79 research outputs found

    Wild animals housed at the IBAMA triage center in Southern Brazil, 2005–2021: a glimpse into the endless conflicts between man and other animals

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    Spurred on by the illegal billion-dollar revenue, the capture and trade of wild fauna remain the leading illegal activities in Brazil, and elsewhere. We present and discuss insights into the wild animals housed at the Wild Animal Triage Center in Southern Brazil. Recorded data from 2005 to 2021 were used. A total of 36,950 animals were sheltered in that period, and most of them were common passerines (24,182) such as the Saffron Finch, and Red-crested Cardinal, among many others confiscated after inspections or reports. Passerines have long been the top trafficked species in Brazil and abroad, where birdkeeping has strong cultural and economic values. The totals per class were 29,784 birds (80.6%), 2,584 (7.0%) insects, 2,237 (6.1%) reptiles, and 2,170 (5.9%) mammals. Since they were mostly surrendered by the population rather than seized, most mammals, insects, and reptiles were probably unwanted guests in human spaces, tendency that illustrates the human difficulty in coexisting with wildlife. A total of 3,085 animals exhibited some threat or risk of extinction, which, as a general rule, grants them conservation priority. However, regardless of class, most animals (31,142) in this study were rated as least concern on the red lists, a trend in wildlife trafficking linked to the category criteria of being widely distributed species with abundant populations, and often, in close contact with human neighbors. Maintaining an abundance of common and nonthreatened species can be justified by the greater extent of their ecosystem services, from a local to global scale. Our results further highlight the urgent need to change our ways of interacting with wildlife, outstandingly the irresponsible ownership of animals

    A preliminary assessment of the potential health and genetic impacts of releasing confiscated passerines into the wild : a reduced-risk approach

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    The illegal capture and trade of wild birds have long been threats to biodiversity. The rehabilitation and release of confiscated animals may be a useful conservation tool in species management. However, differences between populations regarding health (e.g., different pathogens) and adaptation (e.g., local adaptation) must be taken into account, since both can negatively impact the recipient population. In this pilot study, we used two of the most illegally trafficked Brazilian wild passerine species, namely the red-crested cardinal (Paroaria coronata) and green-winged saltator (Saltator similis) as case studies and assessed some of the health threats that the release of confiscated passerines may pose to free-living birds. We also investigated the level of difference in mitochondrial genetic structure among populations living in different ecoregions. Blood, feces, and oropharyngeal swabs from confiscated (n = 115) and free-living (n = 120) passerines from the release sites were tested for the Newcastle disease virus, Salmonella spp., and Mycoplasma gallisepticum. These are considered major avian diseases by the Brazilian National Avian Health Program. We analyzed mtDNA to study the difference in genetic structure between populations using samples from 127 free-living passerines. We found no evidence of the Newcastle disease virus or Salmonella spp. in confiscated or free-living passerines from either species. However, the levels of infection with M. galissepticum detected in our study for red-crested cardinals and green-winged saltators calls for a high degree of caution in captive release programs. The difference in genetic structure between populations occurring in different regions was low, and was not significant between those from the Pampa/Subtropical Grasslands region. These results suggest that it may be possible to establish a cost-effective and sensitive protocol for releasing confiscated songbirds, provided that further genome-wide studies indicate that the functional genetic diversity among (at least some of the) populations is also low

    Aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos das lesões digitais em bovinos no Sul do Brasil

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    Realizaram-se o diagnóstico e o tratamento de afecções podais responsáveis por claudicação em bovinos leiteiros no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Durante 18 meses, 524 animais apresentaram 883 lesões digitais clínicas. A prevalência de bovinos afetados foi de 50,2% e as lesões mais comuns foram dermatite digital (29,9%), úlceras de sola (18,3%) e dermatite interdigital (17,8%). Das lesões córneas, 91,5% ocorreram nas unhas laterais posteriores

    Aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos das lesões digitais em bovinos no Sul do Brasil

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    Realizaram-se o diagnóstico e o tratamento de afecções podais responsáveis por claudicação em bovinos leiteiros no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Durante 18 meses, 524 animais apresentaram 883 lesões digitais clínicas. A prevalência de bovinos afetados foi de 50,2% e as lesões mais comuns foram dermatite digital (29,9%), úlceras de sola (18,3%) e dermatite interdigital (17,8%). Das lesões córneas, 91,5% ocorreram nas unhas laterais posteriores

    Bovine abortion due to Neospora caninum in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil

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    Casos de aborto bovino submetidos ao Setor de Patologia da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul entre os anos de 1995 e o primeiro trimestre de 1999 foram selecionados e analisados histologicamente. Um total de 30 fetos abortados foram avaliados através da coloração de Hematoxilina e Eosina (HE) e lesões inflamatórias não supurativas foram encontradas principalmente no cérebro e/ou coração de seis casos. Realizou-se imunoistoquímica pela técnica de streptavidina-biotina, utilizando-se anticorpos anti-Neospora caninum e anti- Toxoplasma gondii nesses seis casos. Taquizoítos marcados pelo anticorpo anti-N. caninum foram visualizados em três dos seis fetos bovinos testados e não houve reação com o anticorpo anti- T. gondii. Esses resultados comprovam a existência de aborto bovino causado por N. caninum no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.Aborted bovine fetuses submitted to the Pathology Laboratory at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil between 1995 and the first trimester of 1999 were selected and examined histologically. Tissue from thirty aborted fetuses were examined after staining with Hematoxylin & Eosin and nonsuppurative inflammations were observed mainly in the brain and/or heart of six cases. The avidin-biotin immunohistochemistry technique was done using antiserum against Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in those six cases. Tachyzoites that reacted with N. caninum antisera were seen in three of the six fetuses with non-suppurative inflammation. There was no reaction with T. gondii antiserum. These results confirm the presence of Neospora caninum abortion in cattle in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Bovine abortion due to Neospora caninum in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil

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    Casos de aborto bovino submetidos ao Setor de Patologia da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul entre os anos de 1995 e o primeiro trimestre de 1999 foram selecionados e analisados histologicamente. Um total de 30 fetos abortados foram avaliados através da coloração de Hematoxilina e Eosina (HE) e lesões inflamatórias não supurativas foram encontradas principalmente no cérebro e/ou coração de seis casos. Realizou-se imunoistoquímica pela técnica de streptavidina-biotina, utilizando-se anticorpos anti-Neospora caninum e anti- Toxoplasma gondii nesses seis casos. Taquizoítos marcados pelo anticorpo anti-N. caninum foram visualizados em três dos seis fetos bovinos testados e não houve reação com o anticorpo anti- T. gondii. Esses resultados comprovam a existência de aborto bovino causado por N. caninum no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.Aborted bovine fetuses submitted to the Pathology Laboratory at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil between 1995 and the first trimester of 1999 were selected and examined histologically. Tissue from thirty aborted fetuses were examined after staining with Hematoxylin & Eosin and nonsuppurative inflammations were observed mainly in the brain and/or heart of six cases. The avidin-biotin immunohistochemistry technique was done using antiserum against Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in those six cases. Tachyzoites that reacted with N. caninum antisera were seen in three of the six fetuses with non-suppurative inflammation. There was no reaction with T. gondii antiserum. These results confirm the presence of Neospora caninum abortion in cattle in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Detection of swine proliferative enteropathy (Lawsonia intracellularis) in slaughtered pigs by histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques

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    Estudou-se a eficácia do diagnóstico macroscópico de lesões da enteropatia proliferativa suína (EPS) usando-se fragmentos de íleo de 663 suínos, coletados em abatedouros localizados em três municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. As amostras foram processadas por métodos histológicos rotineiros e coradas por uma técnica desenvolvida pela combinação das colorações Warthin-Starry, alcian blue e hematoxilina-eosina para detecção simultânea de Lawsonia intracellularis e lesões associadas com EPS. Lâminas suspeitas de EPS foram submetidas à técnica de imunoistoquímica, utilizando anticorpo policlonal anti-Lawsonia intracellularis na diluição de 1:15.000 pelo método avidina-biotina. A coloração combinada detectou 11 casos positivos, e a imunoistoquímica, nove casos adicionais. Entre as 643 amostras consideradas negativas, 12 apresentaram desaparecimento de células caliciformes e proliferação adenomatosa características de EPS, mas ausência de bactérias intracelulares. A eficiência do exame macroscópico para diagnóstico de EPS foi medida pela associação entre os resultados das avaliações macroscópicas e histológicas realizadas em 219 amostras. Embora 51 delas tenham sido consideradas macroscopicamente positivas, apenas quatro foram confirmadas pela presença de bactérias intracelulares associadas com lesões características de EPS. Não se observou associação entre as alterações macroscópicas e histológicas de EPS.Fragments of terminal ileum were collected from 663 pigs at slaughter from three municipalities of the Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil, to study the efficacy of the macroscopic diagnosis of porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE). All samples were processed by standard histological methods and stained with a technique that combined Warthin-Starry, alcian blue and hematoxylin-eosin. Sections were simultaneously evaluated for the detection of Lawsonia intracellularis and lesions associated with PPE. Sections in which the occurrence of PPE was suspected were stained by the avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase technique using a polyclonal antiserum to Lawsonia intracellularis, at the dilution of 1:15,000. The histochemical method detected 11 positive sections and immunohistochemical staining detected additional nine positive cases. Twelve out of 643 negative samples had reduced number of goblet cells and adenomatous proliferation without any detectable bacteria. The efficiency of gross evaluation for detecting PPE was measured through the comparison between the results from gross and histological evaluations performed on samples from 219 animals. Although 51 of these samples were considered positive by gross evaluations, only four of them were confirmed as positive by detection of intracellular bacteria associated with characteristic lesions of PPE. The association between gross and histological changes often reported in PPE was not observed in this study

    Intoxicação experimental com Trema micrantha (Ulmaceae) em caprinos

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    Plantas hepatotóxicas são importantes causas de prejuízos em herbívoros no Brasil. Este trabalho relata uma hepatotoxicose aguda, ocorrida em 7 caprinos que morreram após a ingestão de folhas verdes de uma árvore de Trema micrantha que foi derrubada. Dois desses animais foram necropsiados e tecidos foram processados para exame histológico. O principal achado histológico foi observado no fígado, consistindo de necrose centrolobular a massiva, compatível com necrose hepática de origem tóxica. Todas as lesões observadas foram similares às descritas nas intoxicações experimentais por Trema micrantha em caprinos. Nenhuma outra planta hepatotóxica conhecida foi encontrada no local onde os caprinos permaneciam.Hepatotoxic plants are important cause of economical losses in farm animals in Brazil. This report concerns an outbreak of acute hepatic toxicosis, in which seven goats died after consumption of green leaves from a felled Trema micrantha tree. Two of these animals were necropsied and several tissues were processed for histological examination. Main histological finding was observed in the liver that showed centrilobular to massive necrosis consistent with an acute hepatic toxicosis. The overall picture was similar to those described in experimentally induced T. micrantha poisoning of goats. No additional known hepatotoxic plant was found in the paddock where the goats had been kept