31 research outputs found

    From Eshu to Obatala: animals used in sacrificial rituals at Candomblé "terreiros" in Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The practice of sacrifice has occurred in several cultures and religions throughout history and still exists today. Candomblé, a syncretical Afro-Brazilian religion, practices the sacrificial ritual called "<it>Orô</it>" by its adherents. The present work aims to document the use of animal species in these sacrificial practices in the cities of Caruaru (PE) and Campina Grande (PB) in Norteastern Brazil, and to further understand the symbolism of these rituals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Semi-structured and unstructured interviews and informal discussions were held with 11 Candomblé priests and priestesses between the months of August 2007 and June 2008. We attended rituals performed at "terreiros" where animals were sacrificed, in order to obtain photographic material and observe the procedures and techniques adopted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 29 animal species were used during sacrificial rituals according to the priests and priestesses. These species were classified in 5 taxanomic groups: Molluscs (n = 1), Amphibians (n = 2), Reptiles (n = 2), Birds (n = 10) and Mammals (n = 14). According to Candomblé beliefs, animals are sacrificed and offered to their deities, known as orishas, for the prosperity of all life. There is a relationship between the colour, sex and behaviour of the animal to be sacrificed, and the orisha to whom the animal is going to be offered. The many myths that form the cosmogony of Candomblé can often explain the symbolism of the rituals observed and the animal species sacrificed. These myths are conveyed to adherants by the priests and priestesses during the ceremonies, and are essential to the continuation of this religion.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Candomblé is a sacrificial religion that uses animals for its liturgical purposes. The principal reason for sacrifice is to please supernatural deities known as orishas in order to keep life in harmony. This is accomplished through feeding them in a spiritual sense through sacrifice, maintaining a perfect link between men and the gods, and a connection between the material world (called <it>Aiyê</it>) and the supernatural world (called <it>Orun</it>).</p


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    The objective of this descriptive-exploratory study was to identify the health beliefs of black individuals with hypertension regarding the barriers and benefits of diet for controlling the disease, including the sociodemographic factors associated with the health beliefs surrounding diet control. One hundred and six black adults with hypertension were interviewed using a specific instrument. The data were analyzed considering the percentages, frequency of the cases, scores and prevalence ratio. The global analysis of beliefs showed a preponderance of beliefs regarding the benefits of diet control. It was observed that men, younger individuals, lack of a partner and low educational level and income were related to the beliefs regarding the benefits of adopting a healthy diet. In conclusion, health promotion among the black population requires an interdisciplinary approach and specific health policies addressing this populations' needs, aimed at preventive and curative aspects

    A sexualidade, a saúde reprodutiva e a violência contra a mulher negra: aspectos de interesse para assistência de enfermagem Sexualidade, salud reprodutiva y violencia contra la mujer negra: revisión da literatura de interes para el cuidado de enfermería Sexuality, reproductive health and violence against the african brazilian women: aspects of interest for nursing care

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    Com base no referencial da teoria racial crítica, foi feita uma revisão da literatura com o objetivo de buscar informações que fundamentem uma ação profissional afirmativa contra o racismo e o sexismo, baseada em evidências científicas e culturalmente competente. Evidenciou-se que a sexualidade, a saúde reprodutiva e a violência contra a mulher negra são temas com literatura escassa, sugerindo que o racismo e o sexismo estão operantes por meio da omissão ou negligência do Estado pese a mobilização das mulheres negras. Concluiu-se que a discriminação institucional precisa ser explicitada e combatida por meio de várias ações afirmativas em relação à mulher negra que devem ser implementadas ou fortalecidas para a promoção da eqüidade em saúde.<br>Con base en el referencial de la teoría racial crítica, se realizó una revisión de la literatura con el objetivo de buscar informaciones que fundamenten una acción profesional afirmativa contra el racismo y el sexismo, basada en evidencias científicas y culturalmente competentes. Se evidenció que la sexualidad, la salud reproductiva y la violencia contra la mujer negra son temas con literatura escasa, sugiriendo que el racismo y el sexismo están operantes por medio de la omisión o negligencia del Estado, pese a la mobilización de las mujeres negras. Se concluyó que la discriminación institucional precisa ser explicitada y combatida por medio de varias acciones afirmativas en relación a la mujer negra y deben ser implementadas o fortalecidas para la promoción de la equidad en salud.<br>Based on the referential of the critical racial theory, a review of the literature was made with the objective of searching for information that leads to an affirmative professional action against racism and sexism, based on scientific evidences and culturally competent. It was evidenced that the sexuality, reproductive health and violence against African Brazilian women are themes with scarce literature, suggesting that racism and sexism occur by the omission and neglicence of State to weigh on African Brazilian women's mobilization. The study concluded that institutional discrimination in health needs to be neutralized by affirmative actions regarding to African Brazilian women that must be implemented or strenghten to promote equity in health

    Produção científica brasileira de enfermagem em terapia intensiva de 1995 a 2004 Producción científica brasileña de enfermería en cuidados intensivos de 1995 al 2004 Brazilian researches on intensive care unit from 1995 to 2004

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    OBJETIVO: Investigar a produção científica de enfermagem em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), no Brasil, no período de 1995 a 2004. MÉTODOS: Foram pesquisados artigos divulgados em dez periódicos nacionais e analisados os dados referentes à freqüência de publicação, autoria, método de pesquisa utilizado, tema e população do estudo. RESULTADOS: Do total de 3464 artigos publicados, 97 (2,8%) eram específicos de UTI. Cerca de 38,0% referiam-se a estudos de alunos de mestrado/doutorado, prevalecendo as pesquisas com abordagem qualitativa (49,5%). Quanto ao tema, 23,7% pesquisaram a atuação profissional dos trabalhadores envolvidos no cuidado, enquanto 21,6% abordaram os aspectos emocionais da assistência em UTI. Destaca-se o surgimento da temática iatrogenia como objeto de investigação. A equipe de enfermagem foi a população estudada em quase metade dos artigos publicados. CONCLUSÃO: A produção científica brasileira em UTI ainda é incipiente, mantendo-se estável nas duas últimas décadas.<br>OBJETIVO: Investigar la producción científica de enfermería en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), en el Brasil, entre los años 1995 y 2004. MÉTODOS: Los artículos de diez periódicos nacionales fueron analizados referentes a la frecuencia de publicación, autoría, método de investigación, tema y población del estudio. RESULTADOS: Del total de 3464 artículos, 97 (2,8%) se refirieron a UCI; 38,1% a estudios realizados por alumnos de post grado en maestría o doctorado. El abordaje cualitativo (49,5%) prevaleció. En cuanto a los temas, el 23,7% se interesaron por investigar la actuación profesional de los trabajadores de la UCI. Los aspectos emocionales de la asistencia de enfermería fue el tema abordado en el 21,6% de los trabajos. Se destaca el surgimiento del tema yatrogenia como objeto de investigación. El equipo de enfermería fue la población estudiada en cerca del 50,0% de los artículos. CONCLUSIÓN: La producción científica brasileña en la UCI es aún incipiente, manteniéndose estable en las últimas dos décadas.<br>OBJECTIVE: To investigate nursing research in critical care in Brazil from 1995 to 2004. METHODS: Selected articles from ten Brazilian scientific journals were analyzed regarding frequency of publication, authorship, research methodology, topic, and study population. RESULTS: Among 3464 published articles, only 97 (2.8%) were related to critical care. A great part of these studies (38.1%) was conducted by Master's or Doctoral graduate students. Almost a half of the studies (49.5%) used qualitative design. Main topics studied consisted of the professional performance of worker involved on care (23.7%) and emotional aspects of nursing care (21.6%). Iatrogenic occurrences also emerge as an important topic. Nursing team was a common sample (50.0%) of the studies. CONCLUSION: Nursing research in critical care in Brazil although incipient remains stable in the last two decades