10 research outputs found

    Comparison of two phenotypical methods to segregate resistant and susceptible lambs to parasitic nematodes

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    The objective of this study was to compare two segregation methods to select resistant and susceptible female Pelibuey lambs infected naturally with gastrointestinal nematodes (GINs) in relation to their haematological and immunological response. For 6 months, faeces and blood samples were taken fortnightly from 40 grazing 5-month-old female lambs. The lambs were classified according to two methods using faecal egg count (FEC) as a phenotypical trait. In the first (reference) method (M3SE, n = 22), resistant (RES) lambs had FEC lower than the mean – 3 standard errors, the susceptible (SUS) lambs levels higher than + 3 standard errors(n = 10) and the intermediate (INT) lambs (n = 8) were categorised by having FECs between the two values. The second method (QUM) divided the population, using quartiles, into resistant (RES; 25%), intermediate (INT; 50%), and susceptible (SUS; 25%) lambs. The agreement between both methods was estimated using the Kappa index. The packed cell volume (PCV), total plasma protein (TPP) and peripheral eosinophils (EOS) were determined for each group. Serum was used to evaluate the IgA levels. PCV and TPP values were higher (P<0.01) in the RES lambs (31.5 ± 3.4 and 6.16 ± 0.5 g/dL by QUM, respectively, and 31.5 ± 3.9 and 6.24 ± 0.49 g/dL by M3SE, respectively) than the SUS lambs (28.1 ± 4.7 and 5.94 ± 0.5 g/d, respectively, by both methods). The EOS and IgA values increased with age. M3SE and QUM were in moderate agreement (Kappa = 0.43). We concluded that the two segregation methods allowed for the identification of the same female SUS lambs, but a greater number of animals were categorised phenotypically as resistant using the M3SE method. PCV and TPP can help to identify phenotypically resistant animals

    Expanding the knowledge about Leishmania species in wild mammals and dogs in the Brazilian savannah

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    Background: Wild, synanthropic and domestic mammals act as hosts and/or reservoirs of several Leishmania spp. Studies on possible reservoirs of Leishmania in different areas are fundamental to understand host-parasite interactions and develop strategies for the surveillance and control of leishmaniasis. In the present study, we evaluated the Leishmania spp. occurrence in mammals in two conservation units and their surroundings in Brasília, Federal District (FD), Brazil. Methods: Small mammals were captured in Brasília National Park (BNP) and Contagem Biological Reserve (CBR) and dogs were sampled in residential areas in their vicinity. Skin and blood samples were evaluated by PCR using different molecular markers (D7 24Sα rRNA and rDNA ITS1). Leishmania species were identified by sequencing of PCR products. Dog blood samples were subjected to the rapid immunochromatographic test (DPP) for detection of anti-Leishmania infantum antibodies. Results: 179 wild mammals were studied and 20.1% had Leishmania DNA successfully detected in at least one sample. Six mammal species were considered infected: Clyomys laticeps, Necromys lasiurus, Nectomys rattus, Rhipidomys macrurus, Didelphis albiventris and Gracilinanus agilis. No significant difference, comparing the proportion of individuals with Leishmania spp., was observed between the sampled areas and wild mammal species. Most of the positive samples were collected from the rodent N. lasiurus, infected by L. amazonensis or L. braziliensis. Moreover, infections by Trypanosoma spp. were detected in N. lasiurus and G. agilis. All 19 dog samples were positive by DPP; however, only three (15.8%) were confirmed by PCR assays. DNA sequences of ITS1 dog amplicons showed 100% identity with L. infantum sequence. Conclusions: The results suggest the participation of six species of wild mammals in the enzootic transmission of Leishmania spp. in FD. This is the first report of L. amazonensis in N. lasiurus

    Creole goats in Latin America and the Caribbean: a priceless resource to ensure the well-being of rural communities

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    Creole breeds are an invaluable genetic reservoir due to their adaptation to the environments where they are exploited. In particular, Creole goats in Latin America and the Caribbean play a preponderant role in the development and economic growth of rural communities. They represent a strategic option for these communities to migrate from poverty to prosperity, taking advantage of the adaptability and rusticity of these goats, given that they survive, reproduce, and produce acceptable levels of meat and milk in adverse conditions and environments. For this reason, they are a key species for generating foods of high biological and nutritional value, in the face of changing environmental and climatic conditions. Therefore, public policies should consider local or Creole goats as a priority species in productive support programmes, as well as in research programmes seeking to improve productivity in a sustainable manner in all environments where they are raised

    The influence of diet supplementation with yeasts and organic minerals over oocyte production of ovarian stimulated ewes

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    Para producir ovocitos cultivados “in vivo” se estudió la respuesta superovulatoria de ovejas púberes suplementadas con un alimento proteico que contiene levaduras o minerales orgánicos. Dieciocho hembras (7 meses de edad) fueron distribuidas en 3 grupos: TA:1 kg alimento 15% PC+Yea Sacc®, (levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae cepa 1026). Dosis: 5 gr/animal/día+heno ad libitum. TB:1 kg alimento 15% PC+Bioplex Plus®, (cultivo de levaduras vivas y minerales orgánicos). Dosis: 4 gr/animal/día+heno ad libitum. TT:Testigo. 1 kg alimento 15% de PC+heno ad libitum. El estro se sincronizó con esponjas vaginales (40 mg FGA) durante 12d. A los 10d de la inserción de las esponjas se aplicó 225 mg de prostaglandina/oveja. La superovulación se realizó 36h antes de la retirada de las esponjas mediante 100 mg-NIH FSHp y 500 UI eCG en una sola dosis/oveja. 24h de la retirada de las esponjas se aplicaron 100 µg GnRH/oveja. La tasa de ovulación se midió por endoscopia. Los ovocitos se recuperaron del oviducto 48h de la retirada de las esponjas. La TO resultó superior (P<0,05) en los TA y TB (16,6±6,84 y 15,5±4,18), respecto al TT (9,16±3,81). La tasa de recuperación (TR) muestra diferencias (P<0,05) entre el TA (93,9%) respecto a los TB (56,9%) y TT (61,8%). La proporción (P<0,05) de ovocitos de calidad 1 en el TA respecto a los TB y TT fue mayor. En conclusión, la adición de levaduras en la dieta favorece la respuesta a un tratamiento de estímulo superovulatorio en ovejas púberes incrementando la tasa de ovulación y calidad de los ovocitos.77 - 82BimestralThe superovulatory response of pre-pubertal or pubertal ewes fed with protein suplement that contained yeast or organic minerals was evaluated in order to obtain “in vivo” maturated oocytes. Eighteen females (7 months of age) were allocated to one of the following treatment and fed as follow: Treatment A (TA): 1 kg food with 15% PC+Yea sacc® (yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae stump 1026), dose: 5 gr/animal/day and hay ad libitum. Treatment B (TB): 1 kg food with 15% PC+Bioplex Plus® (Cultivation of live yeasts and organic minerals), dose: 4 gr/animal/day and hay ad libitum. Treatment C (TT: Control): 1 kg food with 15% PC and hay ad libitum. The estrous cycle was synchronized through the insertion of vaginal sponges with 40 mg of fluorogestone acetate (FGA) during 12 days. At day 10^th of the sponges insertion 225 mg of prostaglandin F_á was administered per ewe. To induce supra-ovulation 100 mg-NIH FSHp and 500 UI eCG in a single dose were applied 36 h before the withdrawal of the sponges, and 24 h from the last application 100 µg of GnRH was also injected. The ovulation rate was measured by endoscopy and ovulated oocytes collected by flushing. The total of ovulation (TO) was greater in the TA and TB (16.6±6.84 and 15.5±4.18) treatment, than on the control TT (9.16±3.81) (P<0.05). The oocyte recovery (TR) after flashing was significantly higher in the TA (93.9%) treatment compared to TB (56.9%) and TT (61.8%). Finally, the proportion (P<0.05) of grade I oocytes in the diet supplementation in TA was in higher than the quality of oocytes in the TB and TT treatment. In conclusion, the addition of with yeasts, to supra-ovulated prepubertal ewes promotes ovulation rate and oocytes quality

    Protein Supplementation as a Nutritional Strategy to Reduce Gastrointestinal Nematodiasis in Periparturient and Lactating Pelibuey Ewes in a Tropical Environment

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    The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of energy and protein supplementation on parasitological and hematological response during peripartum and lactation of productive and non-productive Pelibuey ewes in a tropical environment. Forty-eight Pelibuey ewes aged 3&ndash;5 years and with a body weight of 31 &plusmn; 5 kg were used. Four groups of 12 ewes, including non-pregnant and productive ewes, were formed. A factorial treatment design was formulated, where two levels of energy (low, 9.6 MJ/kg, n = 24; and high, 10.1 MJ/kg, n = 24) and two levels of protein (high, 15% crude protein in diet, n = 24; and low, 8% crude protein in diet, n = 24) were studied. Fecal and blood samples were collected to determine the fecal egg count (FEC) of gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN), packed cell volume (PCV) and peripheral eosinophil (EOS) count. These variables were rearranged with respect to the lambing date in a retrospective study. The high dietary protein level had a significant effect on reducing the FEC and increasing the PCV of ewes during lactation, in comparison with animals fed with the low protein level. Differences in the study variables were attributed to physiological stage. Lactating ewes showed the highest FEC values (2709 &plusmn; 359 EPG), the lowest PCV values (21.9 &plusmn; 0.7%) and the lowest EOS (0.59 &plusmn; 0.6 Cells &times; 103 &micro;L). It is concluded that high levels of dietary protein improve the hematological response and reduce the FEC in Pelibuey ewes under grazing conditions. The non-pregnant ewes maintained some resilience and resistance to GIN infection compared to productive ewes

    Fatty Acids Profile and Healthy Lipids Indices of Native Mexican Guajolote Meat Treated to Two Heat Treatments

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    Meat is a complex food with a structured nutritional composition that makes it an essential component of the human diet. In particular, the meat of native guajolote that is traditionally raised in natural conditions is an important dietary source of proteins of high biological value for the rural population of Mexico. The study aimed to evaluate fatty acids (FAs) profile and nutritional indices of breast and leg meat of native guajolote subjected to two heat treatments. For the study, a total of sixty muscle samples (30 breast meat and 30 leg meat) from adult male native guajolotes were used. The FA profile and nutritional indices were evaluated in raw meat (control) and meat subjected to two heat treatments (boiled and baked). The heat treatments, independently of the type of muscle, increased (p ≤ 0.05) the concentration of saturated (SFA) and monounsaturated FA (MUFA); in contrast, polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) decreased. Likewise, the dietary FA index, which has a negative hypercholesterolemic effect, and the atherogenic index increased in guajolote meat from the effect of the heat treatments, while the essential and undesirable hypercholesterolemic FA indices decreased. In conclusion, heat treatments increase the content of SFA and MUFAs in breast and leg meat of native guajolote. Boiling or baking the meat deteriorates PUFAs but increases the nutritional indices. The present investigation would provide valuable information for the guajolote meat product processing

    Effect of recombinant growth hormone (rbST) application on superovulatory response and embryo viability in hair ewes

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    CONTENIDO Editorial. De la investigación científica a la publicación. Un eje indispensable. Aranguren Méndez, José Atilio Fauna Silvestre / Wild Life Concentraciones de metales en sedimentos y tejidos musculares de algunos peces de la laguna de Castillero, Venezuela. Metals concentration in sediments and muscular tissues of some fish from the Castillero lagoon, Venezuela. Márquez, Aristide; Senior, William; Martínez, Gregorio; Castañeda, Julián y González, Ángel Detección del síndrome del virus del Taura (TSV) en Litopenaeus Vannamei (Boone) del occidente de Venezuela. Detection of Taura syndrome virus in Litopenaeus Vannamei (Boone) from western of Venezuela. Aguado García, Nieves; Boada, Mélida y De Donato, Marcos Medicina Veterinaria / Veterinary Medicine La flunixin meglumina disminuye los signos de dolor peri-operatorio en perras sometidas a ovariohisterectomía. Flunixin meglumine decreases perioperative signs of pain in bitches undergoing ovariohisterectomy. Bravo, Maribel J.; Bravo, Hermes y Daló, Nelson L. Detección de la subunidad nmdar-1 del receptor n-metil-d-asparato (nmdar) en el hipotálamo del ovino mediante el análisis de western blot. Detection of the n-methyl-d-aspartate receptor subunit-1 (nmdar-1) in the hypothalamus of the sheep by western blot analysis. Ruiz E., Ana Z. y Kittok, Roger Producción Animal / Animal Production Evaluation of varied dietary crude protein and lysine level at 5.7% of crude protein on productive parameters in broiler chickens. Evaluación de diferentes niveles de proteína cruda y lisina al 5,7% de proteína cruda sobre parámetros productivos de pollos de engorde. Urdaneta Rincón, María y Leeson, Steven Comparación de ecuaciones para ajustar curvas de lactancia en bovinos.Comparison of equations to fit lactation curves of cattle. García Muñiz, José Guadalupe; Martínez González, Enrique Gerano; Núñez Domínguez, Rafael; Ramírez Valverde, Rodolfo; López Ordaz, Rufino y Ruiz Flores, Agustín Crecimiento de becerros en un sistema de doble propósito en el trópico húmedo de México. Growth of calves in a dual-purpose system in humid-tropics of Mexico. De las Heras Torres, Jesús G.; Osorio Arce, Mario M. y Segura Correa, José C. Efecto de la aplicación de la hormona de crecimiento recombinante (rbST) sobre la respuesta superovulatoria y la viabilidad embrionaria en ovejas de pelo. Effect of recombinant growth hormone (rbST) application on superovulatory response and embryo viability in hair ewes. Navarrete Sierra, Luis F.; Cruz Tamayo, Alvar A.; González Parra, Eugenia I.; Piña Aguilar, Raúl E.; Sangines García, José R.; Toledo López, Víctor y Ramón Ugalde, Julio P. Efecto del tamaño de partícula de la fibra en la dieta sobre la conducta ingestiva, digestión de nutrientes y suministro de proteína microbial al duodeno de bovinos. Effect of fiber particle size on cattle ingestive behaviour, nutrients digestion and duodenal microbial-n supply. Genovez Chanona, Francis; Ayala Burgos, Armín Javier; Sandoval Castro, Carlos Alfredo; Cetina Góngora, Rubén y Reyes Ramírez, Raúl Caracterización nutritiva del follaje de seis especies forrajeras con énfasis en sus perfiles polifenólicos. Nutritional characterization of six fodder species foliage with emphasis in their polyphenolic profiles. García, Danny Eugenio; Medina, María Gabriela; Clavero, Tyrone; Cova, Luis José; Domínguez, Carlos y Baldizán, Alfredo Evaluación de la nutrición mineral en sabanas bien drenadas al sur del estado Monagas, Venezuela. Mineral nutrition evaluation in well drained savannas at south of Monagas state, Venezuela. López, Manuel; Godoy, Susmira; Alfaro, Coromoto y Chicco, Claudio F. Tecnología de Alimentos / Food Science and Technology Utilización de microorganismos marcadores para la evaluación de las condiciones higiénico-sanitarias en la producción primaria de leche. Use of indicator microorganisms for the hygienic-sanitary conditions evaluation in the milk primary production. Signorini, Marcelo Lisandro; Sequeira, Gabriel Jorge; Bonazza, Julio César; Dalla Santina, Rodolfo; Martí, Luis Enrique; Frizzo, Laureano Sebastián y Rosmini, Marcelo Raúl Lisina total, digestible y reactiva digestible en harina de pescado. Total, digestible and digestible reactive lysine contents in fishmeal. Gutiérre Coronado, Lourdes; García Rico, Leticia; Vázquez Ortiz, Francisco; Preciado Huguez, Karla; Figueroa García, Renato y López Franco, [email protected] analíticobimestra

    Fertility in hair sheep inseminated with freeze spermatozoa rediluited with seminal plasma

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la viabilidad espermática del semen congelado rediluido con plasma seminal a través de la fertilidad de 146 ovejas de pelo, inseminadas vía cervical e intrauterina. La fertilidad se midió en dos tiempos; retorno a celo a los 17 días postinseminación y diagnóstico de gestación por ultrasonografía a los 45 días postinseminación. Los datos de fertilidad se analizaron mediante el test de Ji-cuadrado. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la adición del plasma seminal en el semen fresco no mejora la fertilidad (P>0.05) obtenida vía cervical e intrauterina, por el contrario, el semen congelado rediluido con plasma seminal, tanto en su aplicación cervical como intrauterina, mejora (P<0.01) los índices de fertilidad en un 41 vs 20% y un 50 vs 16%, respectivamente, a los 17 días postinseminación, resultados que persisten a los 45 días de gestación. Estos resultados permiten concluir que la redilución del semen congelado con plasma seminal proporciona una mayor recuperación de los espermatozoides dañados por choque frío, lo cual se ve reflejado en un mayor porcentaje de fertilidad.73 - 76BimestralThe objective of this study was to determine the spermatozoa viability of the frozen semen rediluted with seminal plasma through the fertility of 146 hair sheep inseminated cervical and intrauterine way. The fertility was measured in two times; return to estrus to the 17 days postinsemination and pregnancy diagnostic by ultrasound to the 45 days postinsemination. The data of fertility were analyzed by means of the Chi-square test. The obtained results showed that the addition of the seminal plasma in semen fresh does not improve the fertility (P> 0.05) obtained cervical and intrauterine way, on the contrary, the semen frozen rediluted with seminal plasma, so much in its cervical application as intrauterine, improvement (P< 0.01) the fertility in a 41% and 50%, respectively, to the 17 days postinsemination, results that persist to the 45 days of gestation. The results permit to conclude that the rediluted of the frozen semen with seminal plasma provides a greater recovery of the spermatozoa damaged by cold shock, which it is reflected in a greater percentage of fertility

    Estimation of Carcass Tissue Composition from the Neck and Shoulder Composition in Growing Blackbelly Male Lambs

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    This study was designed to develop predictive equations estimating carcass tissue composition in growing Blackbelly male lambs using as predictor variables for tissue composition of wholesale cuts of low economic value (i.e., neck and shoulder). For that, 40 lambs with 29.9 &plusmn; 3.18 kg of body weight were slaughtered and then the left half carcasses were weighed and divided in wholesale cuts, which were dissected to record weights of fat, muscle, and bone from leg, loin, neck, rib, and shoulder. Total weights of muscle (CM), bone (CB) and fat (CF) in carcass were recorded by adding the weights of each tissue from cuts. The CM, CF and CB positively correlated (p &lt; 0.05; 0.36 &le; r &le; 0.86), from moderate to high, with most of the shoulder tissue components, but it was less evident (p &le; 0.05; 0.32&le; r &le;0.63) with the neck tissue composition. In fact, CM did not correlate with neck fat and bone weights. Final models explained (p &lt; 0.01) 94, 92 and 88% of the variation observed for CM, CF and CB, respectively. Overall, results showed that prediction of carcass composition from shoulder (shoulder) tissue composition is a viable option over the more accurate method of analyzing the whole carcass