4 research outputs found

    Efeitos da educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável nas normas pessoais quanto à escassez de água

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    Purpose: This study aims to investigate effects of education for sustainable development (ESD) on university students' personal norms regarding the scarcity of drinking water in light of the value-belief-norm theory (VBN). Design/methodology/approach: The empirical research was developed at the Federal University of Bahia. The final sample was composed of 1,096 university students. The questionnaire was validated qualitatively and quantitatively. For hypothesis testing, Structural Equation Modeling was employed. Findings: Results indicated that the level of education for sustainable development positively impacted only biospheric values. The findings demonstrate that the impact of education for sustainable development depends on its quality, quantity, distribution, and diffusion in curricula. Research implications: This research is based on VBN theory and contributes to the body of literature of EDS. It suggests that individuals' values are in fact guiding principles of their beliefs. Practical implications: Biospheric values were found to have a positive effect on ecological beliefs. Nevertheless, it was found that in order to feel a moral obligation to act, students need to believe that, in fact, drinking water scarcity is a serious problem for society. Social implications: This research adds insights to the matter of educating the younger generation of students in view of the recent (2021-2022) water crisis in Brazil. Originality/value: The analysis of effects of "level of education for sustainable development” on individuals' values, impacting the VBN chain to explain student coping with drinking water scarcity is an original contribution of this study.Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos da educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável (EDS) nas normas pessoais dos estudantes universitários quanto à escassez de água potável à luz da teoria da crença-norma de valor (VBN). Design/metodologia/abordagem: A pesquisa empírica foi desenvolvida na Universidade Federal da Bahia. A amostra final foi composta por 1.096 universitários. O questionário foi validado qualitativamente e quantitativamente. Para o teste de hipóteses, foi utilizada a Modelagem de equações estruturais. Resultados: O nível de EDS impactou positivamente apenas os valores biosféricos. Os achados demonstram que o impacto da EDS depende de sua qualidade, quantidade, distribuição e difusão nos currículos. Implicações para pesquisa: Esta pesquisa está baseada na Teoria VBN e contribui para a literatura sobre EDS. Sugere ainda que valores dos indivíduos são, de fato, princípios norteadores de suas crenças. Implicações práticas: Valores biosféricos tiveram um efeito positivo sobre as crenças ecológicas. No entanto, verificou-se que, para sentir a obrigação moral de agir, os alunos precisam acreditar que, de fato, a escassez de água potável é um problema sério para a sociedade. Implicações sociais: Esta pesquisa agrega insights à questão de educar a geração mais jovem de estudantes, tendo em vista a recente crise hídrica (2021-2022) no Brasil. Originalidade/valor: A análise dos efeitos do “nível de EDS” nos valores individuais impactando a cadeia VBN para explicar o enfrentamento do aluno à escassez de água potável é uma contribuição original deste estudo

    Fatores que influenciam as atitudes dos indivíduos em prol do desenvolvimento sustentável: um estudo com discentes da área de negócios

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    Purpose: This study aimed to identify factors influencing the attitudes of individuals towards sustainable development, in its different dimensions.Design/methodology/approach: For the scope of the study, were admitted students from presential courses in Administration and Accounting Sciences from two Higher Education Institutions (HEI) located in the State of Bahia. Questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument. For the test of hypothesis, a multiple linear regression analysis was made, with a data base of 254 questionnaires.Findings: There was evidence that the knowledge about sustainability influences, in a positive and significant way, the student attitude in Dimensions Environmental, Economic, Social and Education. Results indicate that students with left-wing political conceptions have a tendency of showing more positive attitudes regarding sustainable development in Social and Education Dimensions. Finally, evidence was obtained about negative and significant relation between family income with Environmental and Economic Dimensions.Research Implications: Conceptually, in this study a fourth dimension of attitudes regarding sustainability was incorporated to the traditional tripod of sustainability, thus transforming it in a tetrahedron.Practical Implications: The meaning and importance of those evidences are discussed and can contribute to generate policies on education for sustainability.Originality/value: The study contributes to enable a better understanding about the formative process, the conscience, the attitude and the behaviors around sustainability questions in the field of management, which are relevant for reaching one of the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations.Objetivo: Este estudo teve o propósito de identificar fatores que influenciam as atitudes de indivíduos em prol do desenvolvimento sustentável, em suas diferentes dimensões.Design/Metodologia/Abordagem: Para o escopo do estudo, admitiram-se discentes de cursos presenciais em Administração e Ciências Contábeis de duas Instituições de Ensino Superior localizadas no Estado da Bahia. Empregou-se o questionário como instrumento de coleta de dados. Para o teste de hipóteses, realizou-se análise de regressão linear múltipla com uma base de dados de 254 questionários.Resultados: Houve evidências de que o conhecimento sobre sustentabilidade influência de forma positiva e significante a atitude discente nas Dimensões Ambientais, Econômicas, Sociais e de Educação. Os resultados apontaram que discentes com concepções políticas de esquerda tendem a apresentar atitudes mais positivas em prol do desenvolvimento sustentável, nas Dimensões Ambientais e Sociais, e que o gênero feminino apresenta atitudes mais positivas nas Dimensões Sociais e de Educação. E, por fim, obtiveram-se indícios de relação negativa e significante da renda familiar com as Dimensões Ambientais e Econômicas.Implicações da Pesquisa: Conceitualmente, neste estudo, uma quarta dimensão de atitudes em relação à sustentabilidade foi incorporada ao tradicional tripé da sustentabilidade, transformando-o em um tetraedro.Implicações Práticas: O significado e a importância dessas evidências são discutidos e podem contribuir para a geração de políticas de educação para a sustentabilidade.Originalidade/valor: O estudo contribui para possibilitar uma melhor compreensão sobre o processo formativo, a consciência, a atitude e os comportamentos em torno das questões de sustentabilidade no campo da gestão, que são relevantes para alcançar um dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável propostos pelas Nações Unidas

    Eruca sativa plants modulate growth and gas exchange when cultivated under salinity stress after leaching fractions

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    The physiology of rocket plants at different salinity levels through irrigation water and leaching fractions was assessed. Four salinity levels of irrigation water: 0.10, 1.60, 3.10 and 4.60 dS m-1 and three leaching fractions: 0, 10 and 20% were applied. The physiological variables analyzed were photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and photosynthetic pigment contents. The growth and biomass production were analyzed by: plant height, number of leaves, leaf area and partitioned and total plant fresh and dry mass, and root to aerial part ratio. The leaching fraction of 10% combined with irrigation with water salinity levels ranging from 0.10 to 0.88 dS m-1 resulted in greater plant height, leaf area and root, shoot and total dry mass. The leaching fraction of 20% with irrigation water with salinity levels from 0.10 to 2.7 dS m-1 generates higher leaf number, shoot fresh mass, root-to-shoot ratio, stomatal conductance, and photosynthetic rate. Irrigation water with a salinity level of 0.10 dS m-1 provides a higher transpiration rate for rocket plants. Irrigation water with a salinity level of 4.6 dS m-1 generates higher chlorophyll a, b and total (a + b) and carotenoid contents in rocket plants

    Mitigation of environmental impacts: a study of the companies that compose the Camaçari Industrial Center (PIC)

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    The purpose of this research was to map the environmental impacts of mitigation actions demonstrated in the sustainability reporting and financial statements of companies that compose the Camaçari Industrial Center (PIC) from 2007 to 2013. Data from the Industrial Development Committee of Camaçari was used to survey the companies. The final sample consisted of 14 companies. Content analysis was used to identify the information contained in these reports, based on the model proposed by Nossa (2002) for measuring environmental impacts. The results showed that the subcategory most mentioned in the sustainability reports was wastefulness. It was found in 430 instances, followed by Recycling (157), CO² (129), Contamination and Land Restoration (122), and Conservation of Natural Resources (108). The wastefulness subcategory was also more present in the financial statements, with 77 instances, followed by Contamination and Land Restoration (49) and Recycling (29). There was also a growing trend of disclosure of environmental liabilities. The evidence indicates that the companies are concerned primarily with the treatment and disposal of their waste (solid, liquid and gaseous). The results are restricted to the period and sample investigated. Further research is suggested to broaden the sample and investigate the relationship between disclosure of environmental mitigation actions related to environmental impacts and the financial performance of companies. Additionally, studies could investigate which factors influence the adoption and dissemination of these actions, in the perception of managers of Brazilian companies