By the method the modes in the hydrodynamical approach can be calculated in a numerically exact way. We have calculated the collective excitations of a trapped superfluid Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC transition through the Feshbach resonance using the mean-field BCS model. We have improved the local density approximation for trapped fermions with spin one-half by including the gradient corrections in the self-consistent equations for the gap and the density. The method how we have treated the complete elliptic integrals in the previous problem helped us to calculate the density of states up to third order corrections and unfold the spectra for the nearest neighbor level-spacing distribution of Rashba-billiards
Electronic and spin properties of Rashba billiards
Ballistic electrons confined to a billiard and subject to spin--orbit
coupling of the Rashba type are investigated, using both approximate
semiclassical and exact quantum--mechanical methods. We focus on the
low--energy part of the spectrum that has negative eigenvalues. When the spin
precession length is smaller than the radius of the billiard, the low--lying
energy eigenvalues turn out to be well described semiclassically. Corresponding
eigenspinors are found to have a finite spin polarization in the direction
perpendicular to the billiard plane.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
Advanced indirect method for measuring blood pressure
Presently existing blood pressure meters require trained operator otherwise do not assure accurate measurement. An easy-to-use and accurate device would help the early detection of hypertonia as well as self-monitoring at home. This latter would mean an effective aid for the general practitioner to monitor the patient; providing a feedback for treatment and medication. The paper presents the results of the research work having been carried out for an indirect blood pressure measurement procedure in the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory of the Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The procedure improves the classical oscillometric algorithm and identifies improperly placed cuff. It was incorporated into eight home health monitoring devices that were used for three months by patients with cardiovascular diseases. More than 1000 recordings of patients and more than 500 of healthy control subjects have been analyzed. The presented algorithm has been va
lidated by means of a non-invasive blood pressure meter tester. The bulk of the 100 tester records we have made simulates some kind of artifact or cardiovascular disease
Fázisátalakulások és szimmetriasértő fázisok dinamikája = Dynamics of Phase Transitions and Symmetry Breaking Phases
A pályázat célja szimmetriasértő fázisok kialakulásának és tulajdonságainak elméleti vizsgálata volt. Fontos területek voltak az alábbiak. Erősen kölcsönható anyag fázisdiagramjának meghatározása effektív mezon-kvark modellekből felösszegzett perturbációszámítással. A kozmológiai inflációt lezáró egyensúlytól távoli folyamatok dinamikája. Univerzalitási osztályok és skálatörvények egyensúlytól távoli rendszerek kritikus jelenségeinél. Spinor Bose-gázok mágneses tulajdonságai, különböző mágneses fázisok, és ezekben a kvázirészek dinamikája. Szuperfolyékony Fermi-gázok univerzális tulajdonságai a Feshbach-rezonancián. Bose-kondenzáció dinamikája és kontrollparaméter függése üregrezonátorba helyezett gázban. Matematikai fizikai vizsgálatok a Bose-Einstein-kondenzációval és a kristályszerkezet kialakulásával kapcsolatban. | The aim of the research has been the theoretical investigation of the development and properties of symmetry breaking phases. Important fields of the study have been as follows. Determination of the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter from effective meson-quark models with resummation of perturbative series. Investigation of the far from equilibrium dynamical processes characterizing the exit of the universe from the stage of cosmological inflation. Universality classes and scaling laws describing critical phenomena in systems far from equilibrium. Magnetic features of spinor Bose gases, specification of different magnetic phases and the calculation of quasiparticle dynamics in them. Universal properties of inhomogeneous Fermi gases at the Feshbach resonance. The dynamics and control parameter dependence of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity. Investigation of the properties of Bose-Einstein condensation and of its competition with crystallization by the methods of mathemetical physics
Hartle-Hawking state in supersymmetric minisuperspace
The Hartle-Hawking `no-boundary' state is constructed explicitly for the
recently developed supersymmetric minisuperspace model with non-vanishing
fermion number.Comment: 11 pages, revte
Online vs. Offline Gossip as a Source of Corporate Communicative Advantage
In a world that may be described by information revolution, it is becoming more and more
important to discover the diffusion of information and news in a new technological
environment. We are not dependent but, more in control of receiving and forwarding
information in this technology driven environment. What we can find is that in today’s
interpersonal communications, even corporate communications, gossip-like information gain
a more important role.
Starting from the psychological notion of gossip we asked the question how gossip occurs,
evolves and disperses on the internet, what the main criteria of its diffusion and how these
maybe taken into service of a company. The power of gossip derives from its biological basis
that is communication advantage. The “newsmonger” maybe described with good memory,
being up-to-date even in non-gossip like situations. The spread of info is faster and more
precise among people with similar professions or of common interest. The content of the
gossip adopts to the intellectual level of its audience.
We conducted multiple research methods in order to discover about the nature of gossip of
corporate interest: content analyses of blogs (N=10) and forums (N=10); online in-depth
interviews (N=10); and individual consumer narratives (N=100). Our research shows that
companies may lead and use gossip in an online context for their own communication
intentions, however, corporate presence in terms of online gossips has to fulfill requirements
in order to remain acceptable: that are specific language and place, openness, being direct about expressing intention and origin. In our paper we are going to present our major results and theoretical mode