26 research outputs found

    Alopecia areata u bolesnice s graničnim poremećajem osobnosti uz istodobni poremećaj raspoloženja u obliku depresivne epizode

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    A case is presented of a 44-year-old female patient, highly educated, suffering from borderline personality disorder with comorbid mood disorder, manifested as a depressive episode, who had been suffering from acute emotional stress for a few months. She was through the procedure of divorce, losing her children by the court decision. Over a two-month period she had lost over 90% of her hair and started treatment for alopecia areata. She was simultaneously treated by a dermatologist and a psychiatrist, and attended group psychotherapy. The impact of psychological factors in the development, evolution and therapeutic management of alopecia areata was documented in this case. Life events and intrapsychically generated stress played an important role in triggering the disease. The treatment for the concomitant psychiatric disorder had a crucial role in this case because it had a favorable effect on the patient\u27s adaptation to her alopecia areata and social setting, and led to better dermatologic evolution of the disease.Prikazan je slučaj 44-godišnje visoko obrazovane bolesnice s graničnim poremećajem osobnosti uz istodobni poremećaj raspoloženja u obliku depresivne epizode, koja je nekoliko mjeseci proživljavala akutni emocionalni stres. Prošla je postupak razvoda braka, a sudskom joj odlukom djeca nisu dodijeljena. Kroz dva mjeseca izgubila je preko 90% kose i započela je liječenje zbog alopecie areate. Istodobno su ju liječili dermatolog i psihijatar, a pohađala je i grupnu terapiju. U ovom je slučaju dokumentiran utjecaj psiholoških čimbenika na razvoj, evoluciju i liječenje alopecie areate. životni događaji i psihički stres imali su važnu ulogu u pokretanju bolesti. Uloga liječenja u istodobnom psihičkom poremećaju bila je presudna u ovom slučaju, jer je imala pozitivan učinak na način na koji se je bolesnica prilagodila nastalom opadanju kose i društvenom okruženju, što je dovelo do boljeg dermatološkog razvoja alopecie areate

    The Solution Space of the Unitary Matrix Model String Equation and the Sato Grassmannian

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    The space of all solutions to the string equation of the symmetric unitary one-matrix model is determined. It is shown that the string equation is equivalent to simple conditions on points V1V_1 and V2V_2 in the big cell \Gr of the Sato Grassmannian GrGr. This is a consequence of a well-defined continuum limit in which the string equation has the simple form \lb \cp ,\cq_- \rb =\hbox{\rm 1}, with \cp and \cq_- 2Ă—22\times 2 matrices of differential operators. These conditions on V1V_1 and V2V_2 yield a simple system of first order differential equations whose analysis determines the space of all solutions to the string equation. This geometric formulation leads directly to the Virasoro constraints \L_n\,(n\geq 0), where \L_n annihilate the two modified-KdV \t-functions whose product gives the partition function of the Unitary Matrix Model.Comment: 21 page

    Expression of inhibitor of apoptosis protein Livin in renal cell carcinoma and non-tumorous adult kidney

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    The antiapoptotic Livin/ML-IAP gene has recently gained much attention as a potential new target for cancer therapy. Reports indicating that livin is expressed almost exclusively in tumours, but not in the corresponding normal tissue, suggested that the targeted inhibition of livin may present a novel tumour-specific therapeutic strategy. Here, we compared the expression of livin in renal cell carcinoma and in non-tumorous adult kidney tissue by quantitative real-time reverse transcription-PCR, immunoblotting, and immunohistochemistry. We found that livin expression was significantly increased in tumours (P=0.0077), but was also clearly detectable in non-tumorous adult kidney. Transcripts encoding Livin isoforms α and β were found in both renal cell carcinoma and normal tissue, without obvious qualitative differences. Livin protein in renal cell carcinoma samples exhibited cytoplasmic and/or nuclear staining. In non-tumorous kidney tissue, Livin protein expression was only detectable in specific cell types and restricted to the cytoplasm. Thus, whereas the relative overexpression of livin in renal cell carcinoma indicates that it may still represent a therapeutic target to increase the apoptotic sensitivity of kidney cancer cells, this strategy is likely to be not tumour-specific

    Modern venomics – Current insights, novel methods and future perspectives in biological and applied animal venom research

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    Venoms have evolved >100 times in all major animal groups, and their components, known as toxins, have been fine-tuned over millions of years into highly effective biochemical weapons. There are many outstanding questions on the evolution of toxin arsenals, such as how venom genes originate, how venom contributes to the fitness of venomous species, and which modifications at the genomic, transcriptomic, and protein level drive their evolution. These questions have received particularly little attention outside of snakes, cone snails, spiders, and scorpions. Venom compounds have further become a source of inspiration for translational research using their diverse bioactivities for various applications. We highlight here recent advances and new strategies in modern venomics and discuss how recent technological innovations and multi-omic methods dramatically improve research on venomous animals. The study of genomes and their modifications through CRISPR and knockdown technologies will increase our understanding of how toxins evolve and which functions they have in the different ontogenetic stages during the development of venomous animals. Mass spectrometry imaging combined with spatial transcriptomics, in situ hybridization techniques, and modern computer tomography gives us further insights into the spatial distribution of toxins in the venom system and the function of the venom apparatus. All these evolutionary and biological insights contribute to more efficiently identify venom compounds, which can then be synthesized or produced in adapted expression systems to test their bioactivity. Finally, we critically discuss recent agrochemical, pharmaceutical, therapeutic, and diagnostic (so-called translational) aspects of venoms from which humans benefit

    Azimuthal correlations of high transverse momentum jets at next-to-leading order in the parton branching method

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    AbstractThe azimuthal correlation, Δϕ12\Delta \phi _{12} Δ ϕ 12 , of high transverse momentum jets in pp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s}=13 s = 13  TeV is studied by applying PB-TMD distributions to NLO calculations via MCatNLO together with the PB-TMD parton shower. A very good description of the cross section as a function of Δϕ12\Delta \phi _{12} Δ ϕ 12 is observed. In the back-to-back region of Δϕ12→π{\Delta \phi _{12}}\rightarrow \pi Δ ϕ 12 → π , a very good agreement is observed with the PB-TMD Set 2 distributions while significant deviations are obtained with the PB-TMD Set 1 distributions. Set 1 uses the evolution scale while Set 2 uses transverse momentum as an argument in αs\alpha _\mathrm {s} α s , and the above observation therefore confirms the importance of an appropriate soft-gluon coupling in angular ordered parton evolution. The total uncertainties of the predictions are dominated by the scale uncertainties of the matrix element, while the uncertainties coming from the PB-TMDs and the corresponding PB-TMD shower are very small. The Δϕ12\Delta \phi _{12} Δ ϕ 12 measurements are also compared with predictions using MCatNLO together Pythia8, illustrating the importance of details of the parton shower evolution.</jats:p