4,308 research outputs found

    Guidelines for a Dynamic Ontology - Integrating Tools of Evolution and Versioning in Ontology

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    Ontologies are built on systems that conceptually evolve over time. In addition, techniques and languages for building ontologies evolve too. This has led to numerous studies in the field of ontology versioning and ontology evolution. This paper presents a new way to manage the lifecycle of an ontology incorporating both versioning tools and evolution process. This solution, called VersionGraph, is integrated in the source ontology since its creation in order to make it possible to evolve and to be versioned. Change management is strongly related to the model in which the ontology is represented. Therefore, we focus on the OWL language in order to take into account the impact of the changes on the logical consistency of the ontology like specified in OWL DL

    Semantic HMC for Big Data Analysis

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    Analyzing Big Data can help corporations to im-prove their efficiency. In this work we present a new vision to derive Value from Big Data using a Semantic Hierarchical Multi-label Classification called Semantic HMC based in a non-supervised Ontology learning process. We also proposea Semantic HMC process, using scalable Machine-Learning techniques and Rule-based reasoning

    Unlocking Insights into Business Trajectories with Transformer-based Spatio-temporal Data Analysis

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    The world of business is constantly evolving and staying ahead of the curve requires a deep understanding of market trends and performance. This article addresses this requirement by modeling business trajectories using news articles data.Comment: Presented in the conference Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics 2023 SAGE

    un modèle sémantique spatio-temporel pour capturer la dynamique des environnements

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    National audienceLes Systèmes d'Information Géographique se sont peu à peu imposés comme des outils performants pour organiser, représenter, analyser et visualiser des données géographiques. Toutefois, l'intégration d'une dimension temporelle dans les SIG reste un défi de la recherche en sciences de l'information géographique. Dès lors, le développement de modèles spatio-temporels adaptés à l'étude de phénomènes géographiques réels devient un enjeu majeur dans la conception de systèmes d'informations dédiés à l'évolution d'entités spatiales. Dans ces travaux, nous proposons un nouveau modèle spatio-temporel basé sur une ontologie intégrant les connaissances des experts sur les données géographiques représentées. A terme, les capacités sémantiques proposées dans ce modèle permettent d'assister les experts dans la représentation et l'analyse d'un phénomène spatio-temporel en prenant en compte les informations contextuelles de l'environnement géographique

    LC3: A spatio-temporal and semantic model for knowledge discovery from geospatial datasets

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    International audienceThere is a need for decision-makers to be provided with both an overview of existing knowledge, and information which is as complete and up-to-date as possible on changes in certain features of the biosphere. Another objective is to bring together all the many attempts which have been made over the years at various levels (international, Community, national and regional) to obtain more information on the environment and the way it is changing. As a result, remote sensing tools monitor large amount of land cover informations enabling study of dynamic processes. However the size of the dataset require new tools to identify pattern and extract knowledge. We propose a model to discover knowledge on parcel data allowing analysis of dynamic geospatial phenomena using time, spatial and thematic data. The model is called Land Cover Change Continuum (LC3) and is able to track the evolution of spatial entities along time. Based on semantic web technologies, the model allows users to specify and to query spatio-temporal informations based on semantic definitions. The semantic of spatial relationships are of interest to qualify filiation relationships. The result of this process permit to identify evolutive patterns as a basis for studying the dynamics of the geospatial environment. To this end, we use CORINE datasets to study changes in a specific part of France. In our approach, we consider entities as having several representations during their lifecycle. Each representation includes identity, spatial and descriptives properties that evolve over time

    Word Embeddings for Wine Recommender Systems Using Vocabularies of Experts and Consumers

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    This vision paper proposes an approach to use the most advanced word embeddings techniques to bridge the gap between the discourses of experts and non-experts and more specifically the terminologies used by the twocommunities. Word embeddings makes it possible to find equivalent terms between experts and non-experts, byapproach the similarity between words or by revealing hidden semantic relations. Thus, these controlledvocabularies with these new semantic enrichments are exploited in a hybrid recommendation system incorporating content-based ontology and keyword-based ontology to obtain relevant wines recommendations regardless of the level of expertise of the end user. The major aim is to find a non-expert vocabulary from semantic rules to enrich the knowledge of the ontology and improve the indexing of the items (i.e. wine) and the recommendation process

    Estudo da qualidade do projeto de estruturas de edifĂ­cios

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    No contexto nacional, a preocupação pela garantia de qualidade dos projetos de estruturas tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais importância. De facto, esta temática tem sido discutida de forma a sensibilizar os engenheiros para a necessidade de executarem os seus projetos, cada vez, com maior qualidade, visto que, esta componente/etapa tem implicações determinantes no sucesso de todo o ciclo das atividades associadas ao processo construtivo. Da pesquisa efetuada foi possível concluir que a informação existente sobre esta temática é escassa e, porventura em muitos casos, desatualizada. Apesar disso, a metodologia proposta por Moreira da Costa [1], para avaliação da qualidade dos projetos de estruturas, revelou-se como sendo a mais completa. Assim, com o objetivo de classificar a qualidade do projeto de estruturas numa amostra de edifícios de médio porte, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia, que em grande medida se baseou na proposta de Moreira da Costa, à qual foram introduzidas alterações de forma a ser adaptada às novas regulamentações e às novas formas de abordar a análise estrutural. O estudo incidiu na análise de projetos de estruturas disponibilizados pela Câmara Municipal de Guimarães (Projetos Base) e pela empresa CASAIS – Engenharia e Construção S.A. (Projetos de Execução). Por último, foi melhorada uma ficha de revisão e verificação do projeto de estruturas que visa orientar o projetista na conceção e auxiliá-lo no desenvolvimento do projeto de estruturas. O presente artigo teve por base a Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Civil elaborada por Christophe Fernandes e orientada pelos restantes autores

    Usage de la sémantique : des services de catalogue à l’analyse des phénomènes dynamiques

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    Communication Journée Interopérabilité et Innovation (J2I), ENSG (Marne-la-Vallée), Mardi 7 octobre 2014, http://www.forumogcfrance.org/journee-interoperabilite/programme
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