616 research outputs found

    The production of charm mesons from quark matter at CERN SPS and RHIC

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    We study the production of charm mesons and other charm baryons from quark matter at CERN SPS and RHIC energies. Using quark coalescence models as hadronization mechanism, we predict particle ratios, absolute yields and transverse momentum spectra.Comment: 4 pages in Latex, 2 PS figure, to be published in the proceedings of the SQM'2000 Conference, Berkeley, CA, July 20-25, 2000. Submitted to J. Phys.

    New analytic solutions of the non-relativistic hydrodynamical equations

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    New solutions are found for the non-relativistic hydrodynamical equations. These solutions describe expanding matter with a Gaussian density profile. In the simplest case, thermal equilibrium is maintained without any interaction, the energy is conserved, and the process is isentropic. More general solutions are also obtained that describe explosions driven by heat production, or contraction of the matter caused by energy loss.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX. Submitted to Physics Letters B. Shortened from 9 pages, errors corrected in the "More general solutions" sectio

    The Anticorrelated Nature of the Primary and Secondary Eclipse Timing Variations for the Kepler Contact Binaries

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    We report on a study of eclipse timing variations in contact binary systems, using long-cadence lightcurves in the Kepler archive. As a first step, 'observed minus calculated' (O-C) curves were produced for both the primary and secondary eclipses of some 2000 Kepler binaries. We find ~390 short-period binaries with O-C curves that exhibit (i) random-walk like variations or quasi-periodicities, with typical amplitudes of +/- 200-300 seconds, and (ii) anticorrelations between the primary and secondary eclipse timing variations. We present a detailed analysis and results for 32 of these binaries with orbital periods in the range of 0.35 +/- 0.05 days. The anticorrelations observed in their O-C curves cannot be explained by a model involving mass transfer, which among other things requires implausibly high rates of ~0.01 M_sun per year. We show that the anticorrelated behavior, the amplitude of the O-C delays, and the overall random-walk like behavior can be explained by the presence of a starspot that is continuously visible around the orbit and slowly changes its longitude on timescales of weeks to months. The quasi-periods of ~50-200 days observed in the O-C curves suggest values for k, the coefficient of the latitude dependence of the stellar differential rotation, of ~0.003-0.013.Comment: Published in The Astrophysical Journal, 2013, Vol. 774, p.81; 14 pages, 12 figures, and 2 table

    Long-term evolution of FU Orionis objects at infrared wavelengths

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    We investigate the brightness evolution of 7 FU Orionis systems in the 1-100 micrometer wavelength range using data from the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). The ISO measurements were supplemented with 2MASS and MSX observations performed in the same years as the ISO mission (1995-98). The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) based on these data points were compared with earlier ones derived from the IRAS photometry as well as from ground-based observations carried out around the epoch 1983. In 3 cases (Z CMa, Parsamian 21, V1331 Cyg) no difference between the two epochs was seen within the measurement uncertainties. V1057 Cyg, V1515 Cyg and V1735 Cyg have become fainter at near-infrared wavelengths while V346 Nor has become slightly brighter. V1057 Cyg exhibits a similar flux change also in the mid-infrared. At lambda >= 60 micrometer most of the sources remained constant; only V346 Nor seems to fade. Our data on the long-term evolution of V1057 Cyg agree with the model predictions of Kenyon & Hartmann (1991) and Turner et al. (1997) at near- and mid-infrared wavelengths, but disagree at lambda > 25 micrometer. We discuss if this observational result at far-infrared wavelengths could be understood in the framework of the existing models.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Simple predictions from ALCOR_c for rehadronisation of charmed quark matter

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    We study the production of charmed hadrons with the help of ALCOR_c, the algebraic coalescence model for rehadronisation of charmed quark matter. Mesonic ratios are introduced as factors connecting various antibaryon to baryon ratios. The resulting simple relations could serve as tests of quark matter formation and coalescence type rehadronization in heavy ion collisions.Comment: 7 pages in Latex, 1 PS figur

    Simple analytic solution of fireball hydrodynamics

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    A new family of simple analytic solutions of hydrodynamics is found for non-relativistic, rotationally symmetric fireballs assuming an ideal gas equation of state. The solution features linear flow profile and a non-trivial transverse temperature profile. The radial temperature gradient vanishes only in the collisionless gas limit. The Zimanyi-Bondorf-Garpman solution and the Buda-Lund parameterization of expanding hydrodynamical sources are recovered as special cases. The results are applied to predict new features of proton-proton correlations and spectra data at 1.93 AGeV Ni + Ni reactions.Comment: Latex, Revte

    On the Use of Multipole Expansion in Time Evolution of Non-linear Dynamical Systems and Some Surprises Related to Superradiance

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    A new numerical method is introduced to study the problem of time evolution of generic non-linear dynamical systems in four-dimensional spacetimes. It is assumed that the time level surfaces are foliated by a one-parameter family of codimension two compact surfaces with no boundary and which are conformal to a Riemannian manifold C. The method is based on the use of a multipole expansion determined uniquely by the induced metric structure on C. The approach is fully spectral in the angular directions. The dynamics in the complementary 1+1 Lorentzian spacetime is followed by making use of a fourth order finite differencing scheme with adaptive mesh refinement. In checking the reliability of the introduced new method the evolution of a massless scalar field on a fixed Kerr spacetime is investigated. In particular, the angular distribution of the evolving field in to be superradiant scattering is studied. The primary aim was to check the validity of some of the recent arguments claiming that the Penrose process, or its field theoretical correspondence---superradiance---does play crucial role in jet formation in black hole spacetimes while matter accretes onto the central object. Our findings appear to be on contrary to these claims as the angular dependence of a to be superradiant scattering of a massless scalar field does not show any preference of the axis of rotation. In addition, the process of superradiance, in case of a massless scalar field, was also investigated. On contrary to the general expectations no energy extraction from black hole was found even though the incident wave packets was fine tuned to be maximally superradiant. Instead of energy extraction the to be superradiant part of the incident wave packet fails to reach the ergoregion rather it suffers a total reflection which appears to be a new phenomenon.Comment: 49 pages, 11 figure

    Variability survey in the CoRoT SRa01 field: Implications of eclipsing binary distribution on cluster formation in NGC 2264

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    Time-series photometry of the CoRoT field SRa01 was carried out with the Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope II (BEST II) in 2008/2009. A total of 1,161 variable stars were detected, of which 241 were previously known and 920 are newly found. Several new, variable young stellar objects have been discovered. The study of the spatial distribution of eclipsing binaries revealed the higher relative frequency of Algols toward the center of the young open cluster NGC 2264. In general Algol frequency obeys an isotropic distribution of their angular momentum vectors, except inside the cluster, where a specific orientation of the inclinations is the case. We suggest that we see the orbital plane of the binaries almost edge-on.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Simple solutions of fireball hydrodynamics for self-similar elliptic flows

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    Simple, self-similar, elliptic solutions of non-relativistic fireball hydrodynamics are presented, generalizing earlier results for spherically symmetric fireballs with Hubble flows and homogeneous temperature profiles. The transition from one dimensional to three dimensional expansions is investigated in an efficient manner.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures in 8 .eps files, references to recent data added, accepted in Physics Letters