14 research outputs found

    Deficiencia de agua en el suelo y fijación biológica de nitrógeno en el cultivo de fréjol Phaseolus vulgaris L

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    The identification of the stages of the cultivation of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), in which water deficiency reduces thebiological fixation of nitrogen BNF, took place in field trials in a soil Typic Haplustoll, loamy sand of La Tola Experimental Center, Pichincha, Ecuador. The average annual temperature in the location is 15 ºC with a relative humidity of74%, at an altitude of 2465 meters above the sea level. 123 mm of rainfall were recorded during the period of the experiment (July at November 1995). The moisture regime treatments were as follows: S1 = normal irrigation throughout thecycle, S2 = deficit irrigation throughout the cycle, S3 = water stress during vegetative growth (20-50 days after plantingdap), S4 = water stress during flowering (53-81 dap), S5 = water stress during pod filling (82-110 dds), and S6 = waterStress during ripening (111-130 dap). The soil moisture was measured with a neutron probe up to 0.40 m depth, 24 hbefore and after watering. The BNF was estimated with the methodology of N-15. The results indicate that the waterstress during the entire cultivation (S2), during flowering (S4) and during the filling of pods (S5) significantly affected thebiological nitrogen fixation in the cultivation of beans. The restriction of watering during the vegetative growth (S3) andthe maturation of grain (S6) not significantly reduced biological nitrogen fixation, reaching values of 38%, statisticallysimilar to the cultivation with a normal irrigation throughout the cycle (S1) regime.La identificación de los estadios del cultivo de fréjol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en los que la deficiencia de agua que disminuye la fijación biológica de nitrógeno FBN, se realizó en ensayos de campo en un suelo Typic Haplustoll, franco arenoso del Centro Experimental La Tola, Pichincha, Ecuador. La temperatura media anual de la localidad es de 15 ºC y lahumedad relativa de 74%, a una altitud de 2465 metros sobre el nivel del mar (msnm). Se registraron 123 mm de precipitación durante el período del experimento (julio y noviembre de 1995). Los tratamientos consistieron en 6 regímenes dehumedad S1= Riego normal durante todo el ciclo, S2= Riego deficitario durante todo el ciclo, S3= Stress hídrico durante lafase de crecimiento vegetativo (20-50 días después de la siembra dds), S4= Stress hídrico durante la floración (53-81dds), S5= Stress hídrico durante el llenado de la vaina (82-110 dds) y S6= Stress hídrico durante la maduración (111-130dds). La humedad del suelo fue medida con una Sonda de neutrones hasta 0.40 m de profundidad, 24 h antes y despuésdel riego. La FBN fue estimada con la metodología de N-15. Los resultados indican que el Stress hídrico durante todo elciclo del cultivo (S2), durante la floración (S4) y durante el llenado de vainas (S5) afectó significativamente la fijaciónbiológica del nitrógeno en el cultivo de fréjol. La restricción de riego durante la fase de crecimiento vegetativo (S3) y lamaduración del grano (S6) no redujeron significativamente la fijación biológica de nitrógeno, alcanzando valores del38%, estadísticamente similares al cultivo con un régimen de riego normal durante todo el ciclo (S1)

    Ancestral practices in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop of two rural communities in the Tungurahua province of Ecuador

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    The aim of this research was to analyze the permanence of ancestral practices used on growing potatoes, between the years 1950 and 2016. Two rural communities (Apatug and Puñachisag) were selected in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 63 key informants selected with the snowball and group interview methods. Has characterized the agricultural calendar, the use of varieties, associativity and observation of lunar phases. The results suggest the temporal relationship of potato planting and harvest with the feasts ancestral religious. These cycles were observed until the decade of the sixties and seventies. However, with the agriculture modernization, these calendars are modified. On the other hand, they also noted the predominance of improved varieties on native varieties. Most of the varieties cultivated by farmers, are Fripapa-Putza and Semichola and respond to the destination of the output (sales and/or family consumption); 65% practice monocultures and 58.5% consider the lunar phases for agricultural work. It is concluded the ancestral practices are at risk of extinction and need to be understood and rehabilitated by the new generations of peasants as well as technical programs for the transfer of technology to achieve a more sustainable agriculture

    Comportamiento de los índices productivos de cuyes (Cavia porcellus) bajo tres niveles de cascarilla de cacao (Theobroma cacao)

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of cocoa husk (Theobroma cacao) in the feedingof guinea pigs in the fattening stage. This research was carried out in a cavícola plant located in Quindialó - Quisapincha.We used 160 male pigs of 8 weeks of age with a weight between 350-450 g, which were fed with four experimentaldiets: T1 with 0% inclusion of cocoa husk, T2 with 5% of cocoa husk, T3 with 10% cocoa husk and T4 with 15% cocoahusk. The variables evaluated were: daily weight gain, final weight gain (FWG) and feed conversion (FC). A randomizedblock design with four treatments and four repetitions was used, and the analysis of variance and Tukey test was performed at 5%, for the treatments that were statistically significant, with the statistical program SAS 2000. The studyshows that the values of initial weight (PI) presented a similar behavior (P = 0.8005), while for the final weight (FW) anddaily weight gain (DWG) the value for treatment 4 (T4) was significantly higher (p = 0.0001), with a value of 1189 g and16.10 g respectively, added to that the feed conversion (FC) in the same way was better in the treatment (T4) with a valueof 4, being significantly compared to the rest of the treatments. Demonstrating that the inclusion of cocoa husk at 15% indiets is efficient to obtain a better productive response in guinea pigs, without causing negative effects on the animals.El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la inclusión de cascarilla de cacao (Theobroma cacao) en laalimentación en cuyes en la etapa de engorde, el ensayo se realizó en el plantel cavícola ubicado en Quindialó - Quisapincha. Se utilizaron 160 cuyes machos de 8 semanas de edad con un peso entre los 350-450 g, fueron alimentados concuatro dietas experimentales: T1 con el 0% de inclusión de cascarilla de cacao, T2 con el 5% de cascarilla de cacao, T3 con 10% de cascarilla de cacao y T4 con el 15% de cascarilla de cacao. Las variables evaluadas fueron: ganancia de pesodiaria (GPD), ganancia de peso final (GPF) y conversión alimenticia (CA). Se utilizó un diseño de bloques al azar concuatro tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones, además se efectuó el análisis de varianza y prueba de Tukey al 5%, para lostratamientos que resultaron estadísticamente significativos, con el programa estadístico SAS 2000. El estudio muestraque los valores de peso inicial (PI) presentaron un comportamiento semejante (P=0.8005), mientras que para el peso final(PF) y (GDP) el valor para el tratamiento 4 (T4) fue superior significativamente (p=0.0001), con un valor de 1189 g y16.10 g respectivamente, sumado a eso la conversión alimenticia de igual manera resultó mejor en el tratamiento (T4) conun valor de 4, siendo significativamente en comparación al resto de tratamientos. Demostrando así que la inclusión decascarilla de cacao al 15% en dietas resulta eficiente para obtener una mejor respuesta productiva en cuyes, sin ocasionarefectos negativos en los animales

    Análisis poscosecha de frutos de pitahaya amarilla (Cereus triangularis Haw.), a distintos niveles de madurez y temperatura

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    The fruits of yellow pitahaya (Cereus triangularis Haw.), Tend to suffer rapid deterioration once harvested. In order tostudy the optimum storage conditions to preserve its useful life, the postharvest quality of the yellow pitahaya in storagewas evaluated, combining the temperature (factor A) with two levels: A1 (ambient) 16±4 ºC and HR of 79%, A2 (cold)6±2 ºC and HR of 72-92%, and the physiological state (factor B), with three levels: B1 tender fruit (15-25% yellowcolor), B2 pinton fruit (50% yellow), and B3 ripe fruit (75-90% yellow). The physico-chemical characteristics werestudied with a maximum time of 26 days of the test and the determinations were made twice a week: weight loss (PP),total soluble solids (SST), hydrogen potential (pH), acidity titulable (AT) and maturity index (IM). The variables werecompared by means of an average test according to Tukey (p˂0.05). No significant differences were observed in PP(13.5% to the environment and 9.3% in cold on average) and SST among the treatments (18.8 average to the environment and 18.6 average in cold). The fruits of pitahaya stored in the cold and with a state of mature pintona (A2B1) had alower pH (4.77), there being a difference between the treatments to the environment (factor A) and cold (factor B), ahigher AT had ( A2B1) with 3.02 with a significant difference between factor A and B, the lowest MI on day 0 had theA1B1 treatment with 8.93, reaching 26 days at 20.20, there being a significant difference between the treatments offactor A and B .Las frutas de pitahaya amarilla (Cereus triangularis Haw.), tienden a sufrir un rápido deterioro una vez cosechadas. Conel objetivo de estudiar las condiciones óptimas de almacenamiento para preservar su vida útil, se evaluó la calidad poscosecha de la pitahaya amarilla en almacenamiento, combinando la temperatura (factor A) con dos niveles: A1(ambiente)16±4 ºC y HR de 79 %, A2 (frío) 62 ºC y HR de 72-92%, y el estado fisiológico (factor B), con tres niveles: B1 frutotierno (15-25 % color amarillo), B2 fruto pintón (50 % color amarillo), y B3 fruto maduro (75-90% color amarillo). Seestudiaron las características físico-químicas con un tiempo máximo de 26 días de duración del ensayo y las determinaciones se hicieron dos veces por semana: pérdida de peso (PP), sólidos solubles totales (SST), potencial de hidrógeno(pH), acidez titulable (AT) e índice de madurez (IM). Las variables fueron comparadas mediante una prueba de mediasegún Tukey (p˂0.05). No se observaron diferencias significativas en cuanto a PP (13.5 % al ambiente y 9.3 % en frio enpromedio) y SST entre los tratamientos (18.8 promedio al ambiente y 18.6 promedio en frio). Las frutas de pitahayaalmacenadas al frío y con un estado de madurez pintona (A2B1) tuvieron un menor pH (4.77) existiendo diferencia entrelos tratamientos al ambiente (factor A) y en frio (factor B), una mayor AT tuvo (A2B1) con 3.02 con diferencia significativa entre el factor A y B, el menor IM en el día 0 tuvo el tratamiento A1B1 con 8.93, llegando a los 26 días a 20.20,existiendo diferencia significativa entre los tratamientos del factor A y el B

    Evaluación de avena hidropónica (Arrenatherium elatius) en la alimentación de conejos en la etapa de engorde

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    The present research was carried out in the sector of La Concepción, belonging to the Atahualpa parish, Ambato canton,province of Tungurahua, to evaluate the production of green oat hydroponic forage, its cost and its influence on theimprovement of the weight. For this work, 21 male New Zealand breed animals with an average weight of 1179 g, of 8weeks of age were composed of three treatments T1 (hydroponic green forage of oats without nutritive solution), T2(green forage hydroponic of oats with solution nutrient and T0, each treatment consists of 7 replicates, the experimentalunit was an animal under study. The hydroponic green forage of oats was elaborated inside an 18 m2 greenhouse coveredinternally with black shade cloth at 65 % And carrying out a series of procedures such as: selection, washing, pregermination, germination, planting of the seed in the plastic trays and irrigation of the sowing with nutritive solution andwater, to finish with the harvest making at day 12 to be The results were analyzed by variance and Tukey 5% test, obtaining the best results with T2 with a daily weight gain of 35.09 g; Improvement in feed conversion rate with 5.5, Averageweight of the animal to the market 3136.6 g, 0% mortality, good profitability with a cost benefit of USD1.34.La presente investigación se realizó en el sector de La Concepción, perteneciente a la parroquia Atahualpa, cantón Ambato, provincia de Tungurahua, tiene como fin evaluar la producción de forraje verde hidropónico de avena, su costo y suinfluencia en el mejoramiento de la ganancia de peso. Para este trabajo se contó con 21 animales machos de raza neozelandés con un peso promedio de 1179 g, de 8 semanas de edad conformados por tres tratamientos T1 (forraje verdehidropónico de avena sin solución nutritiva), T2 (forraje verde hidropónico de avena con solución nutritiva y T0 (avenade corte), cada tratamiento consta de 7 repeticiones, la unidad experimental fue de un animal en estudio. El forraje verdehidropónico de avena fue elaborado dentro de un invernadero de 18 m2cubierto internamente con tela de sombra negra al65% y realizando una serie de procedimientos como: selección, lavado, pre-germinación, germinación, siembra de lasemilla en las bandejas de plástico y riego de la siembra con solución nutritiva y agua, para finalizar con la cosecharealizando al día 12 para ser consumido por los conejos. Se aplicó el diseño completamente al azar, para la interpretaciónde los resultados se realizaron análisis de varianza y prueba de Tukey 5%. Obteniendo los mejores resultandos con T2con ganancia de peso diario de 35.09 g; mejoría en el índice de conversión alimenticia con 5.5, peso promedio del animalal mercado 3136.6 g; 0 % de mortalidad, una buena rentabilidad con un beneficio costo de USD1.34

    Características organolépticas de frutas de pitahaya amarilla (Cereus triangularis Haw.) bajo dos condiciones de almacenamiento

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    Studies on the behavior of yellow pitahaya during postharvest are scarce in Ecuador. Thus, an organoleptic study wascarried out on pitahaya fruits subjected to two storage conditions in order to evaluate the color, firmness and appearanceof the fruit based on a 10-taster panel. Fruits of three physiological stages of maturity (soft fruit with 15-25% maturity(B1), yellow fruit with 50% maturity (B2) and mature fruit with 75-90% maturity (B3) were submitted during 22 days tostorage under two temperature conditions: room temperature at 16±4 ºC (A1) and cold at 6±2 ºC (A2). The color, flavor,aroma, texture and acceptability of the edible part (pulp) were determined using a hedonic scale. All variables werecompared by a Tukey’s mean test (p˂0.05). The sensorial analysis determined that fruits from the control group wasmost accepted with an average of 4.7 in the hedonic scale followed by treatment A2B3 (cold storage with ripening of 75- 90%), who’s average value was 4.3.Los estudios sobre el comportamiento de la pitahaya amarilla durante la poscosecha son escasos en el Ecuador. Por ellose realizó un estudio organoléptico en frutas sometidas a dos condiciones de almacenamiento con el objeto de evaluar elcolor, firmeza y apariencia de la fruta usando un panel de 10 catadores. Las frutas de tres estados fisiológicos de madurez(fruto tierno con 15-25 % madurez (B1), fruto pintón con 50 % madurez (B2) y fruto maduro con 75-90% de madurez(B3) fueron sometidas durante 22 días a almacenamiento bajo dos condiciones de temperatura: temperatura ambiente a16±4 ºC (A1) y en frío con 6±2 ºC (A2). Se determinó el color, sabor, aroma, textura y aceptabilidad de la parte comestible (pulpa) usando una escala hedónica del uno al cinco, para la apreciación mínima y máxima, respectivamente. Lasvariables fueron comparadas mediante una prueba de media según Tukey (p˂0.05). En el análisis sensorial se determinóque el testigo es el más aceptado con promedio de los atributos estudiados de 4.7 en la escala hedónica, seguido por eltratamiento A2B3 (almacenamiento al frío con madures del 75-90%), cuyo valor promedio es de 4.3

    Comportamiento de la tintura de propóleo sobre las inmunoglobulinas en pollos parrilleros

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    The present trial was carried out in the community "El Empalme", in the Quero canton, in 240 chickens by means ofnecropsies to obtain the morphometry of the primary lymphoid organs performed at 31 and 51 days of age, the birds,while for the measurement of the level of immunoglobulins, 5 mL of blood was obtained at 51 days of age, from thebrachial vein, then the levels were measured in a laboratory. The objetive was to evaluate the effects of a propylenetincture on immunoglobulins in broiler chickens. Three doses of propolis were extracted, which were 25 mg / kg PV, 50mg / kg PV, and 75 mg / Kg PV. and a witness, as a standard for the measurements of the levels, it was established that adose of 50 mg / Kg PV., of propolis improves the weight of the Bag of Fabricio, in this way helping the immune systemin the chickens, since which is the best option for BIF, this being the treatment that had the greatest measure in all theparameters used, such as the mortality rate of the primary lymphoid cells (Fabric Bag, Spleen), the levels of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM). It should be noted that the immunoglobulins only existed mathematical difference since it did notrise considerably above normal levels in birds at 51 days of age.El presente ensayo se llevó a cabo en la comunidad “El Empalme” ubicada en el cantón Quero, se realizó en 240 pollospor medio de necropsias para obtener la morfometria de los órganos linfoides primarios realizadas a los 31 y 51 días deedad de las aves, mientras que para la medición del nivel de inmunoglobulinas se obtuvo 5 mL de sangre a los 51 días deedad, de la vena braquial, luego se midió sus niveles en un laboratorio. El objetivo fue evaluar los efectos de la tintura depropóleo sobre las inmunoglobulinas en pollos parrilleros. Se utilizó tres dosis de propóleo que fueron 25 mg/Kg PV, 50mg/Kg PV, y 75 mg/Kg PV. y un testigo, como patrón para las mediciones de los niveles, se estableció que una dosis de50 mg/Kg PV., de propóleo mejora el peso de la Bolsa de Fabricio, de esta manera ayudando al sistema inmune en lospollos, ya que al estar funcional durante más tiempo la Bolsa incrementa la secreción de linfocitos B, siendo este eltratamiento que tuvo mayor medición en todos los parámetros usados como fueron índice morfométrico de los órganoslinfoide primarios (Bolsa de Fabricio, Bazo), niveles de inmunoglobulinas (IgG, IgM). Cabe recalcar que en las inmunoglobulinas solo existió diferencia matemática ya que no se elevó considerablemente sobre los niveles normales en aves alos 51 días de eda

    Efectos de un compost enriquecido con microorganismos eficientes sobre la germinación de semillas recalcitrantes de Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg y Theobroma cacao L.

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    The research was conducted at the Center for Research, Graduate Studies and Amazon Conservation (CIPA) of theAmazon State University, Ecuador. The purpose was to assess the effect of enriched compost Germination, day andday’s emergency transplantation two species of tropical origin and breadfruit Theobroma cacao. The experimental fieldis located in the province of Napo, 16'-1 and S and 77º 36'' 58'y 76'' W, at an altitude of 556 meters, with temperaturebetween 18 and 32oC, average annual precipitation above 3000mm and relative humidity between 87 and 89%. Anexperimental design with five treatments in a randomized complete block design with three replications was applied.Treatments consisted of compost (1) MS, (2) lactic acid bacteria, (3) commercial yeast, (4) a combination thereof and (5)only compost, witness. It was determined that the compost mixture (T4) as a whole, has the greatest effect on the parameters of the seeds. Germination was found that in two of the T3 and T4 treatments significantly decreased the number ofdays to germination, in relation to the witness, 33 days and 13 days Artocarpus altilis, Theobroma cacao. The number of emerged plants, increase in both species with the addition of EM, lactic acid bacteria and commercial yeast (T4). areduction is also reported in the days to transplant species studied to be significant particularly in cocoa. It was alsodetermined that most bioburden corresponded to bacteria.La investigación se realizó en el Centro de Investigación, Postgrado y Conservación Amazónica (CIPCA) de la Universidad Estatal Amazónica, Ecuador. El propósito fue evaluar el efecto de un compost enriquecido en la germinación, díasde emergencia y días al trasplante de dos especies de origen tropical Artocarpus altilis y Theobroma cacao. El campoexperimental está ubicado en la provincia de Napo, a 1º 16´ y 36´´ S y 77º 58´y 76´´ W, a una altitud de 556 msnm, 556msnm con temperatura entre 18 y 32 oC, precipitación promedio anual por encima de 3000 mm y humedad relativa entre87 y 89%. Se aplicó un diseño experimental con cinco tratamientos en bloques completamente al azar con tres repeticio- nes. Los tratamientos consistieron de compost (1) con EM, (2) con bacterias del ácido láctico (LAB), (3) con levadurascomerciales, con levaduras adquiridas de forma comercial en el supermercado (4) Mezcla de los anteriores y (5) solocompost, sin ningún adicionamiento de microrganismos, testigo. Se determinó que la mezcla de compost (T4) en suconjunto, tiene el mayor efecto sobre los parámetros de las semillas. En la germinación se comprobó que en dos de lostratamientos T3 y T4 disminuyeron significativamente el número de días a la germinación, en relación al testigo, 33 días en Artocarpus altilis y 13 días en Teobroma cacao. El número de plantas emergidas, aumento en ambas especies con laadición de EM, LAB y levadura comercial (T4). Se reporta también una reducción en los días al trasplante de las especies estudiadas siendo significativa particularmente en cacao. Igualmente se determinó que la mayor carga microbiológica correspondió a las bacterias

    Ancestral practices in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop of two rural communities in the Tungurahua province of Ecuador

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    The aim of this research was to analyze the permanence of ancestral practices used on growing potatoes, between the years 1950 and 2016. Two rural communities (Apatug and Puñachisag) were selected in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 63 key informants selected with the snowball and group interview methods. Has characterized the agricultural calendar, the use of varieties, associativity and observation of lunar phases. The results suggest the temporal relationship of potato planting and harvest with the feasts ancestral religious. These cycles were observed until the decade of the sixties and seventies. However, with the agriculture modernization, these calendars are modified. On the other hand, they also noted the predominance of improved varieties on native varieties. Most of the varieties cultivated by farmers, are Fripapa-Putza and Semichola and respond to the destination of the output (sales and/or family consumption); 65% practice monocultures and 58.5% consider the lunar phases for agricultural work. It is concluded the ancestral practices are at risk of extinction and need to be understood and rehabilitated by the new generations of peasants as well as technical programs for the transfer of technology to achieve a more sustainable agriculture

    Evaluation of hydroponic oats (Arrenatherium elatius) in the feeding of rabbits in the fattening stage

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    The present research was carried out in the sector of La Concepción, belonging to the Atahualpa parish, Ambato canton, province of Tungurahua, to evaluate the production of green oat hydroponic forage, its cost and its influence on the improvement of the weight. For this work, 21 male New Zealand breed animals with an average weight of 1179 g, of 8 weeks of age were composed of three treatments T1 (hydroponic green forage of oats without nutritive solution), T2 (green forage hydroponic of oats with solution nutrient and T0, each treatment consists of 7 replicates, the experimental unit was an animal under study. The hydroponic green forage of oats was elaborated inside an 18 m2 greenhouse covered internally with black shade cloth at 65 % And carrying out a series of procedures such as: selection, washing, pre-germination, germination, planting of the seed in the plastic trays and irrigation of the sowing with nutritive solution and water, to finish with the harvest making at day 12 to be The results were analyzed by variance and Tukey 5% test, obtaining the best results with T2 with a daily weight gain of 35.09 g; Improvement in feed conversion rate with 5.5, Average weight of the animal to the market 3136.6 g, 0% mortality, good profitability with a cost benefit of USD1.34