25 research outputs found
Alternative Perspektiven für den Marktzugang und die Landwirtschaftlichen Exporte aus den Ländern des Südens
Einleitung Der jüngste Bericht der Weltbank über die weltweite Entwicklung (Weltbank, 2001) befasst sich mit dem Kampf gegen die Armut und dem Abbau der Ungleichheiten. Er empfiehlt einen besseren Zugang zu Arbeit und Einkommen, insbesondere für die Ärmsten. Die internationale Gemeinschaft möchte dazu ins besondere den Zugang zu grösseren und reicheren Märkten fördern, das heisst, zu den Märkten der Länder mit hohem Einkommen (Weltbank, 2001). Produktion und Handel mit Gütern und Dienstleistu..
Alternative Perspektiven für den Marktzugang und die Landwirtschaftlichen Exporte aus den Ländern des Südens
Einleitung Der jüngste Bericht der Weltbank über die weltweite Entwicklung (Weltbank, 2001) befasst sich mit dem Kampf gegen die Armut und dem Abbau der Ungleichheiten. Er empfiehlt einen besseren Zugang zu Arbeit und Einkommen, insbesondere für die Ärmsten. Die internationale Gemeinschaft möchte dazu ins besondere den Zugang zu grösseren und reicheren Märkten fördern, das heisst, zu den Märkten der Länder mit hohem Einkommen (Weltbank, 2001). Produktion und Handel mit Gütern und Dienstleistu..
Perspectives alternatives sur l’accès aux marchés et sur les exportations agricoles des pays du Sud
L’auteure remercie Olivier Matringe pour sa lecture critique et ses nombreux et passionnants commentaires. Introduction Le dernier rapport sur le développement mondial de la Banque mondiale (World Bank 2001) aborde la lutte contre la pauvreté et la réduction de l’inégalité. Il préconise un meilleur accès à l’emploi et au revenu, cela particulièrement pour les plus défavorisés. L’accès à des marchés plus vastes et plus riches, c’est-à -dire aux marchés des pays à hauts revenus, est l’une des so..
Perspectives alternatives sur l’accès aux marchés et sur les exportations agricoles des pays du Sud
L’auteure remercie Olivier Matringe pour sa lecture critique et ses nombreux et passionnants commentaires. Introduction Le dernier rapport sur le développement mondial de la Banque mondiale (World Bank 2001) aborde la lutte contre la pauvreté et la réduction de l’inégalité. Il préconise un meilleur accès à l’emploi et au revenu, cela particulièrement pour les plus défavorisés. L’accès à des marchés plus vastes et plus riches, c’est-à -dire aux marchés des pays à hauts revenus, est l’une des so..
Urbane Landwirtschaft: das FUI-Projekt. Serie ProfiCrops
Das öffentliche Interesse an urbaner Landwirtschaft ist in den letzten Jahren enorm gestiegen. Im Projekt Food Urbanism Initiative (FUI), einem Projekt des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms «Neue urbane Qualität» (NFP 65), wurden Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der urbanen Nahrungsmittelproduktion am Beispiel der Stadt Lausanne untersucht
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Variations in services and intervention pathways for traumatic stress in Welsh prisons: a national survey
Both Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are prevalent in prison settings. Both often go undetected and untreated, while prisoners who already suffered previous trauma may be re-traumatised upon imprisonment. The current study aimed to conduct a national survey of all Welsh prisons to gather information about existing services and treatments for traumatic stress. The survey identified variation within Welsh prisons with regard to NICE-recommended evidence-based therapies. It is therefore recommended that there needs to be development of a pathway of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the prison system which should be achieved through a consensus process of both frontline staff and experts in the field
An optimal trauma-informed pathway for PTSD, complex PTSD and other mental health and psychosocial impacts of trauma in prisons: an expert consensus statement
People in prisons have high levels of trauma exposure throughout their lives. Presentations are often complex, with a high prevalence of PTSD and CPTSD and other mental health comorbidities. Prisons themselves can be stressful and traumatising environments. There are challenges in the delivery of effective treatments for PTSD and CPTSD. There is a need for the development of effective clinical pathways for these conditions that are embedded within trauma-informed organisational approaches. Responding to this need, this report is the result of a multidisciplinary expert consensus meeting and review of the research literature on PTSD, CPTSD, associated comorbidities and optimal approaches to trauma-informed practice. The group consisted of 24 expert representatives from psychology, psychiatry, healthcare, academia, social care and Welsh Government. The meeting commenced with presentations on various aspects of the clinical pathway for PTSD and complex PTSD in prisons, and of applications of trauma-informed practice within prisons. Small sub-groups then provided practical recommendations and solutions relevant to their assigned topic. Findings were presented to all meeting attendees for another round of discussion and debate, until consensus was reached. The resulting recommendations provide guidance to improve identification, treatment and support for people living in prison who have experienced trauma
An optimal trauma-informed pathway for PTSD, complex PTSD and other mental health and psychosocial impacts of trauma in prisons: an expert consensus statement
People in prisons have high levels of trauma exposure throughout their lives. Presentations are often complex, with a high prevalence of PTSD and CPTSD and other mental health comorbidities. Prisons themselves can be stressful and traumatising environments. There are challenges in the delivery of effective treatments for PTSD and CPTSD. There is a need for the development of effective clinical pathways for these conditions that are embedded within trauma-informed organisational approaches. Responding to this need, this report is the result of a multidisciplinary expert consensus meeting and review of the research literature on PTSD, CPTSD, associated comorbidities and optimal approaches to trauma-informed practice. The group consisted of 24 expert representatives from psychology, psychiatry, healthcare, academia, social care and Welsh Government. The meeting commenced with presentations on various aspects of the clinical pathway for PTSD and complex PTSD in prisons, and of applications of trauma-informed practice within prisons. Small sub-groups then provided practical recommendations and solutions relevant to their assigned topic. Findings were presented to all meeting attendees for another round of discussion and debate, until consensus was reached. The resulting recommendations provide guidance to improve identification, treatment and support for people living in prison who have experienced trauma
Tillbaka till framtiden : (Ett studium av) nejsägande framtidsrevolutionärer
The Swedish magazine Ă…ter, which offers a forum for people with an interest in making a self-sufficient household, constitutes the material for this study. The magazine is exemined with an interest in finding outspoken and unspoken ideological values that may be considered as the motivation to actively choose an alternative lifestyle such as the one a self-sufficient household represents. The main interest for doing so is to elucidate any views on modernity from the many voices in the magazine. Previous studies of similar lifestyle choices have had a focus on them being a part of a social movement or a result of an enviromental awareness. This study increases the understanding of this lifestyle as being a reaction against a modernity that does not agree with their individual experiences of a meaningful existence. Several complementary theoretical perspectives have been regarded in order to examine the ample material, with main emphasis on Ulrich Beck and his notion of subpolitics and reflexive modernity. As a result, the study suggests that the magazine offers an intellectural fellowship for people interested in creating a self-sufficient household. Within that community spirit several issues are raised against the industrial modernity, as well as numerous suggestions for how to create a new, reflexive, modernity