11 research outputs found

    Mitigating First Year Burnout: How Reimagined Partnerships Could Support Urban Middle Level Teachers

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    Given what we know about new teacher attrition—most teachers leave within their first five years in the field—specialized support during early years of teaching is critical. But should this support look different across different contexts and grade bands? What does supportive teacher education and induction look like for middle level educators preparing to teach in urban settings? This essay describes steps taken to design a cross-institutional, collaborative 3-year residency program for K-8 educators, and speaks to the importance of reimagined co-teaching, critical, and cross-institutional partnerships in middle grades teacher education. The authors urge readers to consider how to implement similar modifications in their own spaces to create powerful, collaborative middle grades teacher education and induction

    “You don’t ask Paul Simon to do a duet with Nickelback”: Examining mathematics teacher collaboration

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    Utilizing narrative inquiry, this study documents the experiences of one middle level mathematics teacher (Andrew) as he works to design mathematics lessons focused on student empowerment and power-sharing. We share snapshots of Andrew’s three-year story—a story focused on engagement, push-back, collaboration, and Andrew’s decision leave his school after three years. Implications for teacher education and support programs are shared

    Questions of truth: Ethical and moral wanderings in middle grades mathematics classrooms and research

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    This paper describes two researchers engagement with two teachers as they taught a middle grades mathematics course, Current Events Math, in a large urban school district. The researchers share bits of data and their ethical entanglements as they entered into the site to find the truth about what works in middle grades mathematics classrooms only to realize that truth cannot be found through research. They then grappled with the question of the purpose of research and their roles as researchers in the school and the academy

    As interseções do self e as políticas: Uma pesquisa poética sobre a complexidade da formação de professores

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    This article explores the intersection of selves and policies for teacher educators in an era of teacher education reform. Borne out of a promise to one another to write about our experiences navigating increasingly complex market-driven, neoliberal attacks on our work and world, we collected data across several years that documented our attempt to break our silence (Lorde, 1977) and explore how we, as teacher educators, make sense of neoliberal reforms and policies in teacher preparation. We draw specifically on Dunn’s theory of the Hydra of Teacher Education (2016), alongside literature on reforms and policies in teacher preparation and teacher educators’ forms of resistance to frame our work, and utilize arts-based poetic inquiry methodology (Prendergast, 2009; Rath, 2001) to explore the real, everyday implications of educational policy in our lives and in our careers. The poems we created as a “performative act” (Prendergast, 2009, p. xxiii) revealed that our experiences seemed to follow a cycle from hopelessness, to silence, to acquiescence, to collective resistance. We look carefully at this last portion of the cycle in our work, wondering how, if at all, teacher educators can resist the neoliberalization of teacher preparation. We conclude with implications for research, policy, and the practice of teacher education as we write to understand, write to resist, and write to survive.Este artículo explora la intersección del yo y las políticas para la educación del profesorado en una era de reforma de la formación docente. Nacidos de una promesa mutua de escribir sobre nuestras experiencias navegando cada vez más complejos ataques neoliberales impulsados por el mercado en nuestro trabajo y en el mundo, recopilamos datos durante varios años que documentaban nuestro intento de romper nuestro silencio (Lorde, 1977) y exploramos cómo nosotros damos sentido a las reformas y políticas neoliberales en la preparación de los docentes, como formadores de docentes. Nos referimos específicamente a la teoría de Dunn en Hydra of Teacher Education (2016), junto con la literatura sobre reformas y políticas de preparación docente y las formas de resistencia de los formadores de docentes para enmarcar nuestro trabajo, y utilizar una metodología de investigación poética basada en las artes (Prendergast, 2009; Rath, 2001) para explorar las implicaciones reales y cotidianas de la política educativa en nuestras vidas y en nuestras carreras. Los poemas que creamos como un “acto performativo” (Prendergast, 2009, p. Xxiii) revelaron que nuestras experiencias parecían seguir un ciclo desde la desesperanza, al silencio, a la aquiescencia, a la resistencia colectiva. Miramos detenidamente esta última parte del ciclo en nuestro trabajo, preguntándonos cómo, si es que lo hacen, los formadores de docentes pueden resistir la neoliberalización de la preparación del maestro. Concluimos con implicaciones para la investigación, las políticas y la práctica de la formación docente mientras escribimos para comprender, escribimos para resistir y escribimos para sobrevivir.Este artigo explora a interseção do eu e das políticas para a formação de professores em uma era de reforma da formação docente. Nascido de uma promessa mútua de escrever sobre nossas experiências explorando ataques neoliberais cada vez mais complexos, impulsionados pelo mercado em nosso trabalho e no mundo, recolhemos dados por vários anos documentando nossa tentativa de romper nosso silêncio (Lorde, 1977) e nós exploramos nós damos sentido às reformas e políticas neoliberais na preparação de professores como como educadores de professores. Referimo-nos especificamente à teoria de Dunn na Hydra of Teacher Education (2016), juntamente com a literatura sobre reformas e políticas de preparação de professores e as formas de resistência dos educadores de professores para enquadrar nosso trabalho e usar uma metodologia de pesquisa poética com base nas artes (Prendergast, 2009; Rath, 2001) para explorar as implicações reais e diárias da política educacional em nossas vidas e carreiras. Os poemas que criamos como um “ato performativo” (Prendergast, 2009, p. xxiii) revelaram que nossas experiências pareciam acompanhar o ciclo do desespero, do silêncio, da aquiescência, da resistência coletiva. Observamos atentamente esta última parte do ciclo em nosso trabalho, perguntando-nos como, se o fizerem, educadores de professores podem resistir à neoliberalização da preparação de professores. Concluímos com implicações para a pesquisa, políticas e práticas de formação de professores à medida que escrevemos para compreender, escrever para resistir e escrever para sobreviver

    Navigating the Contested Terrain of Teacher Education Policy and Practice: Authors Respond to SCALE

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    Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) provided a commentary on the manuscripts in the first part of this special issue, which highlighted the benefits of edTPA and the necessity for such assessment programs to improve teacher education and strengthen teaching practices. In turn, the authors responded to the SCALE commentary. The authors’ responses raise concerns about equity, fairness, and unintended consequences of teacher performance assessments. These responses highlight the need for continued dialogue on ways to improve teacher education and strengthen the teaching profession

    Navegando no terreno disputado da política e prática da formação de professores: Os autores respondem a SCALE

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    Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) provided a commentary on the manuscripts in the first part of this special issue, which highlighted the benefits of edTPA and the necessity for such assessment programs to improve teacher education and strengthen teaching practices. In turn, the authors responded to the SCALE commentary. The authors’ responses raise concerns about equity, fairness, and unintended consequences of teacher performance assessments. These responses highlight the need for continued dialogue on ways to improve teacher education and strengthen the teaching profession.Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE) ofreció un comentario sobre los manuscritos en la primera parte de esta edicion especial, que destacó los beneficios de edTPA y la necesidad de dichos programas de evaluación para mejorar la formación docente y para fortalecer las prácticas docentes. A la vez, los autores respondieron al comentario SCALE. Las respuestas de los autores plantean inquietudes sobre la equidad, la rectitud y las consecuencias involuntarias de las evaluaciones del desempeño docente. Estas respuestas revelan la necesidad de un diálogo continuo sobre las formas de mejorar la formación docente y fortalecer la profesión docente.Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Stanford (SCALE) ofereceu um comentário sobre os manuscritos na primeira parte desta edição especial, que destacou os benefícios do edTPA e a necessidade de tais programas de avaliação para melhorar a formação de professores e fortalecer práticas de ensino. Ao mesmo tempo, os autores responderam ao comentário SCALE. As respostas dos autores levantam preocupações sobre equidade, retidão e as conseqüências involuntárias das avaliações de desempenho dos professores. Essas respostas revelam a necessidade de um diálogo contínuo sobre formas de melhorar a formação de professores e fortalecer a profissão docente

    737306 – Supplemental material for Reframing for Social Justice: The Influence of Critical Friendship Groups on Preservice Teachers’ Reflective Practice

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    <p>Supplemental material, 737306 for Reframing for Social Justice: The Influence of Critical Friendship Groups on Preservice Teachers’ Reflective Practice by Nadia Behizadeh, Clarice Thomas and Stephanie Behm Cross in Journal of Teacher Education</p

    Reconsidering the local after a transformative global experience : a comparison of two study abroad programs for preservice teachers

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    Denna jämförande studie analyserar två lärarstudenters erfarenheter av utlandsstudier - en fyra månader lång skolpraktik i Sverige och en treveckors interkulturell intensivkurs med skolobservationer i Frankrike. Trots att de skilde sig åt gällande längd och struktur, syftade bägge programmen till att utveckla lärarstudenternas förståelse av mångfald och pedagogik ur ett globalt perspektiv. Genom användning av bl.a. transformativ lärandeteori (Mezirow, 1991) utgick studien från följande frågor: (1) Vilka erfarenheter gällande lokal/global mångfald och pedagogik gör lärarstudenter i två skilda program som inbegriper utlandsstudier? (2) Vilka programinslag bidrar till transformativt lärande? Resultaten betonar vikten av relevanta och interaktiva uppgifter, verkliga erfarenheter och stödjandet av personlig utveckling så att studenter kan bli globalare i sitt tänkande.This comparative case study analyzes two study abroad experiences for preservice teachers—a 4-month student teaching placement in Sweden and a 3-week intensive intercultural course with school observations in France. Although they differed in duration and structure, both programs focused on developing preservice teachers’ understandings of diversity and pedagogy in a global context. Using transformative learning theory (Mezirow, 1991) research questions included (1) What are preservice teachers’ experiences in two different study abroad programs focused on local/global diversity and pedagogy? (2) According to participants, what programmatic elements contribute to transformative learning experiences in such programs? Results underscore the need for relevant and interactive assignments, hands-on experiences, and support for personal growth in programs that aim to help preservice teachers “go global.