148 research outputs found

    A költségcsökkentés lehetőségei a magyar tejtermelésben = The possibility of the cost reduction in the Hungarian milk production

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    A kutatás zavartalan lefolyását egy sajnálatos tragédia árnyékolta be, fiatalon elhunyt Dr. Geszti Szilárd a kutatás vezetője. Eredeti elképzelésként azt fogalmaztuk meg, hogy a tejtermelésben rejlő belső tartalékokat kívánjuk feltárni, az EDF (European Dairy Farmers) üzemgazdasági szervezet segítségével. A kutatás során rendelkezésünkre állt az EDF adatbázis – magyar üzemekkel is – így rá tudtunk világítani számos olyan körülményre, amely esetlegesen javíthatná a hazai helyzetet. Az előre letervezett munkát az is nehezítette, hogy a 2008-as válság felgyorsította azokat az amúgy is meglévő negatív tendenciákat, amelyek évek óta jellemzőek a hazai tejtermelésre. Az tejárak rövid távú hektikusságába egy erőteljes visszaesést, majd egy pozitív árkorrekciót láthattunk. A belső fogyasztás gyakorlatilag évek óta stagnál és nem jelent igazából szívóhatást a termelésre. Az állatállomány csökken, az ország kvótát mélyen alulteljesítjük. A telepek egy része eladja az állományt, egy kisebb részük viszont jelentős beruházásokba kezd. A vizsgálat során belső tartalékokat mutatunk ki az állománypótlás tekintetében, a munkatermelékenységre vonatkozóan. Ezek mindenképpen olyan területek, ahol lehet és kell is csökkenteni a kiugróan magas értékeket. | Our research was interrupted by an unfortunate tragedy. Szilárd Geszti Ph.D the leader of the research has died in his young age. The original conception was to reveal - with the help of EDF (European Dairy Farmers) - the hidden internal reserves in the dairy production. The EDF database was available for us – with Hungarian enterprises – therefore we could reveal some conditions in order to improve the domestic situation. Furthermore the crises in 2008 was accelerated the existed negative tendencies which are typical in the domestic milk production for years. The milk price was hectic on short term and a strong decrease was experienced, and after a positive price correlation was observed. The internal consumption has stagnated for years and it does not count as a suction effect to the production. The livestock is decreasing and our milk quota is unutilised. Some of the farmers are selling the animals; a smaller part is starting investments. During the research we ascertained some internal livestock replacement reserves concerning labour productivity. These are areas where the extreme values should and need to be decreased

    A magyar organikus tehéntej termelés hazai és nemzetközi esélyei = The inland and international possibilities of hungarian organic milk production

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    A kutatás célja volt az organikus termékek minőségének mélyreható tanulmányozása, így az ökotermékek - ezen belül is az ökotej - létjogosultságának megalapozása. Megvizsgálni, hol tart a hazai organikus tehéntej-termelés, és hogy a nemzetközi összehasonlításban hogyan állja meg a helyét. Szekunder kutatásaink során a hazai organikus gazdálkodás helyzetével, támogatási rendszerével ismerkedtünk meg. Primer kutatásaink termelői mélyinterjúkból álltak, amelyeket ökotejet termelő gazdálkodókkal folytattunk le. Az értekezésben emellett az IFCN üzemgazdasági szervezet számítógépes programját használtuk, a TIPI-CAL-t, mely segítségével modelleztük a hazai ökotej termelést és hasonlítottuk össze 4 ország (Németország, Dánia, Ausztria, Argentína) adataival. A meglévő kutatási eredmények alapján nem mondhatjuk egyértelműen, hogy az ökotermékek minden paraméter tekintetében jobbak a szokványos termékeknél, de tény, hogy néhány tulajdonságban kedvezőbb képet mutatnak. Mindezek mellett megkérdőjelezhetetlen az ökotermelésnek az állati jólétre és a környezetre gyakorolt pozitív hatása, amely együttesen megalapozza a létjogosultságát az ökotej termékeknek. | The objectives of the work were to investigate the quality of organic products in depth, thus to find the reasons for organic production, and within it of the organic milk; and also to analyse the situation of the organic milk production in Hungary, in international comparison as well. The secondary research dealt with the situation of the Hungarian organic farming and the supporting system. The primary surveys partly contained producer deep interviews with the organic milk producers. In the dissertation also the software (TIPI-CAL) of the International Farm Comparison Network was used to model the Hungarian organic milk production and compare it with the data of four countries (Germany, Denmark, Austria and Argentine). According to the results obtained, it is not obvious that all the parameters of organic products are better than those of a conventional product; but it is fact that some of these are better. Besides of all, the positive impact of organic production on animal welfare and the environment is unquestionable, which together make organic milk production reasonable

    A kelet-német, a lengyel és a magyar tejtermelés összehasonlító, gazdasági értékelése = Comparative Economic analysis of Milk Production in East-Germany, Poland and Hungary

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    A kutatás célkitűzése az volt, hogy a magyar, a lengyel és kelet-német tejtermelő üzemek működését gazdaságilag hasonlítsuk össze. Az adatgyűjtés az European Dairy Farmers és az International Farm Comparison Nework keretein belül történt. Az összehasonlításra az alapot az adta, hogy a meghatározó kelet-német üzemek hasonló struktúrában működnek, mint a magyar tejtermelés 80%-át adó hazai nagyüzemek. A lengyel üzemek bevonását a nagy országos potenciál indokolta elsősorban. Az eredmények számos hátrányra hívták fel a figyelmet, amelyek kiaknázása elsődleges feladata a magyar tejtermelőknek. Ezek közül ki kell emelni a rendkívül magas takarmányozási költséget, a munkatermelékenység és a területi termelékenység alacsony fokát, valamint az amortizációs költségek relatíve kedvező helyzetét. | Main focus of the survey was to performa an economic comparison of Hungarian, Polish and East-German dairy farms. Data collection was carried out within the framework of European Dairy Farmers and the International Farm Comparison Network. Basis of the comparison was provided by the fact that leading East-German dairy farms are working within the same structure as the Hungarian large-scale farms producing 80% of milk production of the country. Involving Polish farms was based on the high production potential of Poland. Results highlight a number of gaps and lacks and treating them can provide developing potential for Hungarian producers. High feeding costs, low labour efficiency and area-based productivity as well as relatively favourable conditions of depreciation costs can be mentioned

    Young farmers’ income generating capacity and capital requirement

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    The study examines the farms growing on arable crops run by yotmg farmers from economic point of view. The income generating capacity and capital needs of the sectors based on com cultivation are assessed, while the announced tender scoring system is taken into account. The number of agricultural and horticultural sectors with specialized young plant production farms increased strongly in recent years, so the results of these agricultural businesses have always been and still are in close connection with their production structure. The amount of income on these farms basically depends on the structure of production influenced by the income generating capacity, the capital requirements, the amount of the subsidies and the use of the relations opportunities of the industry. The versatility of the use of com produces different income generating capability and capital requirements which young farmers can successfully take advantage of during the design and operation period of their enterprises

    Young farmers and sustainable development

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    Agriculture, including land cultivation and livestock breeding, still has an important part in preserving the quality of life of the rural population in Hungary. Therefore, it is an important break-out point of the aging domestic agricultural sector to recover the willingness of "young farmers" for agricultural production. The restructuring of the agricultural society by qualifications, age, gender, and the chosen production form is still in progress at present. Thus, it is a national economic interest, and also a task to ensure a steady supply of young farmers. Farming in the spirit of sustainable development is a multi-actor field where learning imposes responsibility not only on the young farmers themselves but also on the groups continuously training them. This value-creating knowledge, work and experience are essential to be handed down from generation to generation. A spectacular growth can be achieved on the farms controlled by professionally well qualified farmers with a sustainable farming approach, thus better contribute to the development of the country. Sustainable management will not remain theoretical knowledge only, but also integrates into everyday life and will be the base of the farming business

    Effect of large- and small- bodied zooplankton on phytoplankton in a eutrophic oxbow

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    Macrozooplankton and microzooplankton effects on the phytoplankton were measured in situ in a eutrophic lake. Indigenous phytoplankton were incubated for 5 days in 301 mesocosms with either the macro- and microzooplankton (complete), microzooplankton only (micro) or no zooplankton (none). Changes in phytoplankton biovolume were investigated. Rotifer densities became significantly higher in the 'micro' treatment than in the 'complete' and 'none' treatments. Total algal biovolume changed little in the 'complete' and 'none' treatments, but increased significantly in the 'micro' treatment. The results suggest that macrozooplankton (Daphnia magna) suppressed it and microzooplankton (Keratella cochlearis) enhanced it. They had opposite net effects on the phytoplankton. Suppression of microzooplankton by Daphnia probably had an indirect negative effect on the phytoplankton

    Az élsportolók egyetemi tanulmányait támogató rendszer elmúlt 11 éve Kaposváron = The past eleven years of the system of supporting top athletes in their university studies in Kaposvár

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    In accordance with the EU resolutions, in 2001 the City Hall of Kaposvár accepted its conception for the short and long-term development of sports. In this they put forth a new direction in supporting top athletes along with the University of Kaposvár, so moulding a new type of career for top sportsmen and sportswomen. During the course of the preparatory phase they tried to explore the possible areas of cooperation through analyses of documents and in depth interviews. And finally in the march of 2005 the University of Kaposvár and the City Hall signed the agreement on the reciprocal support of top athletes in their university studies. In the initial year there were only four, but by 2016 there were 10 top athletes in the system. The program has gone through an immense change in the past 11 years. Within the framework of a complex system of sports management, firstclass athletes selected for the national teams such as basketball, volleyball and water-polo players, footballers, equestrian sportsmen and sportswomen, show-jumpers, snowboarders, kayakists, track-and-field and bowling athletes and wrestlers have been involved in a system of sports scholarships, flexible academic and examination systems, dormitory accommodation at a reduced price, individual use of sports facilities and language acqusition. Now we have an independent, first-league wpmen’s volleyball team bearing the names of both the town and the university as sponsors. In 2015 the City Hall and the University prolonged the agreement for another five years and increased the financial source of grants fourfold, thus broadening the possibilities of the program. The aim of the publication is to present the experience which has built up during the 11 years of the establishment and operation of this spoirts scholarship. Through presenting the results we will not fail to mention the hardships of the establishment and the singular occurrances during this period and the benefits that have emerged these days from the cooperation of the local top sports, the City Hall and the University of Kaposvár
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