445 research outputs found

    Post-Prior discrepancies in CDW-EIS calculations for ion impact ionization fully differential cross sections

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    In this work we present fully differential cross sections (FDCSs) calculations using post and prior version of CDW--EIS theory for helium single ionization by 100 MeV C6+^{6+} amu−1^{-1} and 3.6 MeV amu−1^{-1} Au24+^{24+} and Au53+^{53+} ions. We performed our calculations for different momentum transfer and ejected electron energies. The influence of internuclear potential on the ejected electron spectra is taken into account in all cases. We compare our calculations with absolute experimental measurements. It is shown that prior version calculations give better agreement with experiments in almost all studied cases.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Inverse problem for the Landau-Zener effect

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    We consider the inverse Landau-Zener problem which consists in finding the energy-sweep functions W(t)=E1(t)-E2(t) resulting in the required time dependences of the level populations for a two-level system crossing the resonance one or more times during the sweep. We find sweep functions of particular forms that let manipulate the system in a required way, including complete switching from the state 1 to the state 2 and preparing the system at the exact ground and excited states at resonance.Comment: 7 EPL pages, 6 figure

    Symmetric eikonal model for projectile-electron excitation and loss in relativistic ion-atom collisions

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    At impact energies ∼>1 \stackrel{>}{\sim}1 GeV/u the projectile-electron excitation and loss occurring in collisions between highly charged ions and neutral atoms is already strongly influenced by the presence of atomic electrons. In order to treat these processes in collisions with heavy atoms we generalize the symmetric eikonal model, used earlier for considerations of electron transitions in ion-atom collisions within the scope of a three-body Coulomb problem. We show that at asymptotically high collision energies this model leads to an exact transition amplitude and is very well suited to describe the projectile-electron excitation and loss at energies above a few GeV/u. In particular, by considering a number of examples we demonstrate advantages of this model over the first Born approximation at impact energies ∼1\sim 1--30 GeV/u, which are of special interest for atomic physics experiments at the future GSI facilities.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Thermally activated escape rates of uniaxial spin systems with transverse field

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    Classical escape rates of uniaxial spin systems are characterized by a prefactor differing from and much smaller than that of the particle problem, since the maximum of the spin energy is attained everywhere on the line of constant latitude: theta=const, 0 =< phi =< 2*pi. If a transverse field is applied, a saddle point of the energy is formed, and high, moderate, and low damping regimes (similar to those for particles) appear. Here we present the first analytical and numerical study of crossovers between the uniaxial and other regimes for spin systems. It is shown that there is one HD-Uniaxial crossover, whereas at low damping the uniaxial and LD regimes are separated by two crossovers.Comment: 4 PR pages, 3 figures, final published versio

    Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg effect in a model of interacting tunneling systems

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    The Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg (LZS) effect in a model system of interacting tunneling particles is studied numerically and analytically. Each of N tunneling particles interacts with each of the others with the same coupling J. This problem maps onto that of the LZS effect for a large spin S=N/2. The mean-field limit N=>\infty corresponds to the classical limit S=>\infty for the effective spin. It is shown that the ferromagnetic coupling J>0 tends to suppress the LZS transitions. For N=>\infty there is a critical value of J above which the staying probability P does not go to zero in the slow sweep limit, unlike the standard LZS effect. In the same limit for J>0 LZS transitions are boosted and P=0 for a set of finite values of the sweep rate. Various limiting cases such as strong and weak interaction, slow and fast sweep are considered analytically. It is shown that the mean-field approach works well for arbitrary N if the interaction J is weak.Comment: 13 PR pages, 15 Fig

    Statistical Mechanics for Unstable States in Gel'fand Triplets and Investigations of Parabolic Potential Barriers

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    Free energies and other thermodynamical quantities are investigated in canonical and grand canonical ensembles of statistical mechanics involving unstable states which are described by the generalized eigenstates with complex energy eigenvalues in the conjugate space of Gel'fand triplet. The theory is applied to the systems containing parabolic potential barriers (PPB's). The entropy and energy productions from PPB systems are studied. An equilibrium for a chemical process described by reactions A+CB⇄AC+BA+CB\rightleftarrows AC+B is also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, AmS-LaTeX, no figur

    Field dependence of the temperature at the peak of the ZFC magnetization

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    The effect of an applied magnetic field on the temperature at the maximum of the ZFC magnetization, MZFCM_{ZFC}, is studied using the recently obtained analytic results of Coffey et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 80}(1998) 5655) for the prefactor of the N\'{e}el relaxation time which allow one to precisely calculate the prefactor in the N\'{e}el-Brown model and thus the blocking temperature as a function of the coefficients of the Taylor series expansion of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The present calculations indicate that even a precise determination of the prefactor in the N\'{e}el-Brown theory, which always predicts a monotonic decrease of the relaxation time with increasing field, is insufficient to explain the effect of an applied magnetic field on the temperature at the maximum of the ZFC magnetization. On the other hand, we find that the non linear field-dependence of the magnetization along with the magnetocrystalline anisotropy appears to be of crucial importance to the existence of this maximum.Comment: 14 LaTex209 pages, 6 EPS figures. To appear in J. Phys.: Condensed Matte

    Bound-bound pair production in relativistic collisions

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    Electron-positron pair production is considered in the relativistic collision of a nucleus and an anti-nucleus, in which both leptons are created in bound states of the corresponding nucleus-lepton system. Compared to free and bound-free pair production this process is shown to display a qualitatively different dependency both on the impact energy and charged of the colliding particles. Interestingly, at high impact energies the cross section for this process is found to be larger than that for the analogous atomic process of non-radiative electron capture although the latter does not involve the creation of new particles.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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