6 research outputs found
A patient with three aortoenteric fistulas in a period of five years: case report
Background: Aortoenteric fistula (AEF) is a pathological communication between the aorta and gastrointestinal tract that presents a life-threatening condition. It can be primary or secondary, based on the underlying cause of
fistula development.
Case study: We present a 67-year-old female patient who suffered from three secondary AEFs in a period of five years. After two abdominal surgeries for gastric ulcer and colorectal adenocarcinoma (TNM stage II), the patient had an open abdominal aortic aneurysm reconstruction. For each AEF presentation, opened surgical reconstruction was performed.
Conclusion: Morbidity and mortality rates after AEF surgery are high despite advances in surgical techniques and materials. Three times recurrent AEF in a single patient with 5-years survival after initial reconstructive surgery is rare event
Portomesenteric Reconstruction during Whipple Procedure Using Autologous Left Renal Vein Patch Graft in a Patient with a Gastric Cancer Recurrence
The case of vascular reconstruction of the superior mesenteric and portal vein confluence using a left renal vein (LRV) graft has been researched in this paper. The patient was a 66-year-old female who presented with features of biliary obstruction. A contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan revealed bile duct dilatation and a common bile duct tumor mass. Four years ago, she underwent stomach resection with subsequent Billroth II gastrojejunostomy due to gastric cancer. After surgical resection, on histopathological and immunohistochemistry examination, a recurrence of previously resected poorly cohesive gastric cancer was found
Rijedak sluÄaj intraneuralnog hematoma medijanog živca nakon stentiranja desne ilijaÄne arterije: prikaz sluÄaja
Aim: Brachial artery access is an alternative approach to endovascular interventions when access to the femoral, radial, or ulnar arteries is not feasible, but it carries higher risk of periprocedural complications than other approaches, including median nerve injury. Nerve injuries can occur by direct puncture or by compression, with hematoma being the most common cause. Sometimes the compartment syndrome can accompany the direct nerve injury, masking the signs of a nerve dysfunction. Case report: We present a patient with a false aneurysm of brachial artery, surrounding soft tissue hematoma with volar arm and forearm compartment syndrome and a simultaneous median nerve intraneural hematoma caused by a direct punction. The combination of injuries occurred after brachial artery access for endovascular treatment of bilateral iliac artery steno-occlusive disease. The patient was successfully treated by fasciotomy, arterial sutures, and nerve decompression via paraneuriotomy. Conclusions: Intraneural hematoma caused by direct puncture can be masked by concomitant compartment syndrome. Emphasis should be put on prevention, early recognition, and timely surgical treatment of intraneural hematomas, especially those accompanied by fascial compartment syndrome after endovascular interventions.Cilj: Pristup brahijalnoj arteriji alternativni je pristup endovaskularnim intervencijama kada pristup femoralnoj, radijalnoj ili ulnarnoj arteriji nije izvediv, ali nosi veÄi rizik od periproceduralnih komplikacija nego drugi pristupi, Å”to ukljuÄuje i ozljede medijanog živca. Ozljede živca mogu nastati izravnom punkcijom ili kompresijom, pri Äemu je najÄeÅ”Äi uzrok hematom. Ponekad sindrom miÅ”iÄnih odjeljaka može pratiti izravnu ozljedu živca, prikrivajuÄi znakove živÄane lezije. Prikaz sluÄaja: Predstavljamo bolesnicu s lažnom aneurizmom brahijalne arterije, okolnim hematomom mekih tkiva, sindromom volarnog miÅ”iÄnog odjeljka nadlaktice i podlaktice te s istodobnim intraneuralnim hematomom medijalnog živca koji je bio uzrokovan izravnom punkcijom. Ove udružene ozljede nastale su nakon punkcije brahijalne arterije u sklopu endovaskularnog lijeÄenja bilateralne stenookluzivne bolesti ilijaÄne arterije. Pacijentica je bila uspjeÅ”no lijeÄena fasciotomijom, izravnim Å”avom arterije i dekompresijom živca (paraneuriotomijom). ZakljuÄci: Intraneuralni hematom uzrokovan izravnom punkcijom može biti prikriven znakovima prateÄeg sindroma miÅ”iÄnih odjeljaka. Stoga treba staviti naglasak na prevenciju, rano prepoznavanje i pravodobno kirurÅ”ko lijeÄenje intraneuralnih hematoma, osobito onih popraÄenih sindromom miÅ”iÄnog odjeljka nakon endovaskularnih intervencija