25 research outputs found

    Serotonin reuptake inhibitors in auditory processing disorders in elderly patients: Preliminary results

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    Objective/Hypothesis. One mechanism associated with degeneration in the elderly is the decrease of neurotransmitters. in the central auditory pathway serotonin, can be found from cochlear nucleus to the auditory cortex, and it constitutes one of the most important neuromodudatory circuits in hearing processing. the present study analyzed the action of citalopram, a selective inhibitor of serotonin reuptake, in aged patients with normal to moderate sensorineural hearing loss (HL) and low performance on auditory processing. Study Design/Method: Prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Thirty-eight selected patients were randomly divided into two groups. Nineteen patients made up group A and received placebo for 60 days. Nineteen patients of Group B received 20 mg per day of citalopram for 60 days. Hearing evaluation was performed initially and after 60 days and included pure-tone audiometry, speech discrimination test (SDT), emittanciometry (acoustic impedance audiometry), identification of synthetic sentences with an ipsilateral competitive message (SSI/ICM), tests of pitch-pattern sequences (PPS), and the staggered spondaic words test (SSW). Results. Comparisons of tests of auditory processing pre- and posttreatment in each group showed a statistical improvement in performance on all tests in group B after 2 months of therapy. Comparisons pre- and posttreatment between groups showed that patients who received citalopram presented statistically significantly better results in the SSI/ICM test (P <.0001) after treatment. the same comparison in results for the PPS test and the SSW test revealed a tendency (P =.09 and 0.058, respectively) toward better performance in the group receiving citalopram. Conclusion: These preliminary results suggest that the use of citalopram can have a positive impact on auditory processes in elderly patients with low performance in auditory process.Universidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Otolaryngol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Otolaryngol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Estudo comparativo da dissolução de três diferentes marcas de colágeno utilizadas em técnicas cirúrgicas otológicas Comparative study of absortion of three kinds of collagen used in otologic surgery

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Ethicon, Gelfoam e Lyostyp são compostos de colágeno, utilizados em cirurgias otológicas, como um suporte-base para enxertos. Em algumas técnicas, há a necessidade de um maior tempo de permanência do suporte, noutras é necessária uma absorção mais rápida, porém não há trabalhos que justifiquem o emprego diferenciado dos compostos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi medir a diferença no tempo de dissolução das três diferentes marcas. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Experimental. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: As amostras mediam 5 x 5 x 1 mm. O trabalho foi realizado em três baterias, de três semanas, em placas de Petry, com Agar-Agar, sendo 62 placas abertas e 62 fechadas, em uma estufa a 37ºC. Foi utilizado sangue total, com atividade enzimática preservada, nas placas-teste, e soro fisiológico nas controles. As placas receberam 1ml de sangue ou soro, no primeiro, sétimo e décimo-quarto dias. As áreas foram obtidas através das medidas dos quatro lados, seguindo a fórmula: Área = [(L1+ L3)/2] x [(L2+ L4)/2]. As aferições eram feitas com um paquímetro a cada 24 horas, na primeira semana, e a cada 48h até o 21º dia. O tamanho amostral foi determinado pela utilização da capacidade máxima da estufa. Os cálculos estatísticos foram realizados no software SPSS 8.0, através da análise de variância de medidas repetidas. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparados os grupos com sangue ou soro. Em placas fechadas, o Gelfoam e o Ethicon foram significativamente mais lentos que o Lyosty (p=0,001 e p=0,006), mas não foram diferentes entre si (p=0,21). Já em placas abertas, a diferença entre as três marcas não foi significativa (p > 0,05).<br>INTRODUCTION: Ethicon, Gelfoam and Lyostyp are three kinds of supporters that are made of collagen. They are used in otologic surgery as a base-suport to grafts. Some procedures demand a bigger permanence of support, others need a rapid absortion. There is not studies to prove the differences among this three kinds of supporters. The subject this study was measure the difference of absortion among three supporters. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We used 124 fragments of supporters measuring 5 X 5 X 1 mm. The fragments was placed in Petry's plaques with Agar-agar (62 open and 62 closed plaques) inside a stove warmed to 37º C. Each case plaque received 1 ml of total blood and each control plaque received 1 ml of 0,9% NaCl in the days 1, 7 and 14. The area measurement was done in a period of three weeks using a paquimeter with diary measurements in the first week and afterthat each 48 hours. The sample-size was determinated by the maximum capacity of stove. Statistics analisis was done using the SPSS 8.0 software, through repeated variance measurements. RESULTS: There was not difference between blood and 0,9% NaCl in the area measurements. In closed plaques, was not statistic differences between Gelfoam and Ethicon (p=0,21), but Lyostyp absortion was statistical different from the other two supporters (p=0,001 and p=0,006). In opened plaques, was not significative differences among the three kinds of supporters (p>0,05)

    Otosclerose infantil: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Pediatric otosclerosis: case report and literature review

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    A otospongiose é uma osteodistrofia do osso temporal caracterizada pela reabsorção e neoformação óssea desordenada. Clinicamente, caracteriza-se por disacusia condutiva, neurossensorial, e/ou mista, progressiva e zumbidos. O início dos sintomas ocorre entre 30 e 40 anos de idade sendo rara sua manifestação na infância. Descrevemos o caso de um paciente de 11 anos de idade, com quadro de hipoacusia unilateral progressiva há 5 anos. O exame otorrinolaringológico revelou mancha rubra de Schwartze em orelha esquerda. A audiometria, imitanciometria e a tomografia computadorizada demonstraram características sugestivas de otospongiose. Realizamos uma revisão dos aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos e da conduta terapêutica da otospongiose na infância.<br>Otospongiosis is an osteodystrophy of the temporal bone, characterized by disordered neoformation and deposition of bone, characterized by the presence of a progressive conductive, sensorineural or mixed hearing loss and tinnitus. Typically, otospongiosis presents as a slowly progressive conductive hearing loss in the third to fourth decade of life. Uncommonly children and adolescents may also have conductive or sensorineural hearing loss caused by otosclerosis. We describe a case of an 11-year-old patient, with progressive unilateral conductive hearing loss for 5 years. The otoscopic examination revealed a positive Schwartz's sign in the left ear. Audiometry, impedanciometry and CT scan showed characteristics that suggested otospongiosis. We reviewed clinical aspects, diagnosis and the therapeutic approach for otospongiosis in children