8 research outputs found

    Combined COI barcode-based methods to avoid mislabelling of threatened species of deep-sea skates

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    Skates are characterised by conservative body morphology which hampers identification and leads to frequent taxonomic confusion and market mislabelling. Accurate specimen classification is crucial for reliable stock assessments and effective conservation plans, otherwise the risk of extinction could be unnoticed. The misclassification issue is evident for the genus Dipturus, distributed worldwide, from the continental shelf and slope to the deep sea. In this study, barcode cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI) sequences were used along with species delimitation and specimen assignment methods to improve taxonomy and zoogeography of species of conservation interest inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. In this study, we provided new evidence of the occurence of D. nidarosiensis in the Central-Western Mediterranean Sea and the lack of Atlantic-Mediterranean genetic divergence. The Atlantic endangered species D. laevis and D. batis clustered together under the same molecular operational taxonomic unit (MOTU) with any delimitation methods used, while the assignment approach correctly discriminated specimens into the two species. These results provided evidence that the presence of the barcode gap is not an essential predictor of identification success, but the use of different approaches is crucially needed for specimen classification, especially when threshold- or tree-based methods result less powerful. The analyses also showed how different putative, vulnerable, species dwelling across South-Western Atlantic and South-Eastern Pacific are frequently misidentified in public sequence repositories. Our study emphasised the limits associated to public databases, highlighting the urgency to verify and implement the information deposited therein in order to guarantee accurate species identification and thus effective conservation measures for deep-sea skates

    Strongly structured populations and reproductive habitat fragmentation increase the vulnerability of the Mediterranean starry ray Raja asterias (Elasmobranchii, Rajidae)

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    The Mediterranean starry ray (Raja asterias) populations within the Mediterranean Sea are susceptible to high rates of bycatch in the multispecies trawl fisheries. Understanding its population structure and identifying critical habitats are crucial for assessing species vulnerability and setting the groundwork for specific management measures to prevent population decline. To assess the population structure of R. asterias in the Mediterranean, the genetic variation in nine population samples at one mitochondrial marker and eight nuclear microsatellite loci was analysed. Moreover, 172 egg cases collected in the Strait of Sicily were identified at species level using integrated molecular and morphological approaches. Genetic analyses revealed that the Mediterranean starry ray comprises three distinct units inhabiting the western, the central-western, and the central-eastern areas of the Mediterranean. An admixture zone occurs in the Strait of Sicily and the Ionian Sea, where individuals of the central-western and central-eastern population units intermingle. The joint morphometric–genetic analyses of rajid egg cases confirmed the presence of more than one species in the admixture area, with a predominance of egg cases laid by R. asterias. DNA barcoding revealed that egg cases and embryos of R. asterias shared several haplotypes with adult individuals from the central-western and central-eastern Mediterranean Sea, revealing that females of both populations laid numerous eggs in this area. According to these findings, detailed taxonomic determination of egg cases, when combined with seasonal migration studies, could improve the capability to identify important spawning or nursery areas for the Mediterranean starry ray, particularly in those admixture zones relevant to maintaining genetic diversity. Finally, these new insights should be considered to update the Action Plan for the Conservation of Cartilaginous Fishes in the Mediterranean Sea with effective measures to reduce the impact of skate bycatch in trawling and safeguard egg cases in nursery areas


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    Biometrics of 12 egg-cases of R. asterias in the Strait of Sicily were reported. Measures were taken on cases sampled from mature females or attributed to the species by molecular analyses of embryos

    Combined COI barcode-based methods to avoid mislabelling of threatened species of deep-sea skates

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    none12siSkates are characterised by conservative body morphology which hampers identification and leads to frequent taxonomic confusion and market mislabelling. Accurate specimen classification is crucial for reliable stock assessments and effective conservation plans, otherwise the risk of extinction could be unnoticed. The misclassification issue is evident for the genus Dipturus, distributed worldwide, from the continental shelf and slope to the deep sea. In this study, barcode cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI) sequences were used along with species delimitation and specimen assignment methods to improve taxonomy and zoogeography of species of conservation interest inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. In this study, we provided new evidence of the occurence of D. nidarosiensis in the Central-Western Mediterranean Sea and the lack of Atlantic-Mediterranean genetic divergence. The Atlantic endangered species D. laevis and D. batis clustered together under the same molecular operational taxonomic unit (MOTU) with any delimitation methods used, while the assignment approach correctly discriminated specimens into the two species. These results provided evidence that the presence of the barcode gap is not an essential predictor of identification success, but the use of different approaches is crucially needed for specimen classification, especially when threshold- or tree-based methods result less powerful. The analyses also showed how different putative, vulnerable, species dwelling across South-Western Atlantic and South-Eastern Pacific are frequently misidentified in public sequence repositories. Our study emphasised the limits associated to public databases, highlighting the urgency to verify and implement the information deposited therein in order to guarantee accurate species identification and thus effective conservation measures for deep-sea skates.openL. Carugati, R. Melis, A. Cariani, A. Cau, V. Crobe, A. Ferrari, M. C. Follesa, M. L. Geraci, S. P. Iglésias, P. Pesci, F. Tinti, R. CannasL. Carugati, R. Melis, A. Cariani, A. Cau, V. Crobe, A. Ferrari, M. C. Follesa, M. L. Geraci, S. P. Iglésias, P. Pesci, F. Tinti, R. Canna

    An identification key for Chondrichthyes egg cases of the Mediterranean and Black Sea

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    Chondrichthyan egg cases are important elements for species-specific identification and also provide a valuable aid in determining a species spatial distribution, as well as for defining spawning areas. Considering the absence of a general key for the identification of the egg cases of the Mediterranean Chondrichthyes, this work aims to fill this gap by presenting a species-specific key based on morphological features of the egg case. The key was developed primarily analysing fresh egg cases dissected from the oviduct, egg cases collected from the seabed or found dried lying on the seashore, after species confirmation by DNA analysis. Original data were integrated with information scrutinized from literature. In order to improve species identification, a protocol for the standardized acquisition of morpho-biometric and meristic features is also provided as a pre-requisite for the appropriate use of the identification key. The total width and length included the horns, when they are not broken, are the parameters that best explain the assignment of the egg case to a specific species