1,606 research outputs found

    Aspects of the ecology of mat-forming lichens

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    Lichen species in the genera Cladonia (subgenus Cladina), Cetraria, Stereocaulon and Alectoria are important vegetation components on well-drained terrain and on elevated micro-sites in peatlands in boreal-Arctic regions. These lichens often form closed mats, the component thalli in which grow vertically upwards at the apices and die off in the older basal regions; they are therefore only loosely attached to the underlying soil. This growth habit is relatively unusual in lichens being found in <0.5% of known species. It might facilitate internal nutrienr recycling and higher growth rates and, together with the production of allelochemicals, it might underlie the considerable ecological success of mat-forming lichens; experiments to critically assess the importance of these processes are required. Mat-forming lichens can constitute in excess of 60% of the winter food intake of caribou and reindeer. Accordingly there is a pressing need for data on lichen growth rates, measured as mass increment, in order to help determine the carrying capacity of winter ranges for rhese herbivores and to better predict recovery rates following grazing. Trampling during the snow-free season fragments lichen thalli; mat-forming lichens regenerate very successfully from thallus fragments provided trampling does nor re-occur. Frequent recurrence of trampling creates disturbed habitats from which lichens will rapidly become eliminated consistent with J.P. Grime's CSR strategy theory. Such damage to lichen ground cover has occurred where reindeer or caribou are unable to migrate away from their winter range such as on small islands or where political boundaries have been fenced; it can also occur on summer range that contains a significant lichen component and on winter range where numbers of migrarory animals become excessive. Species of Stereocaulon, and other genera that contain cyanobacteria (most notably Peltigera and Nephroma), are among the principal agents of nitrogen fixation in boreal-arctic regions. Stereocaulon-dominated subarctic woodlands provide excellent model systems in which to investigate the role of lichens in nitrogen cycling. Mat-forming lichens are sensitive indicators of atmospheric deposition partly because they occur in open situations in which they intercept precipitation and particulates directly with minimal modification by vascular plant overstoreys. Data from both the UK and northern Russia are presented to illustrate geographical relationships between lichen chemistry and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and acidity. The ecology of mat-fotming lichens remains under-researched and good opportunities exist for making significant contributions to this field including areas that relate directly to the management of arctic ungulates

    Detection of the ISW effect and corresponding dark energy constraints made with directional spherical wavelets

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    Using a directional spherical wavelet analysis we detect the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect, indicated by a positive correlation between the first-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) data. Detections are made using both a directional extension of the spherical Mexican hat wavelet and the spherical butterfly wavelet. We examine the possibility of foreground contamination and systematics in the WMAP data and conclude that these factors are not responsible for the signal that we detect. The wavelet analysis inherently enables us to localise on the sky those regions that contribute most strongly to the correlation. On removing these localised regions the correlation that we detect is reduced in significance, as expected, but it is not eliminated, suggesting that these regions are not the sole source of correlation between the data. This finding is consistent with predictions made using the ISW effect, where one would expect weak correlations over the entire sky. In a flat universe the detection of the ISW effect provides direct and independent evidence for dark energy. We use our detection to constrain dark energy parameters by deriving a theoretical prediction for the directional wavelet covariance statistic for a given cosmological model. Comparing these predictions with the data we place constraints on the equation-of-state parameter ww and the vacuum energy density ΩΛ\Omega_\Lambda. We also consider the case of a pure cosmological constant, i.e. w=−1w=-1. For this case we rule out a zero cosmological constant at greater than the 99.9% significance level. All parameter estimates that we obtain are consistent with the standand cosmological concordance model values.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures; replaced to match version accepted by MNRA

    Galactic periodicity and the oscillating G model

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    We consider the model involving the oscillation of the effective gravitational constant that has been put forward in an attempt to reconcile the observed periodicity in the galaxy number distribution with the standard cosmological models. This model involves a highly nonlinear dynamics which we analyze numerically. We carry out a detailed study of the bound that nucleosynthesis imposes on this model. The analysis shows that for any assumed value for Ω\Omega (the total energy density) one can fix the value of Ωbar\Omega_{\rm bar} (the baryonic energy density) in such a way as to accommodate the observational constraints coming from the 4He^4{\rm He} primordial abundance. In particular, if we impose the inflationary value Ω=1\Omega=1 the resulting baryonic energy density turns out to be Ωbar∌0.021\Omega_{\rm bar}\sim 0.021. This result lies in the very narrow range 0.016≀Ωbar≀0.0260.016 \leq \Omega_{\rm bar} \leq 0.026 allowed by the observed values of the primordial abundances of the other light elements. The remaining fraction of Ω\Omega corresponds to dark matter represented by a scalar field.Comment: Latex file 29 pages with no figures. Please contact M.Salgado for figures. A more careful study of the model appears in gr-qc/960603

    Recovering the Inflationary Potential

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    A procedure is developed for the recovery of the inflationary potential over the interval that affects astrophysical scales (\approx 1\Mpc - 10^4\Mpc). The amplitudes of the scalar and tensor metric perturbations and their power-spectrum indices, which can in principle be inferred from large-angle CBR anisotropy experiments and other cosmological data, determine the value of the inflationary potential and its first two derivatives. From these, the inflationary potential can be reconstructed in a Taylor series and the consistency of the inflationary hypothesis tested. A number of examples are presented, and the effect of observational uncertainties is discussed.Comment: 13 pages LaTeX, 6 Figs. available on request, FNAL-Pub-93/182-

    The evolution of bits and bottlenecks in a scientific workflow trying to keep up with technology: Accelerating 4D image segmentation applied to nasa data

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    In 2016, a team of earth scientists directly engaged a team of computer scientists to identify cyberinfrastructure (CI) approaches that would speed up an earth science workflow. This paper describes the evolution of that workflow as the two teams bridged CI and an image segmentation algorithm to do large scale earth science research. The Pacific Research Platform (PRP) and The Cognitive Hardware and Software Ecosystem Community Infrastructure (CHASE-CI) resources were used to significantly decreased the earth science workflow's wall-clock time from 19.5 days to 53 minutes. The improvement in wall-clock time comes from the use of network appliances, improved image segmentation, deployment of a containerized workflow, and the increase in CI experience and training for the earth scientists. This paper presents a description of the evolving innovations used to improve the workflow, bottlenecks identified within each workflow version, and improvements made within each version of the workflow, over a three-year time period

    The Doppler Peaks from Cosmic Texture

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    We compute the angular power spectrum of temperature anisotropies on the microwave sky in the cosmic texture theory, with standard recombination assumed. The spectrum shows `Doppler' peaks analogous to those in scenarios based on primordial adiabatic fluctuations such as `standard CDM', but at quite different angular scales. There appear to be excellent prospects for using this as a discriminant between inflationary and cosmic defect theories.Comment: 14 pages, latex, 3 figures, compressed and uuencoded, replaced version has minor typographical correction

    Non-Gaussian bubbles in the sky

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    We point out a possible generation mechanism of non-Gaussian bubbles in the sky due to bubble nucleation in the early universe. We consider a curvaton scenario for inflation and assume that the curvaton field phi, whose energy density is subdominant during inflation but which is responsible for the curvature perturbation of the universe, is coupled to another field sigma which undergoes false vacuum decay through quantum tunneling. For this model, we compute the skewness of the curvaton fluctuations due to its interaction with sigma during tunneling, that is, on the background of an instanton solution that describes false vacuum decay. We find that the resulting skewness of the curvaton can become large in the spacetime region inside the bubble. We then compute the corresponding skewness in the statistical distribution of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature fluctuations. We find a non-vanishing skewness in a bubble-shaped region in the sky. It can be large enough to be detected in the near future, and if detected it will bring us invaluable information about the physics in the early universe.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Correlations in Cosmic String Networks

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    We investigate scaling and correlations of the energy and momentum in an evolving network of cosmic strings in Minkowski space. These quantities are of great interest, as they must be understood before accurate predictions for the power spectra of the perturbations in the matter and radiation in the early Universe can be made. We argue that Minkowski space provides a reasonable approximation to a Friedmann background for string dynamics and we use our results to construct a simple model of the network, in which it is considered to consist of randomly placed segments moving with random velocities. This model works well in accounting for features of the two-time correlation functions, and even better for the power spectra.Comment: 20pp Plain LaTeX, 11 EPS figures, uses epsf.st

    Cosmological Imprint of an Energy Component with General Equation of State

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    We examine the possibility that a significant component of the energy density of the universe has an equation-of-state different from that of matter, radiation or cosmological constant (Λ\Lambda). An example is a cosmic scalar field evolving in a potential, but our treatment is more general. Including this component alters cosmic evolution in a way that fits current observations well. Unlike Λ\Lambda, it evolves dynamically and develops fluctuations, leaving a distinctive imprint on the microwave background anisotropy and mass power spectrum.Comment: revised version, with added references, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (4 pages Latex, 2 postscript figures

    CMB Anisotropy Induced by Cosmic Strings on Angular Scales > 15â€Č>~ 15'

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    We have computed an estimate of the angular power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) induced by cosmic strings on angular scales > 15â€Č>~ 15', using a numerical simulation of a cosmic string network; and decomposed this pattern into scalar, vector, and tensor parts. We find no evidence for strong acoustic oscillations in the scalar anisotropy but rather a broad peak. The anisotropies from vector modes dominate except on very small angular scales while the tensor anisotropies are sub-dominant on all angular scales. The anisotropies generated after recombination are even more important than in adiabatic models. We expect that these qualitative features are robust to the varying of cosmological parameters, a study which has not yet been done.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
