33 research outputs found

    Heating causes non-linear microwave absorption anomaly in single wall carbon nanotubes

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    Microwave impedance measurements indicate a non-linear absorption anomaly in single wall carbon nanotubes at low temperatures (below 2020 K). We investigate the nature of the anomaly using a time resolved microwave impedance measurement technique. It proves that the anomaly has an extremely slow, a few hundred second long dynamics. This strongly suggests that the anomaly is not caused by an intrinsic electronic effect and that it is rather due to a slow heat exchange between the sample and the environment

    Zsidók és cigányok a holokauszt idején Magyarországon = Jews and Gypsies during the Holocaust in Hungary

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    Kutatócsoportunk tagjai a pályázati időszakban komoly kutatómunkát folytattak a hazai és néhány külföldi levéltárban. Jelentős mennyiségű, eddig még a szakértők körében sem ismert, publikálatlan levéltári anyagot tártunk fel. Az eredményeket hasznosítottuk publikációinkban és a különféle hazai és külföldi holokauszt-konferenciákon tartott előadásainkban. Ezek közül a magyar holokauszt 60. évfordulója alkalmából 2004-ben Budapesten a MTA-n megrendezett konferencia első helyen emelendő ki, ennek szervezője Molnár Judit volt, és amelyen a kutatócsoport valamennyi tagja tartott előadást. 2006-ban megnyílt a Holokauszt Emlékközpontban az állandó magyar holokauszt kiállítás. A kiállítási programiroda vezetője Molnár Judit volt, történész szakértője Karsai László, a forgatókönyvet Kádár Gábor és Vági Zoltán írta, és Csősz László is közreműködött az előkészítésben. Kádár Gábor és Vági Zoltán megvédte PhD értekezését. Az OTKA pályázatnak köszönhetően fejlődtek szakmai kapcsolataink a jeruzsálemi Yad Vashem Intézettel, a washingtoni Holocaust Memorial Museummal, a párizsi Shoah Fondationnal, a Berlini Zsidó Múzeummal és az Auschwitz-Birkenau Állami Múzeummal. Elkezdtük tanítási módszereink korszerűsítését, a Power Point használatával. Jelenleg az egy kötetesre tervezett dokumentum-gyűjtemény sajtó alá rendezése folyik, amikor is a legnagyobb problémát a szelektálás jelenti. Tervezünk készülő szöveggyűjteményünkhöz CD mellékletet. | The members of our team have been doing research in Hungarian and foreign archives. We have explored a significant amount of unpublished archival material. We have made use of the results of our researches in our publications, and in the presentations we have made at Holocaust conferences in Hungary and abroad. Of these, the conference organized in 2004 at the HAS in Budapest, on the 60th anniversary of the Hungarian Holocaust should be mentioned first, whose organizer was Judit Molnár, and where all the members of the research group made presentations. On 2006, the permanent exhibition on the Hungarian Holocaust was opened in the Holocaust Memorial Centre. Judit Molnár led the development of the exhibition, László Karsai contributing as historian; the exhibition script was written by Gábor Kádár and Zoltán Vági, and László Csősz also participated in the preparations. Gábor Kádár and Zoltán Vági have defended their PhD dissertations. Through the competition of OTKA, our professional connections have considerably improved with the Yad Vashem Institute of Jerusalem, the USHMM in Washington, D.C., the Shoah Fondation in Paris, the Jewish Museum in Berlin and the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. We have started to update our teaching methods; the use of PowerPoint presentation. At present a one-volume collection of documents is being edited. That is why we are planning a CD supplement to our anthology

    The Myrmecofauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Hungary: Survey of Ant Species with an Annotated Synonymic Inventory

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    Ants (Hymenoptera: Forimicidae) are exceedingly common in nature. They constitute a conspicuous part of the terrestrial animal biomass and are also considered common ecosystem engineers. Due to their key role in natural habitats, they are at the basis of any nature conservation policy. Thus, the first step in developing adequate conservation and management policies is to build a precise faunistic inventory. More than 16,000 valid ant species are registered worldwide, of which 126 are known to occur in Hungary. Thanks to the last decade’s efforts in the Hungarian myrmecological research, and because of the constantly changing taxonomy of several problematic ant genera, a new checklist of the Hungarian ants is presented here. The state of the Hungarian myrmecofauna is also discussed in the context of other European countries’ ant fauna. Six species (Formica lemani, Lasius nitidigaster, Tetramorium immigrans, T. staerckei, T. indocile and Temnothorax turcicus) have been reported for the first time in the Hungarian literature, nine taxon names were changed after systematic replacements, nomenclatorial act, or as a result of splitting formerly considered continuous populations into more taxa. Two species formerly believed to occur in Hungary are now excluded from the updated list. All names are nomenclaturally assessed, and complete synonymies applied in the Hungarian literature for a certain taxon are provided. Wherever it is not self-evident, comments are added, especially to explain replacements of taxon names. Finally, we present a brief descriptive comparison of the Hungarian myrmecofauna with the ant fauna of the surrounding countries. The current dataset is a result of ongoing work on inventorying the Hungarian ant fauna, therefore it is expected to change over time and will be updated once the ongoing taxonomic projects are completed

    Prognostic role of the expression of invasion-related molecules in glioblastoma.

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    Background Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common malignant disease of the central nervous system. Its prognosis is unfavorable, and the median overall survival of patients is 16 to 24 months. The main cause of the poor survival data are the extensive invasion of cancer cells to the neighboring parenchyma, thus leading to inevitable local recurrence. The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a known factor in tumor invasion, and differences in the ECM of nontumor brain and glioblastoma has been proven. Methods In this research, 20 invasion-related expressions of ECM components were determined in 26 GBM flash-frozen samples using quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and proteomic measurements. Expression data were then set against the survival data of the patients. Results Significant alterations between groups with different survival rates could not be established in the individual evaluation of the expression level of the selected molecules. However, statistical analysis of the expression pattern of invasion-related molecules revealed a correlation with prognosis. The positive predictive values of the messenger RNA (mRNA) and the proteomic expression studies were 0.85 and 0.89, respectively. The receiver operation characteristic value was 0.775 for the mRNA expression data and 0.875 for the protein expression data. Furthermore, a group of molecules, including brevican, cadherin-12, integrin β1, integrin α3, laminin α4, and laminin β1, that play a prominent role in invasion were identified. Conclusions Joint assessment of the expression of invasion-related molecules provides a specific invasion spectrum of the tumor that correlates with the survival of glioblastoma patients. Using statistical classifiers enables the adoption of an invasion spectrum as a considerably accurate prognostic factor while gaining predictive information on potential molecular oncotherapeutic targets at the same time