150 research outputs found

    Towards a risk register for natural capital

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    1. Natural capital is essential for goods and services on which people depend. Yet pressures on the environment mean that natural capital assets are continuing to decline and degrade, putting such benefits at risk. Systematic monitoring of natural assets is a major challenge that could be both unaffordable and unmanageable without a way to focus efforts. Here we introduce a simple approach, based on the commonly used management tool of a risk register, to highlight natural assets whose condition places benefits at risk. 2. We undertake a preliminary assessment using a risk register for natural capital assets in the UK based solely on existing information. The status and trends of natural capital assets are assessed using assetā€“benefit relationships for ten kinds of benefits (food, fibre (timber), energy, aesthetics, freshwater (quality), recreation, clean air, wildlife, hazard protection and equable climate) across eight broad habitat types in the UK based on three dimensions of natural capital within each of the habitat types (quality, quantity and spatial configuration). We estimate the status and trends of benefits relative to societal targets using existing regulatory limits and policy commitments, and allocate scores of high, medium or low risk to assetā€“benefit relationships that are both subject to management and of concern. 3. The risk register approach reveals substantial gaps in knowledge about assetā€“benefit relationships which limit the scope and rigour of the assessment (especially for marine and urban habitats). Nevertheless, we find strong indications that certain assets (in freshwater, mountain, moors and heathland habitats) are at high risk in relation to their ability to sustain certain benefits (especially freshwater, wildlife and climate regulation). 4. Synthesis and applications. With directed data gathering, especially to monitor trends, improve metrics related to assetā€“benefit relationships, and improve understanding of nonlinearities and thresholds, the natural capital risk register could provide a useful tool. If updated regularly, it could direct monitoring efforts, focus research and protect and manage those natural assets where benefits are at highest risk

    Intercultural ethics: questions of methods in language and intercultural communication

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    This paper explores how questions of ethics and questions of method are intertwined and unavoidable in any serious study of language and intercultural communication. It argues that the focus on difference and solution orientations to intercultural conflict has been a fundamental driver for theory, data collection and methods in the field. These approaches, the paper argues, have created a considerable consciousness raising industry, with methods, trainings and ā€˜critical incidentsā€™, which ultimately focus intellectual energy in areas which may be productive in terms of courses and publications but which have a problematic basis in their ethical terrain. Dieser Artikel untersucht wie ethische und methodische Fragen nicht nur ineinander greifen, sondern in keiner ernstzunehmenden Studie ueber Sprache und interkulturelle Kommunikation ausgelassen werden duerfen. Es wird hier argumentiert, dass der Schwerpunkt auf Verschiedenheit und Problemorientierung im interkulturellen Konflikt einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf theoretische Entwicklungen, Datenerhebung und Methoden in diesem Bereich hatte. Dieser Artikel legt auch dar, wie diese Ansaetze eine betraechtliche ā€˜Bewusstseinsbildungs ā€“ Branche' erzeugt haben, mit Methoden, Trainings, und ā€˜kritischen Interaktionssituationenā€™, welche letztendlich allen intellektuellen Arbeitseifer auf Bereiche konzentriert hat, die zwar ertragreich sind in Bezug auf Kurse und Publikationen, jedoch eine problematische Grundlage im ethischen Bereich aufweisen

    Coulomb explosion imaging of small organic molecules at LCLS.

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    Fragmentation of small organic molecules by intense few-femtosecond X-ray free-electron laser pulses has been studied using Coulomb explosion imaging. By measuring kinetic energies and emission angles of the ionic fragments in coincidence, we disentangle different fragmentation pathways, for certain cases can reconstruct molecular geometry at the moment of explosion, and show how it depends on LCLS pulse duration

    Healthcare in the news media: The privileging of private over public

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    This article reports on a discourse analysis of the representation of healthcare in the print news media, and the way this representation shapes perspectives of healthcare. We analysed news items from six major Australian newspapers over a three-year time period. We show how various framing devices promote ideas about a crisis in the current public healthcare system, the existence of a precarious balance between the public and private health sectors, and the benefits of private healthcare. We employ Bourdieuā€™s concepts of field and capital to demonstrate the processes through which these devices are employed to conceal the power relations operating in the healthcare sector, to obscure the identity of those who gain the most from the expansion of private sector medicine, and to indirectly increase health inequalities

    Carrier protein substrates in cytochrome P450-catalysed oxidation

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    Enzymes of the cytochrome P450 superfamily can catalyse many types of oxidative transformations of a diverse substrate range. This review summarises recent work on an subset of P450s that accept their substrates in carrier proteināˆ’bound form. These examples show how the oxidative power and precision that P450s bring to natural products biosynthesis can be coupled with the advantages of using a carrier protein as a scaffold for oxidatio

    Producing the voice in erotic narrative

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