19 research outputs found

    Estimating growth of tropical tunas in the Indian Ocean using tag-recapture data and otolith-based age estimates

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    International audienceA growth model from which the expected age of a fish can be estimated based on its length is a key component to most stock assessments. For the three tropical tuna species in the Indian Ocean – yellowfin (YFT; Thunnus albacares), bigeye (BET; T. obesus) and skipjack (SKJ; Katsuwonus pelamis) – information about growth has been very limited until recently, when data from a large-scale Indian Ocean tuna tagging program became available. In this paper, parametric growth models were fit to tag-recapture data for all three species using a maximum likelihood method that models the joint density of release and recapture lengths as a function of age by treating age at tagging as a random variable. The method allows for individual variability in growth by modelling the asymptotic length parameter as a random effect. Direct age and length data from otolith readings were also included in the analysis for YFT and BET. The results support two-stanza growth models for all three species; however, the growth patterns for YFT and BET differ from SKJ. YFT and BET exhibit a transition in growth between age 2 and 3, with faster growth in the second stanza than the first, whereas SKJ exhibit a transition in growth around age 1, with much faster growth in the first stanza than the second. Most likely, YFT and BET also experience a phase of rapid growth directly following hatching, but lack of data for fish less than 50 cm for these species precludes its estimation. Differences in growth between sexes were found for YFT and BET, with males growing to a larger size; information on sex was not available for SKJ

    Trophic resources and mercury exposure of two silvertip shark populations in the northeast Pacific Ocean

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    Worldwide shark populations have experienced rapid declines over the last decades, mainly due to overfishing. Marine protected areas (MPAs) have thus become an indispensable tool for the protection of these marine predators. Two recently-created MPAs in the Northeast Pacific Ocean, the Revillagigedo National Park and Clipperton atoll, are characterized by different trophic structures potentially influencing trophic niche and contaminant exposure for resident sharks in these two sites. In this context, we used carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope analyzes as well as total mercury concentrations ([THg]) to assess the role of foraging site on the trophic niche and Hg levels of juvenile ST sharks Carcharhinus albimarginatus. Analyzing fin clip samples from both Revillagigedo and Clipperton, we found that shark δ15N varied spatially in relation to δ15N baselines, suggesting similar trophic position in both MPAs. Moreover, δ13C values indicated that ST sharks from Revillagigedo would feed on different food webs (i.e. both benthic and pelagic) while individuals from Clipperton would only rely on benthic food webs. These differences between MPAs led to a weak overlap of isotopic niche between the two populations, highlighting site residency for juvenile ST sharks. Within populations, [THg] was not correlated to trophic tracers (δ15N and δ13C) and was also similar between populations. This study revealed no influence of site or food web in [THg] and raises the question of the origin of Hg exposure for reef shark populations in the Northeast Pacific Ocean

    Mercury stable isotopes suggest reduced foraging depth in oxygen minimum zones for blue sharks

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    International audienceOxygen minimum zones (OMZs) are currently expanding across the global ocean due to climate change, leadingto a compression of usable habitat for several marine species. Mercury stable isotope compositions provide aspatially and temporally integrated view of marine predator foraging habitat and its variability with environ-mental conditions. Here, we analyzed mercury isotopes in blue sharks Prionace glauca from normoxic waters inthe northeastern Atlantic and from the world's largest and shallowest OMZ, located in the northeastern Pacific(NEP). Blue sharks from the NEP OMZ area showed higher Δ199Hg values compared to sharks from the north-eastern Atlantic, indicating a reduction in foraging depth of approximately 200 m. Our study suggests for the firsttime that blue shark feeding depth is altered by expanding OMZs and illustrates the use of mercury isotopes toassess the impacts of ocean deoxygenation on the vertical foraging habitat of pelagic predators

    Do marine protected areas influence mercury exposure? Insights from a shark community in the tropical Northeast Pacific

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    Biomass depletion caused by overfishing is likely to alter the structure of food webs and impact mercury transfer to marine predators. Although marine protected areas (MPAs) are spared from fishing pressure, their influence on biota mercury levels is poorly understood. Here, we used carbon and nitrogen stable isotope compositions as well as mercury concentrations in fin clips to characterize foraging habitat and mercury exposure of a shark community composed of migratory and resident species of the Revillagigedo archipelago, an offshore MPA in the Northeast Pacific off Mexico. We found that the probability of finding migratory sharks in the isotopic niche of Revillagigedo-resident sharks was low, likely reflecting the use of habitats outside the archipelago by highly mobile species. Community-wide variations in mercury were primarily explained by shark length, revealing that bioaccumulation was the main driver of Hg concentrations. We failed to detect a clear effect of foraging habitat on shark mercury exposure, which may be related to migratory species using both exploited and protected areas when moving outside the Revillagigedo MPA. More similar studies on the potential mitigation of Hg contamination by MPAs are needed in the future if fishing pressure increases to satisfy the growing global human populatio

    Mercury isotopes as tracers of ecology and metabolism in two sympatric shark species

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    International audienceIn coastal ecosystems, top predators are exposed to a wide variety of nutrient and contaminant sources due to the diversity of trophic webs within coastal areas. Mercury contamination could represent an additional threat to shark populations that are declining worldwide. Here we measured total mercury, carbon and nitrogen isotopes as well as mercury isotopes in two co-occurring shark species (the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas and the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier) and their prey from a coastal ecosystem of the western Indian Ocean (La Réunion Island), to (i) determine their main trophic Hg source and (ii) better characterize their diet composition and foraging habitat. Hg isotope signatures (Δ199Hg and δ202Hg) of shark prey suggested that bull sharks were exposed to methylmercury (MeHg) produced in the water column while tiger sharks were exposed to mesopelagic MeHg with additional microbial transformation in slope sediments. Δ199Hg values efficiently traced the ecology of the two predators, demonstrating that bull sharks targeted coastal prey in shallow waters while tiger sharks were mainly foraging on mesopelagic species in the slope deeper waters. Unexpectedly, we found a positive shift in δ202Hg (>1‰) between sharks and their prey, leading to high δ202Hg values in the two shark species (e.g. 1.91 ± 0.52‰ in the bull shark). This large shift in δ202Hg indicates that sharks may display strong MeHg demethylation abilities, possibly reflecting evolutionary pathways for mitigating their MeHg contamination

    Foraging depth depicts resource partitioning and contamination level in a pelagic shark assemblage: Insights from mercury stable isotopes

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    International audienceThe decline of shark populations in the world ocean is affecting ecosystem structure and function in an unpredictable way and new ecological information is today needed to better understand the role of sharks in their habitats. In particular, the characterization of foraging patterns is crucial to understand and foresee the evolution of dynamics between sharks and their prey. Many shark species use the mesopelagic area as a major foraging ground but the degree to which different pelagic sharks rely on this habitat remains overlooked. In order to depict the vertical dimension of their trophic ecology, we used mercury stable isotopes in the muscle of three pelagic shark species (the blue shark Prionace glauca, the shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus and the smooth hammerhead shark Sphyrna zygaena) from the northeastern Pacific region. The Δ199Hg values, ranging from 1.40 to 2.13‰ in sharks, suggested a diet mostly based on mesopelagic prey in oceanic habitats. We additionally used carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) alone or in combination with Δ199Hg values, to assess resource partitioning between the three shark species. Adding Δ199Hg resulted in a decrease in trophic overlap estimates compared to those based on δ13C/δ15N alone, demonstrating that multi-isotope modeling is needed for accurate trophic description of the three species. Mainly, it reveals that they forage at different average depths and that resource partitioning is mostly expressed through the vertical dimension within pelagic shark assemblages. Concomitantly, muscle total mercury concentration (THg) differed between species and increased with feeding depth. Overall, this study highlights the key role of the mesopelagic zone for shark species foraging among important depth gradients and reports new ecological information on trophic competition using mercury isotopes. It also suggests that foraging depth may play a pivotal role in the differences between muscle THg from co-occurring high trophic level shark species

    Mercury concentrations, biomagnification and isotopic discrimination factors in two seabird species from the Humboldt Current ecosystem

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    Assessing mercury (Hg) biomagnification requires the description of prey-predator relationships, for each species and ecosystem, usually based on carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses. Here, we analyzed two seabirds from the Humboldt Current ecosystem, the Guanay cormorant (Phalacrocorax bougainvillii) and the Peruvian booby (Sula variegata), as well as their main prey, the Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens). We reported Hg concentrations, Hg biomagnification (BMF) and isotopic discrimination factors (Δ13C and Δ15N) in seabird whole blood. BMFs and Δ13C in our study (on wild birds where diet was not controlled) were similar to other piscivorous seabirds previously studied in captive settings, but Δ15N were lower than most captive experiments. We observed lower Hg concentrations in Humboldt seabirds compared to other oligotrophic ecosystems, possibly due to Hg biodilution in the high biomass of the first trophic levels. This work calls for a better characterization of Hg trophic dynamics in productive upwelling ecosystems

    Metal subcellular partitioning determines excretion pathways and sensitivity to cadmium toxicity in two marine fish species

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    International audienceSubcellular cadmium (Cd) partitioning was investigated in the liver of two marine fish species, the European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax and the Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis, dietary exposed to an environmentally realistic Cd dose for two months followed by a two-month depuration. Cd exposure did not modify Cd cellular partitioning for either species, refuting the spillover hypothesis. Both species contained most of the Cd in the detoxifying fraction but displayed different handling strategies. Cd was largely bound to heat stable proteins (HSP) including metallothioneins (MT) in sea bass while Cd was more linked to metal rich granules (MRG) in sole. Whole liver concentrations and subcellular partitioning were also determined for essential elements. The greatest impairment of essential metal homeostasis due to Cd exposure was found in sole. These elements followed the Cd partitioning pattern, suggesting that they are involved in antioxidant responses against Cd toxicity. Cd consumption diminished sole growth in terms of body weight, probably due to lipid storage impairment. During the depuration period, the two species showed contrasting partitioning patterns, implying different pathways for Cd elimination from the liver. In sea bass, MT-bound Cd would be excreted through bile or released into blood, crossing the cell membrane via a protein transporter. In sole, MRG-bound Cd would be sequestered by organelles before being released into the blood via vesicular exocytosis. These distinct strategies in cellular Cd handling in the liver might account for differential sensitivity to Cd toxicity and differential Cd excretion pathways between the two marine fish species