3,140 research outputs found

    Temperature dependence of the phonon entropy of vanadium

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    The phonon density-of-states (DOS) of elemental vanadium was measured at elevated temperatures by inelastic neutron scattering. The phonon softening predicted by thermal expansion against the bulk modulus is much larger than the measured shifts in phonon energies. We conclude that the phonon anharmonicities associated with thermal expansion are largely canceled by effects from phonon-phonon scattering. Prior measurements of the heat capacity and calculations of the electronic entropy of vanadium are assessed, and consistency requires an explicit temperature dependence of the phonon DOS. Using data from the literature, similar results are found for chromium, niobium, titanium, and zirconium

    Special studies of AROD system concepts and designs

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    Design modifications for ground station direction finding receiver of airborne range and orbit determination syste

    Special studies of AROD system concepts and designs

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    Signal processing techniques for range and range rate measurements in airborne range and orbit determinatio

    Schwinger Boson Formulation and Solution of the Crow-Kimura and Eigen Models of Quasispecies Theory

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    We express the Crow-Kimura and Eigen models of quasispecies theory in a functional integral representation. We formulate the spin coherent state functional integrals using the Schwinger Boson method. In this formulation, we are able to deduce the long-time behavior of these models for arbitrary replication and degradation functions. We discuss the phase transitions that occur in these models as a function of mutation rate. We derive for these models the leading order corrections to the infinite genome length limit.Comment: 37 pages; 4 figures; to appear in J. Stat. Phy

    Young Lives and Imagined Futures: Insights from Archived Data

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    On 15th November 2010, Timescapes and the UK Data Archive (UKDA) hosted a seminar ‘Young Lives and Imagined Futures: Analysing and Re-Analysing Narrative Data on Young Lives.’ The seminar investigated data on young people’s orientationto their future lives. In addition to engaging with time and young lives, the seminar also explored methodologies for primary and secondary analysis of historical and contemporary datasets. In this working paper we bring together two papers from this event: Graham Crow and Dawn Lyon’s ‘Turning points in work and family life in the imagined futures of young people on Sheppey in 1978’ and Mandy Winterton and Sarah Irwin’s ‘Youngsters’ expectations and context: secondary analysis and interpretation’. These papers are significant together because they both draw on secondary analysis projects, constructing new insight from archived data collected by others and for other purposes. These two papers draw heavily on similar kinds of data to explore young people’s lives and imagined futures, although in very different ways. Yet it is worth noting that they were never pre-designed to sit so readily side by side. There was no discussion between the authors at any point. It was entirely fortuitous that they offered, by the extent of their similarities and difference, stimulating insight about the possibilities of qualitative secondary analysis when placed side by side. Before introducing these two papers, we provide some insight into the context of the day. We can only map below the nature and diversity of the research that was presented and cannot do justice here to the complexity and richness of the research that was offered

    Drivers of redistribution of fishing and non-fishing effort after the implementation of a marine protected area network

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    Marine spatial planning (MSP) is increasingly utilized to sustainably manage ocean uses. Marine protected areas (MPAs), a form of spatial management in which parts of the ocean are regulated to fishing, are now a common tool in MSP for conserving marine biodiversity and managing fisheries. However, the use of MPAs in MSP often neglects, or simplifies, the redistribution of fishing and non-fishing activities inside and outside of MPAs following their implementation. This redistribution of effort can have important implications for effective MSP. Using long-term (14 yr) aerial surveys of boats at the California Channel Islands, we examined the spatial redistribution of fishing and non-fishing activities and their drivers following MPA establishment. Our data represent 6 yr of information before the implementation of an MPA network and 8 yr after implementation. Different types of boats responded in different ways to the closures, ranging from behaviors by commercial dive boats that support the hypothesis of fishing-the-line, to behaviors by urchin, sport fishing, and recreational boats that support the theory of ideal free distribution. Additionally, we found that boats engaged in recreational activities targeted areas that are sheltered from large waves and located near their home ports, while boats engaged in fishing activities also avoided high wave areas but were not constrained by the distance to their home ports. We did not observe the expected pattern of effort concentration near MPA borders for some boat types; this can be explained by the habitat preference of certain activities (for some activities, the desired habitat attributes are not inside the MPAs), species’ biology (species such as urchins where the MPA benefit would likely come from larval export rather than adult spillover), or policy-infraction avoidance. The diversity of boat responses reveals variance from the usual simplified assumption that all extractive boats respond similarly to MPA establishment. Our work is the first empirical study to analyze the response of both commercial and recreational boats to closure. Our results will inform MSP in better accounting for effort redistribution by ocean users in response to the implementation of MPAs and other closures

    Optimal discrete stopping times for reliability growth tests

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    Often, the duration of a reliability growth development test is specified in advance and the decision to terminate or continue testing is conducted at discrete time intervals. These features are normally not captured by reliability growth models. This paper adapts a standard reliability growth model to determine the optimal time for which to plan to terminate testing. The underlying stochastic process is developed from an Order Statistic argument with Bayesian inference used to estimate the number of faults within the design and classical inference procedures used to assess the rate of fault detection. Inference procedures within this framework are explored where it is shown the Maximum Likelihood Estimators possess a small bias and converges to the Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator after few tests for designs with moderate number of faults. It is shown that the Likelihood function can be bimodal when there is conflict between the observed rate of fault detection and the prior distribution describing the number of faults in the design. An illustrative example is provided

    Purification and In Vitro Growth of Human Epidermal Basal Keratinocytes Using a Monoclonal Antibody

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    We have made a new monoclonal antibody, EL-2, and used it with an immunorosetting procedure combined with Ficoll-Hypaque gradient centrifugation to purify and culture basal keratinocytes. Immunofluorescence of cell suspensions and immunoperoxidase staining of tissue sections demonstrate that EL-2 reacts with malignant cell lines, activated lymphocytes and monocytes, and basal keratinocytes. Sequential immunoprecipitation studies demonstrate that monoclonal antibodies EL-2 and 4F2 detect the same membrane protein. However, we have extended previous studies by making the new observation that both EL-2 and 4F2 react with cultured melanocytes. Basal keratinocytes were purified from single-cell epidermal suspensions by incubation with EL-2 followed by rosetting with rabbit antimouse IgG antibodies covalently linked to bovine red blood cells. Rosetting (basal) keratinocytes were separated from EL-2 negative cells by Ficoll gradient centrifugation. We obtained basal keratinocyte populations of >90% purity as assessed by reactivity with EL-2 and another basal keratinocyte-specific monoclonal antibody, HCl. Langerhans cell, fibroblast, and melanocyte contamination was negligible. Cultures of basal keratinocytes were enriched in EL-2-reactive cells throughout the entire 19 days of culture studied. EL-2 is being used to characterize disorders of keratinocyte proliferation; EL-2 reacted with both squamous and basal cell carcinomas. EL-2 stained only the basal layer of lesional skin from patients with psoriasis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, and Darier's disease. Purification of basal keratinocytes will be important in biochemical and functional studies of normal skin and in establishing long-term keratinocyte lines from normal cells

    Designing MPAs for food security in open-access fisheries

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    Food security remains a principal challenge in the developing tropics where communities rely heavily on marine-based protein. While some improvements in fisheries management have been made in these regions, a large fraction of coastal fisheries remain unmanaged, mismanaged, or use only crude input controls. These quasi-open-access conditions often lead to severe overfishing, depleted stocks, and compromised food security. A possible fishery management approach in these institution-poor settings is to implement fully protected marine protected areas (MPAs). Although the primary push for MPAs has been to solve the conservation problems that arise from mismanagement, MPAs can also benefit fisheries beyond their borders. The literature has not completely characterized how to design MPAs under diverse ecological and economic conditions when food security is the objective. We integrated four key biological and economic variables (i.e., fish population growth rate, fish mobility, fish price, and fishing cost) as well as an important aspect of reserve design (MPA size) into a general model and determined their combined influence on food security when MPAs are implemented in an open-access setting. We explicitly modeled open-access conditions that account for the behavioral response of fishers to the MPA; this approach is distinct from much of the literature that focuses on assumptions of “scorched earth” (i.e., severe over-fishing), optimized management, or an arbitrarily defined fishing mortality outside the MPA’s boundaries. We found that the MPA size that optimizes catch depends strongly on economic variables. Large MPAs optimize catch for species heavily harvested for their high value and/or low harvesting cost, while small MPAs or no closure are best for species lightly harvested for their low value and high harvesting cost. Contrary to previous theoretical expectations, both high and low mobility species are expected to experience conservation benefits from protection, although, as shown previously, greater conservation benefits are expected for low mobility species. Food security benefits from MPAs can be obtained from species of any mobility. Results deliver both qualitative insights and quantitative guidance for designing MPAs for food security in open-access fisheries

    Bound-state beta-decay of a neutron in a strong magnetic field

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    The beta-decay of a neutron into a bound (pe)(pe^-) state and an antineutrino in the presence of a strong uniform magnetic field (B1013B \gtrsim 10^{13} G) is considered. The beta-decay process is treated within the framework of the standard model of weak interactions. A Bethe-Salpeter formalism is employed for description of the bound (pe)(pe^-) system in a strong magnetic field. For the field strengths 101310^{13} GB1018 \lesssim B \lesssim10^{18} G the estimate for the ratio of the bound-state decay rate wbw_b and the usual (continuum-state) decay rate wcw_c is derived. It is found that in such strong magnetic fields wb/wc0.10.4w_b/w_c \sim 0.1-0.4. This is in contrast to the field-free case, where wb/wc4.2×106w_b/w_c \simeq 4.2 \times 10^{-6} [J. N. Bahcall, Phys. Rev. {\bf 124}, 495 (1961); L. L. Nemenov, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. {\bf 15}, 582 (1972); X. Song, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. {\bf 13}, 1023 (1987)]. The dependence of the ratio wb/wcw_b/w_c on the magnetic field strength BB exhibits a logarithmic-like behavior. The obtained results can be important for applications in astrophysics and cosmology.Comment: 22 pages (revtex4), 1 figure; v2: more detailed discussion on astrophysical applications in conclusion section, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.