262 research outputs found

    Bakteriális lipopoliszachariddal kiváltott késői kardioprotekció az iszkémia/reperfúziós károsodással szemben = Late cardioprotection against ischemia-reperfusion injury induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharides

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    Hazánkban és a civilizált társadalmakban egyaránt, az iszkémiás szívbetegség az egyik leggyakoribb halálokok közé tartozik. A szivizom endogén adaptációs mechanizmusainak támogatása, illetve vizsgálata ezért nagy jelentőségű. Kísérleteink bizonyítják, hogy ez a mechanizmus emberben is hatásos védelmet jelent. Kimutattuk továbbá, hogy a farmakológiai prekondícionálás hatékonyan véd az iszkémiás károsodás ellen. A kis dózisú (0,5 mg/kg) bakteriális lipopoliszachariddal (LPS) előkezelt patkányok szíve 24 órával a kezelés után fokozottabb mértékben áll ellen az iszkémiát követő szívfunkciós károsodásnak. A 24 órás LPS előkezelés megnövelte a szívizom nitrogén-monoxid tartalmát az indukálható nitrogén oxid szintáz fokozott aktivitása révén. A LPS előkezelés hatására szignifikánsan emelkedett a szívizom szuperoxid termelése is a fokozott xantin oxidoreduktáz aktivitás miatt. A szérum nitrotirozin szintje ugyancsak emelkedett az LPS előkezelés hatására, jelezvén a NO és szuperoxid anion reakciója révén képződő peroxinitrit fokozott képződését a szervezetben. A LPS előkezelés növelte a miokardiális cGMP tartalmat is. Eredményeink szerint az oxidatív és nitrozatív stressz, valamint az NO-cGMP szignalizációs út fontos szerepet játszhat a szívizom farmakológiai prekondícionálásában. | Ischemic heart disease is one of the most frequent cause of death in the civilized societies, therefore investigation of cardioprotective mechanisms to prevent ischemic damage is essential. We have shown that this protective mechanism is effective in humans. We have also shown that pharmacological preconditioning effectively protects against ischemia/reperfuson injury. 24h pretreatment of rats with bacterial polysaccharides (LPS) has resulted in a protection against ischemia-induced deterioration of cardiac function. A 24h LPS pretreatment increased cardiac nitric oxide content via the induction of the inducible isoform of nitric oxide synthase. LPS pretreatment also increased cardiac superoxide production via an increase in the activity of xanthin oxidoreductase. LPS increased serum nitrotyrosine levels showing increased formation of peroxynitrite from NO and superoxide. In addition, LPS pretreatment increased myocardial cGMP level. Our results suggest, that both oxidative and nitrosative stress play an important role in pharmacological preconditioning of the heart

    "Az egyetem" és "Egyetem" folyóirat története

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    "Az egyetem" illetve "Egyetem" című debreceni egyetem folyóiratát mutatja be.B

    The effect of electrical stimulation of skeletal muscle on cardioprotection and on muscle-derived myokine levels in rats: A pilot study

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    Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is a widely used method in sports and rehabilitation therapies to simulate physical exercise. EMS treatment via skeletal muscle activity improves the cardiovascular functions and the overall physical condition of the patients. However, the cardioprotective effect of EMS has not been proven so far, therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the potential cardiac conditioning effect of EMS in an animal model. Low-frequency 35-min EMS was applied to the gastrocnemius muscle of male Wistar rats for three consecutive days. Their isolated hearts were then subjected to 30 min global ischemia and 120 min reperfusion. At the end of reperfusion cardiac specific creatine kinase (CK-MB) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzyme release and myocardial infarct size were determined. Additionally, skeletal muscle-driven myokine expression and release were also assessed. Phosphorylation of cardioprotective signaling pathway members AKT, ERK1/2, and STAT3 proteins were also measured. EMS significantly attenuated cardiac LDH and CK-MB enzyme activities in the coronary effluents at the end of the ex vivo reperfusion. EMS treatment considerably altered the myokine content of the stimulated gastrocnemius muscle without altering circulating myokine levels in the serum. Additionally, phosphorylation of cardiac AKT, ERK1/2, and STAT3 was not significantly different in the two groups. Despite the lack of significant infarct size reduction, the EMS treatment seems to influence the course of cellular damage due to ischemia/reperfusion and favorably modifies skeletal muscle myokine expressions. Our results suggest that EMS may have a protective effect on the myocardium, however, further optimization is required

    Stroncium hordozó leválasztási hatásfokának meghatározása

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    Sr —90 wird mit Trägersubstanz als SrS04 gefällt. Nachdem die zur Analyse notwendigen Aschemengen von Lebensmitteln einen grösseren Gehalt an Calcium haben, enthält der Niederschlag des Strontiums grössere oder geringere Mengen von Calcium (ionén). Für die Ausbeutebestimmung von Strontium — in Gegenwart von Calcium — wird ein indirektes komplexometrisches Titrationsverfahren angegeben. The selective precipitation of SrS04 has the disadvantage of calcium contamination, as a result of the high concentration of Ca in food minerals. The efficiency of SrS04 precipitation can be estimated by a) determining Sr + Ca by a chelating agent and b) calculating SrS04 quantity on the basis of molecular weight differences. La précipitation sélective du sulfate de strontium a l’inconvénient d’une contamination de calcium due ä la haute teneur en Ca des résidus minéraux des denrées. L Evaluation de l’efficacité de la précipitation duSrS04 peut étre effectuéc par a) le dosage comlexométrique du Sr-f-Ca et b) le calcul de la quantité du SrSOj ä partir de la différence en poids moléculaire

    Metabolic syndrome influences cardiac gene expression pattern at the transcript level in male ZDF rats

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (coexisting visceral obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertension) is a prominent risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, however, its effect on cardiac gene expression pattern is unclear. Therefore, we examined the possible alterations in cardiac gene expression pattern in male Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) rats, a model of metabolic syndrome. Methods: Fasting blood glucose, serum insulin, cholesterol and triglyceride levels were measured at 6, 16, and 25 wk of age in male ZDF and lean control rats. Oral glucose tolerance test was performed at 16 and 25 wk of age. At week 25, total RNA was isolated from the myocardium and assayed by rat oligonucleotide microarray for 14921 genes. Expression of selected genes was confirmed by qRT-PCR. Results: Fasting blood glucose, serum insulin, cholesterol and triglyceride levels were significantly increased, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity were impaired in ZDF rats compared to leans. In hearts of ZDF rats, 36 genes showed significant up-regulation and 49 genes showed down-regulation as compared to lean controls. Genes with significantly altered expression in the heart due to metabolic syndrome includes functional clusters of metabolism (e.g. 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A synthase 2; argininosuccinate synthetase; 2-amino-3ketobutyrate-coenzyme A ligase), structural proteins (e.g. myosin IXA; aggrecan1), signal transduction (e. g. activating transcription factor 3; phospholipase A2; insulin responsive sequence DNA binding protein-1) stress response (e.g. heat shock 70kD protein 1A; heat shock protein 60; glutathione S-transferase Yc2 subunit), ion channels and receptors (e.g. ATPase, (Na+)/K+ transporting, beta 4 polypeptide; ATPase, H+/K+ transporting, nongastric, alpha polypeptide). Moreover some other genes with no definite functional clusters were also changed such as e. g. S100 calcium binding protein A3; ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1; interleukin 18. Gene ontology analysis revealed several significantly enriched functional inter-relationships between genes influenced by metabolic syndrome. Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome significantly alters cardiac gene expression profile which may be involved in development of cardiac pathologies in the presence of metabolic syndrome